Arlecchino Guide and Best Builds (2024)

Arlecchino Guide and Best Builds (1)

Arlecchino is a 5-star Pyro Polearm character in Genshin Impact.Our Arlecchino guide and build will focus on Arlecchino's best weapons,best artifacts, skills, constellations and Arlecchino's best teams.

Last updated on Jun 05, 2024 at 11:00by Shikhu





Erin YvetteEN Voice Actor

Mori NanakoJP Voice Actor


Arlecchino Guide Introduction

Arlecchino is a 5-star Polearm character released inpatch 4.6. Our Arlecchino guide will cover Ascensions, Talents,Constellations as well as some team compositions.


Strengths and Weaknesses

Arlecchino Guide and Best Builds (5)Weaknesses

  • Arlecchino Guide and Best Builds (6)Can not be healed by other characters, only her Elemental Burst or Abyss Buffs.
  • Arlecchino Guide and Best Builds (7)Due to the lack of healing, low HP pool and barely any interruption resistance even at C1, a shielder is incredibly useful for smoother gameplay.


Hypercarry DPS Build

Arlecchino should mainly be played as a hypercarry DPS, dealingpowerful Pyro DMG from her Masque of the Red Death state.

Arlecchino's best weapons tend to depend on if she is being played in anOverload team or a Vaporizeteam. That being said, her best weapons are generally pretty flexible.

BiS Weapon Crimson Moon's Semblance
Overload Weapons
  1. Primordial Jade Winged-Spear
  2. Calamity Queller
  3. Staff of Homa
  4. Staff of the Scarlet Sands
  5. Deathmatch
  6. White Tassel
  7. Missive Windspear
Vaporize Weapons
  1. Staff of the Scarlet Sands
  2. Primordial Jade Winged-Spear
  3. Deathmatch
  4. Ballad of the Fjords
  5. Staff of Homa
  6. Calamity Queller
  7. White Tassel
  8. Missive Windspear
Best Artifacts
  1. Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy
  2. Gladiator's Finale (Transitional Set)
Main Stats
  • Sand Stats: ATK %
  • Goblet Stats: Pyro DMG
  • Circlet Stats: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Substat Priority
  1. CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
  2. ATK %
  3. Energy Recharge
  4. Elemental Mastery
Talent Priority
  1. Normal Attack
  2. Elemental Skill
  3. Elemental Burst

Arlecchino's best weapon is her signature weapon Crimson Moon's Semblance being tailor-made for her gameplay and kit tothe point where it has a unique style specifically on her. Primordial Jade Winged-Spear is otherwise an amazing substitute,there are many other good 5-star weapon options while Deathmatchand Ballad of the Fjords are her best 4-star options.

Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy is by far Arlecchino's best artifact set.Nothing even remotely comes close. Gladiator's Finale is a goodtransitional set to prepare or to easily use to help make Arlecchino viablewhile farming for Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy pieces.

Arlecchino's Normal Attacks are her main source of damage and is thereforethe most important talent to level. Consider raising it to level 10before spending boss materials on the other talents. From there her Skilland Burst are roughly equivalent with her Skill being the more important talentbecause of the fact that you may not always burst every rotation.


Arlecchino's Energy Recharge Requirements

Arlecchino's Energy Recharge requirements depend on if she is played withother Pyro characters, if she has her C4 You Shall Love and Protect Each Other Henceforth... and if any charactersare using Favonius weapons.

Additionally, because Arlecchino's Elemental Burst Balemoon Risingis primarily used for healing, if you do not need the healing youshould not use her Burst as it is a DPS loss. This can drastically lower theEnergy that you realistically need. Because she is a Hypercarry, there willoften be a support on her team that should be using a Favonius weapon.

You can subtract roughly 35-40% Energy Recharge for C4 and 10-15%for any character using a Favonius Weapon.

