25 Songs to play on the Piano in Jujutsu Shenanigans - Roblox (2024)

By: Vignesh Raja - Updated:

What is your Favorite song to play in Jujutsu Shenanigans?

Apart from Kill Sound IDs, one of the coolest things to do after eliminating your opponent in Jujutsu Shenanigans is to take out your Piano and play songs on it to celebrate your victory. So, if you are looking for some cool songs to play on your Piano in the game, I've got the list for you.

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Best Song Music Sheet to Play on the Piano in Jujutsu Shenanigans

Below, you can find a list of some banner songs from various anime and video games to play on the Piano in Jujutsu Shenanigans. Bookmark the page to learn the musical notes related to each song.

All My Fellas

  • p ipo P p
  • fgfsfspopyti
  • pOp ipo d p
  • fghgfspopyti
  • pOp ipo P p
  • fgfsfspopyti
  • pOp ipo d
  • fghgfspopyti
  • pOp

An Enigmatic Encounter

  • 8 7 8 6 7 8 6 5 3 2 1 2
  • 8 7 8
  • 6 7 8 9 8 7 6 T
  • 8 7 8
  • 6 7 8 6 5 3 2 1 2
  • 8 7 8
  • 6 7 8 9 8 7 6 T
  • 8 7 8
  • 6 7 8 6 5 3 2 1 2
  • 8 7 8
  • 6 7 8 9 8 7 6 T


  • 6 7 6 7 8 7 6 5 7
  • 9 9 9 9 7
  • 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0
  • 9 9 9 9 7 0 7 6 5 5
  • 9 9 9 9 7 0 7 6 5 5
  • 7 7 7 7 7 6 5 5 6 6 5 6 7 8 8 7 6 5 6 6 5 9 7
  • 8 8 7 6 5 6 6 5 9 7
  • 9 9 0
  • 7 7 6 6 6 5 9 7
  • 7 7 7 8 7 6 5 6 6 6 5 6 3

Blue Bird Naruto Opening

  • QRT6 T R
  • QRT6 7 67 U
  • QRT6 T R
  • RU7 RU7 3 3 RR

Brief Pause

  • 6 T T 6 6 T3R 3 R 4QRT6Q6T R3R 12Q
  • QQQ23R3 33RT6T
  • QRT6Q6T R3R 12Q QQQ2 6 TR3 RR

Brief Pause

  • QRT6 6T6T TT67 7 6TR
  • R67U R6 7 U U09U

Bling Bang Bang Born

  • 678 0 88 9 77 8 667
  • 0 88 9 77 8 667
  • 0 88 9 77 8 667
  • 098 098 7 76


  • 678 0 88 9 77 8 667
  • 0 88 9 77 8 667
  • 0 88 9 77 8 667
  • 098 098 7 76

Cruel Angel Thesis

  • 1 E 4 E 4 24 24 2Y T E5 4 E5
  • E5 Y 8 T 4 E 2 2 1 2
  • 2 E E 1 E 4 E 4 24 24 2Y 2T E5 4 E5
  • E5 Y T8 4 E Y Y 5 Y 4Y 58
  • 1 E 4 E 4 24 24 2Y 2T E5 4 E5
  • E5 Y T8 4 E 2Y 2Y 25 2Y 4Y 58


  • 9 U 7 9U765 9U76R 9U90U
  • 9 U 7 R7U909U765 99
  • 96969690U 7 R7U909U765 90
  • 96969690U 9 U 7
  • R77U9U9U99U7 577U9U9U906
  • 66669U9U9 0 0 U 9 U 7
  • R77U9U9U99U7 577U9U9U906
  • 66669U9U9 0 0 U
  • 9 U 7 R RRRR 77777 675
  • 5555 777777 U96 6666
  • 99999 00 U
  • 9 U 7 R RRRR 77777 675
  • 5555 777777 U96 6666
  • 99999 00 U

Don't Forget

  • EQ 11111 Y7Y TE
  • E Q1 E3Q 1 1


  • 9 0 9 7
  • 7 7 6 7 8 7
  • 8 6 9 7
  • 5 3 6 E

Fur Elise

  • f D f D f a d s (pe)
  • t u p (a0) u O a (se)
  • u f D f D f a d s (pe)
  • t u p( a0) u s a( pe)
  • a s d (ft) o g f (dr)
  • i f d (se) u d s (a)
  • f D f D f a d s (pe)
  • t u p (a0) u Oa (se)
  • u f D f D f a d s (pe)
  • t u p (a0) u s a (peu)