SituationEnergy Recharge
Solo Pyro150-165%
2 Pyro140-150%
3 Pyro125-135%


Arlecchino Combos and Bond of Life Explained

Arlecchino's gameplay kit primarily revolves around "Bond of Life" whichwas introduced with Fontaine's release. Bond of Life essentially preventshealing with the Bond absorbing any healing received until enough HP has beencleared. Once the Bond of Life has been cleared, a character will obtainbenefits depending on what caused the Bond to be applied.

Arlecchino however uses the Bond of Life differently, insteadhaving it more as a stacking buff. The higher the value of the Bond ofLife, the more damage dealt by her Normal Attacks as well ashealing provided by her Elemental Burst.

Both Arlecchino's Normal Attacks and Elemental Burst will consume Bondof Life with Normal Attacks consuming a small amount with each attackand the Burst consuming the entire thing when healing.

To generate Bond of Life, you need to utilise her Elemental Skill All Is Ash. This marks opponents with Blood-Debt Directiveand then grants Bond of Life if you defeat the marked enemy or if youhit them with a Charged Attack. Additionally, her Signature Weapon Crimson Moon's Semblance also generates Bond of Life whenCharged Attacks hit opponents.


Arlecchino's Attack Combos and Rotation

Listed below is the following rotation. If your Arlecchino is C6,you would instead start with Skill > Burst > Skill so that you gain theadditional CRIT DMG and CRIT Rate on your burst which now does a lot more damage.

  • All Is Ash
  • Switch to and setup supports
  • Charged Attack
  • Normal Attack: Invitation to a Beheading Combos
  • All Is Ash
  • Balemoon Rising
  • Repeat

There are various Normal Attack combos which can be used. Generallyamounting to 15 or 16 Normal Attacks. The most important thing to know is thatthe sixth Normal Attack is very slow and therefore you can often dashcancel after the fifth Attack. Normal Attack combos do depend on what worksbest for your specific team however. 3 N5D and 4 N4D are common combos.


Arlecchino's Best Team Comps

Arlecchino has a range of teams primarily involving theOverload and Vaporizereactions but can also be played effectively in Mono Pyro teams.

Due to Arlecchino's Ascension Passive The Balemoon Alone May Know,Arlecchino cannot be healed during combat and instead heals herself. Thismakes a shielder more preferable or a healer with DMG buffing utilitywho only heals the other party members.

Bennett is in theory an incredibly powerful support forArlecchino due to the attack buffs he provides. This does mean howeverthat you have to restrict your gameplay to the buff circle which canresult in more difficult gameplay, no interruption resistance if Bennett is usedinstead of a shielder and DPS losses when you leave the AoE as a result ofmobile enemies, Overload knockback or enemy knockback.


Arlecchino Overload Teams

Main DPSSub DPSSupportSupport
Arlecchino Fischl Chevreuse Bennett
Arlecchino Fischl Chevreuse
  • Thoma
  • Dehya
  • Beidou

The first team involving Bennett should beArlecchino's best overload team assuming you can reliably maintainBennett's buff. This can be difficult depending on the enemy that youare facing. Some good Pyro alternatives areThoma and Dehyaboth of which do not interfere much with Elemental Reactionswhile Thoma brings shielding and Dehya brings interruption RES.Beidou however is a powerful Electroshielder alternative.

In this team Fischl helps by bringing amazingElectro application and acts as a battery whileChevreuse brings powerful Electro and Pyrobuffs.


Arlecchino Vaporize Teams

Main DPSSub DPSSupportSupport
Arlecchino Yelan
  • Sucrose
  • Kaedehara Kazuha
  • Yelan
  • Xingqiu
Zhongli Bennett
Main DPSSub DPSSub DPSSupport
Arlecchino Yelan Xingqiu Bennett
Arlecchino Yelan Chiori Zhongli

In Vaporize teams, Yelan isArlecchino's best teammate with her incredible Hydroapplication. Xingqiu is also another great Hydrooption while also being able to provide some DMG reduction.

Zhongli is best used when paired with Chioridue to the amazing synergy they have, but Zhongli can otherwisejust be used with Bennett so that you can have both shieldingand Bennett's DMG buffs.