Giorno's Theme

  • 2R 2 2 3 4 3 2 Q 2 3 2R 247
  • 2 Q 6 5
  • 2R 2 2 3 4 3 2 Q 2 3 2R 247 7 U 1579 5 R Q4 9 Y 7

Gone Angels

  • 3670 6 9 8 8 7
  • 7 8 9 8 7 8 0
  • 7 5 3 E 3 137

Gojo Honored Simple Theme

  • 4 67876 4 67876
  • 3 57875
  • 357975
  • 2 46864 2 46864
  • 1 36763
  • 1 36763

Gojo Honored One Long Theme (Advanced Piano Keyboard)

  • i p a s a p
  • i p a s a p
  • i p a s a p
  • i p a s a p
  • u o a [sk] a o
  • u o a d a o
  • u o a [dk] a o
  • u o a f a o
  • y p s [hk] s p
  • y p s h s p
  • y p s [hk] s p
  • y p s h s p
  • t o f [kz] f o
  • t o f k f o
  • t o f [kz] f o
  • t o f l f o
  • [iz] p [aj] s [ak] p
  • [il] p a s a p
  • [iz] p [aj] s [ak] p
  • [il] p a [sk] [aj] p
  • [uz] o [ah] s [aj] o
  • [uk] o a d a o
  • [uz] o [ah] f [aj] o
  • [uk] o a [fj] [ah] o
  • [yz] p [sh] h [sj] p
  • [yk] p s h s p
  • [yz] p [sh] h [sj] p
  • [yk] p s [hj] [sz] p
  • [thv] o [gc] h [gz] o
  • [tk] o d h d o
  • t o f k f o
  • [tkz] o f [klv] f o
  • [4l] 8 0 s [ef] f
  • [qf] t y p [ed] f
  • [qh] t u p [td] p
  • [qs] t u o y
  • 1 5 [8hk] [0l] [rk] w
  • [8of] w r u [rd] w
  • [8od] w r y [uf] [yh]
  • [uh] t y o s t
  • [^f] h l q e [Ed] i z
  • [thl] E s t f [qd]
  • [9ph] q e t [dg] 0
  • [qsf] e t u o y
  • [wu] t [yfk] [tl] [yk] o
  • d a t y d
  • [0s] e y o u
  • w r [uf] [ok] [pzv]
  • t i p f b g
  • g b f [gb]
  • [ps] j b k
  • l b k [hm]
  • [sfv] v
  • x d v
  • v z
  • [4sfl] 8 0 e 0 d h k
  • h g d [adz] o i y r [fx] 9
  • [4fx] 8 0 o a o
  • [8lm] [wkn] e [fx] q [dz]
  • [1ahk] 5 [8a] [0s] [wa] [yo]
  • [8y] w [rgjc] y [fhx]
  • [7dgz] q e r y x
  • [H3sl] 7 9 W t O s O t
  • [6toa] 0 [esl] e [tdz] u
  • [ef] j l t x [okn] r [tlm] 9
  • [5h] l z v 9 w r t h
  • [wl] [yh] [ol] c r x
  • [4fjx] 8 q w e [tx]
  • [qjz] [tl] i w e l
  • [2jv] 6 9 0 q e
  • [9vn] [qk] [ex] [tb] [0v] [qs]
  • [6lxbm] 8 0 [wsf] e t
  • q w [tf] h z e [wk] q
  • [7ofh] 0 w r u o
  • [wa] u f h k
  • [qm] u n [am] v s m
  • h g f
  • [tm] u O n m [sv] m
  • d m v a

Hunter X Hunter Departure

  • 4E2E4 44 2 4
  • 4E24R RR 2 R
  • RE2R5 55 2 5
  • 4 5 T Y Y

Malevolent Shrine

  • 3 5 8 7
  • 6 [79] 8 6 [t7] 3
  • 5 [25] 434 y [e7]
  • 3 [t0] 87 9 [q6u] [q6u]

Minecraft (Advanced Piano Keyboard)

  • r p a I yuT Ipu
  • r d a p I yuT pIu
  • r p a d GfS dSp
  • r a p I yuT Ipu
  • r p a I yuT Ipu
  • r p a d dfS G Ipu
  • I apO u y T y u r
  • d apO u f S d f a


  • 22 9 6 T 5 4 245
  • 11 9 6 T 5 4 245
  • 22 9 6 T 5 4 245
  • 11 9 6 T 5 4 21
  • 44444 22
  • 444 5T 54245
  • 444 5T686 99 9698
  • 66666 55
  • 6 6 66 569 65
  • 9654 8543 1234 8

Brief Pause

  • 4245T542 T545
  • T68 6T542345T8U T T545

Merry Go Round of Life

  • (36) 7 8 (29)
  • 9 (83)
  • 7 6 (71)
  • (71) 8 9 (03)
  • 0 (04) 0 9 8 (91)
  • (61) 8 9 (03)
  • (92) 8 7 y 7 (83)
  • (72) 6 5 r 5 (51) 4 3 (31) 4 5 (63)

Naruto Opening Piece Silhouette

  • GdfG d GGfdf jj fSfd
  • kjd kjd d Sdfd
  • GdfG ddG fdf jj fSfd
  • kjd kjd d Sdfd

Brief Pause

  • aGG d dGG d dkG d
  • aSd d Sdf f f Gfdfd
  • pdGG fdf fpSfh GfG fd
  • kjd kjd d SdfGd
  • pdGG fdf fpSfh GGG fd
  • kjd kjd d SjfGd
  • pdGG fdf fpSfhjGfd
  • kjd kjd d Sdfd

Never Meant to Belong

  • 780 780 680 680
  • 780 780 680 680
  • 780 780 680 680
  • 780 780 680 680
  • 670 670 T70 T70
  • 7809 (fast)
  • 780 780 680 680
  • 780 780 680 680

One Punch Season 1 Opening

  • 44 44 4543 4 5
  • 5R 23323R56R3
  • 2 R 2 22Q1Q32
  • 5R 233 2266666 5 R3 R2
  • (36) (36) (36)(36)
  • 5R 23323R56R3
  • 2 R 2 22Q1Q32
  • 5R 233 266666 5 R3 R2
  • 6666 6 7

Sono Chi No Sadame

  • 59 59
  • 59 59
  • 59 8 P
  • 59 59
  • 59 59
  • 59 6P 59
  • 2 5 Y 6
  • 4 4 4 3 2
  • 4 4 4 3 2
  • Y 5
  • Y 5
  • 2 4 5 Y 6 5
  • 2 4 Y 6 5 4 5
  • Y Y 6 5
  • 2 4 5 Y 6 5
  • 2 4 9 8 Y 6 24Y

Your Lie in April

  • TR4 R T
  • 6T67 337 6T6
  • 6T67 67U
  • 6T67 3 7 6T6
  • UUU7 6TR
  • 6T67 3 7 6T6
  • 3 6T67 09U
  • UUU7 6 7 U9U
  • 3UUU7 6TR

Undertale OST

  • Y 5 4 E 2 E 4
  • 9 U 8 Y
  • 1
  • Y 5 4 E 4 5 2
  • 4
  • 4 E 2 E

For more onRoblox,check out Jujutsu Shenanigans Character Tier List – Robloxor on Pro Game Guides.

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About the Author

25 Songs to play on the Piano in Jujutsu Shenanigans - Roblox (2) Vignesh Raja started as a Freelancer and became a Full-Time Staff writer at Pro Game Guides in March 2024. He has an engineering degree in IT and was previously a Semi-Professional Apex Legends and Paladins eSports player. His passion for multiplayer games made him pursue a career in writing to share his knowledge about competitive gaming. Nowadays, he spends his time writing guides for Valorant, BitLife, and Roblox. Also, he manages and coaches upcoming BGMI players in his free time to help them thrive in India's competitive eSports scene.

Find Vignesh Raja On:Twitter

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25 Songs to play on the Piano in Jujutsu Shenanigans – Roblox

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25 Songs to play on the Piano in Jujutsu Shenanigans - Roblox (2024)


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Jujutsu Shenanigans is a battlegrounds-style Roblox game that pays homage to the globally acclaimed anime and manga series Jujutsu Kaisen.

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The Six Eyes ( 六 りく 眼 がん , Rikugan?) are an innate gift rarely inherited within the Gojo clan. They are a nonstandard jujutsu trait manifesting as a pair of bright blue eyes that grant a bearer extrasensory perception.

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Nikushimi Gojo is one of the characters in Jujutsu Kaisen. He is the son of Satoru Gojo, and . His current status as a Jujutsu Sorcerer is Special-Grade 2, and he is a remarkable sorcerer in the words of many.

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Currently, “In all the heavens and the earth, I Alone Am The Honored One” is perhaps the most iconic line Satoru Gojo has ever spoken in Jujutsu Kaisen. While many might regard this line as arrogance on Gojo's part, the line is nothing but truth in regard to his unmatched power.

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Gojo's last word to Geto was "Without you, I'll be lonely" 😭😭

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Gojo Satoru Hollow Purple Theme (from "Jujutsu Kaisen") - song and lyrics by Samuel Kim | Spotify.

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