Arlecchino Mono Pyro Teams

Main DPSSub DPSSupportSupport
Arlecchino Xiangling
  • Zhongli
  • Kaedehara Kazuha

While Mono Pyro teams are best used with Lyney,you can still deal great damage. Xiangling is able todeal great off-field Pyro DMG while Bennettbuffs the team and Kaedehara Kazuha helps to lowerthe enemies Pyro RES or Zhongli instead provides universalRES Shred and more survivability.


Arlecchino's Ascensions, Talents and Constellations

Arlecchino's AscensionsArlecchino's TalentsArlecchino's Constellations


Arlecchino's Ascension Passives and Materials

UnlockAscension PassiveExplanation
With Character The Balemoon Alone May KnowWhile in combat, Arlecchino gains a 40% Pyro DMG Bonus and can only behealed through Balemoon Rising.
1st Ascension Agony Alone May Be Repaid

Blood-Debt Directives have the following characteristics:

  • Arlecchino will be granted a Bond of Life worth 130% of her Max HP whenan opponent to which she herself applied a Directive is defeated.
  • 5s after a Directive is applied, it will be upgraded to a Blood-DebtDue. When absorbed, it will instead grant Arlecchino a Bond of Life worth130%.

A Bond of Life created in the aforementioned ways cannot exceed theoriginal limit on the value of Bonds of Life obtained through All Is Ash.

4th Ascension Strength Alone Can DefendArlecchino gains 1% All Elemental and Physical RES for every 100 ATKshe has in excess of 1,000. The maximum RES increase she can gain this wayfor each is 20%.

Arlecchino requires a range of materials to ascend to the 6th ascension.Starting from the second ascension she gains CRIT DMG as she levels,giving a total of 38.4% Bonus CRIT DMG at the final ascension.The total cost to upgrade all ascensions is:

Mora420,000 Mora
Boss Material46x Fragment of a Golden Melody
Ascension Material
  • 1x Agnidus Agate Sliver
  • 9x Agnidus Agate Fragment
  • 9x Agnidus Agate Chunk
  • 6x Agnidus Agate Gemstone
Local Specialty168x Rainbow Rose
Enhancement Material
  • 18x Recruit's Insignia
  • 30x Sergeant's Insignia
  • 36x Lieutenant's Insignia


Arlecchino's Talents

Listed below is each talent alongside the talents explanation of how they work.

TypeTalent NameSkill Explanation
Normal Normal Attack: Invitation to a Beheading

Normal Attack

Performs a maximum of 6 consecutive strikes.

Charged Attack

Consumes a fixed amount of Stamina, dashing toward a nearby opponentand cleaving once. Continuously holding this button will cause Arlecchino to consumeStamina to engage in up to 5s of high-speed movement.

Plunging Attack

Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponentsalong the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Masque of the Red Death

When Arlecchino has a Bond of Life equal to or greater than 30% ofher Max HP, she will enter the "Masque of the Red Death" state, where herNormal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks will be converted to deal Pyro DMG.This cannot be overridden.

When in the "Masque of the Red Death" state, Arlecchino's NormalAttacks will deal extra DMG to opponents on hit that scales off herATK multiplied by a certain ratio of her current Bond of Life percentage.This will consume 7.5% of said current Bond of Life. Her Bond of Lifecan be consumed this way every 0.03s. When her Bond of Life is consumedin this manner, All is Ash's CD will decrease by 0.8s.

Elemental Skill All Is Ash

Summons forth Balemoon Bloodfire, dealing Pyro DMG tomultiple nearby opponents and performing a dash-cleave against one of them,dealing AoE Pyro DMG. Opponents hit by the aforementioned attack will have aBlood-Debt Directive applied to them.

Blood-Debt Directive

  • Lasts 30s. Every 5s, it will deal 1 instance of PyroDMG to the opponent. Max 2 instances. This DMG will be consideredElemental Skill DMG.
  • When Arlecchino uses a Charged Attack or her Elemental Burst, Balemoon Rising, she will absorb and clear nearbyBlood-Debt Directives. Each Directive absorbed grants her a Bond of Lifeworth 65% of her Max HP.
  • The maximum value of the Bond of Life she can be granted throughBlood-Debt Directives within 35s after using her Elemental Skill is145% of her Max HP. Using the Elemental Skill again during this durationwill restart the count on duration and the limit on the value of Bondof Life she may gain from Blood-Debt Directives.
Elemental Burst Balemoon RisingArlecchino's great wing of Balemoon Bloodfire beats as she absorbs andclears Blood-Debt Directives around her. She deals AoEPyro DMG before clearing the CD of All Is Ash and healing herself. The healing is based onher Bond of Life value and ATK.

To upgrade Arlecchino's talents, it costs:

SourceOne Talent to Lv1010/10/10
Mora1,625,500 Mora4,876,500 Mora
Special Material1x Crown of Insight3x Crown of Insight
Boss Material6x Fading Candle18x Fading Candle
Domain Material
  • 3x Teachings of Order
  • 21x Guide to Order
  • 38x Philosophies of Order
  • 9x Teachings of Order
  • 63x Guide to Order
  • 114x Philosophies of Order
Enhancement Material
  • 6x Recruit's Insignia
  • 22x Sergeant's Insignia
  • 31x Lieutenant's Insignia
  • 18x Recruit's Insignia
  • 66x Sergeant's Insignia
  • 93x Lieutenant's Insignia


Arlecchino's Constellations

Arlecchino has some really good early constellations with All Reprisals and Arrears, Mine to Bear... (C1), All Rewards and Retribution, Mine to Bestow... (C2) and You Shall Become a New Member of Our Family... (C3)providing huge damage boosts.

I would recommend C2 and C3 as a good stoppingpoints unless you plan to aim for C6. C2 is a great Constellationfor players who want to have more team flexibility due to theadditional 20% RES while C3 is a significant damage boost to her NormalAttacks.

C1 All Reprisals and Arrears, Mine to Bear... Masque of the Red Death is further enhanced, the valueof the increase is 100%. Additionally, Arlecchino's interruption resistanceis increased when she performs Normal Attacks while affected by the Masqueof the Red Death.
C2 All Reprisals and Arrears, Mine to Bear...

Blood-Debt Directives are now already Blood-Debt Duewhen first applied.

When Arlecchino absorbs such a Due, she unleashes Balemoon Bloodfire infront of her, dealing 900% of her ATK as AoE Pyro DMG andincreasing her All Elemental RES and Physical RES by 20% for 15s. Thiseffect can trigger once every 10s.

C3 You Shall Become a New Member of Our Family...
  • Increases the Level of Normal Attack: Invitation to a Beheading by 3.
  • Maximum upgrade level is 15.
C4 You Shall Love and Protect Each Other Henceforth...

When Arlecchino successfully absorbs a Blood-Debt Directive, BalemoonRising's CD will decrease by 2s and 15 Energy will be restored to her.This effect can occur once every 10s."

C5 For Alone, We Are as Good as Dead...
  • Increases the Level of Balemoon Rising by 3.
  • Maximum upgrade level is 15.
C6 From This Day On, We Shall Delight in New Life Together...

The DMG of Balemoon Rising is increased byArlecchino's ATK multiplied by 700% of Arlecchino's current Life Bond percentage.

For 20s after Arlecchino uses All Is Ash, both herNormal Attacks and Elemental Burst gain 10% increased CRIT Rate and 70%increased CRIT DMG. This effect can be triggered up to once every 15s.



  • 22 Apr. 2024: Full release version with tags and tier added.
  • 09 Apr. 2024: Updated following the final beta changes to provide more detailed advice.
  • 01 Apr. 2024: Updated for new beta changes.
  • 25 Mar. 2024: Guide updated to support new beta changes.
  • 21 Mar. 2024: Tentative Information Added.

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Arlecchino Guide and Best Builds (2024)
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