Forget All the Stress, Just Aim for Success (2024)

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OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2014 ISSUE 1 VOLUME 286 SINCE 1946 Odds Hold on to your Forget all the stress, ‘n’ backpacks, it’s just aim for success Ends ______to solve issues he had last year. going to be an By Elizabeth Josephson .LQJVEXU\LVFRQ¿GHQWDVZHOOEH- Staff Reporter cause he knows what high school is ______like. awesome ride! “How successful you are in high Ooh-oo child, things are gonna school determines your future, get easier; no pressure” says senior Bethany Ooh-oh child, things’ll get brighter. Woolsey. She advises teens to keep School can be hard. With home- grades and classes a priority. work and tests, it can be stressful. However, it can also help to Purpose behind But this 70’s hit from The Five have fun and keep things light. In the softness Stairsteps can give hope to stu- high school, “you realize everyone dents. Things really can get easier, is weird, even yourself, and that Kleenex was originally and there are steps that students can makes life fun,” says Woolsey. She PDQXIDFWXUHGDV¿OWHUVIRU take to help themselves. jokingly continues, “School slowly World War I gas masks. One way to make the school year sucks your soul out. You have to better is to be prepared and to not start the year out strong to survive.” Time traveling get behind at the beginning of the “I do enjoy school, mostly be- year. “It is important to start off cause of the social aspect,” adds refrigerator strong without slacking off in class- sophom*ore Annie Barker. “To have es,” says senior Robert Hadley. He more fun during school, I try to ,QWKH¿OPBack to the Fu- adds everyone needs to stay on top participate more in class and try to ture, the original time-trav- of their grades. meet new people.” el device for Marty McFly Senior Jesse O’Driscoll enthusiasti- Senior Dustin Kingsbury advises To start the year off right, Kings- was not supposed to be a cally greets students. not to annoy teachers. “I have paid bury is outgoing and makes new a big price for this,” he says. “With 'H/RUHDQ ,QVWHDG ¿OP (Photo above): friends. He says this increases his that, stay on the teacher’s good good attitude to begin the year. makers were going to use a Seniors Sam Hea- side. You really don’t want a teach- Weber also offers many opportu- refrigerator. ton and Nick Elmer er to hate you.” nities to make friends and interact Procrastination should be avoid- with other students such as dances. Sugary sweet ¿QGXQH[SHFWHGHQ- tertainment during ed at all costs, according to Hadley. “I am looking forward to being old “Get everything in order to be on OXQFKRQWKHLU¿UVW enough to go to the dances,” says top of every class to impress the Barker. The U.S. day of the school cereal in- teacher…but once you start it off, Another way students stay posi- year. Warriors you have to maintain the habit.” tive is by getting involved in activi- dustry uses decided to build a Hadley adds students should never ties. “Get into some extracurricular more than tower out of vari- procrastinate. activities,” says Hadley. “It helps Senior Emily Kester agrees stu- 800 million ous items. (Photo you not only get involved in school dents should avoid getting behind but involved in life.” pounds of sugar per year. left) Some stu- That is more than three in school. She adds students should Warriors also suggest students dents think lunch also maintain a balance of work should also get involved in some- pounds per person. is a prime time to and fun so no one stresses them- thing at school because memories VRFLDOL]HDQG¿QG selves out. Her advice to students could be made and students should Creative free money is to “take advantage of all of the new friends. classes and credits.” Positive high school David Photos by Ashton +DGOH\DOVRVD\VKHLVFRQ¿GHQW experience continues on Letter- Bindrup and Amber this school year will be better than page 3 last year because he learned how man Broderick funds a scholar- Through tragedies, hope arises; ship at his alma mater, WHHQV¿QGZD\VWRHDVHVXIIHULQJ ______Ball State University in abuse, exposure to suicide, and life phone.” Muncie, Indiana. The By Kaitlin Lawler stressors such as loss are some of What does one need to look for VFKRODUVKLSSURYLGHV¿- Assistant to the Chief the main causes of teen suicide and when trying to recognize depres- ______suicide attempts. sion? According to the HOPE Task nancial assistance to “C” Many teens struggle on the inside Force, common signs of depression students based solely on he quiet student slips with their depression, not knowing are feelings of hopelessness, loss of their creativity rather than through his school day as where to turn. It’s hard for them to motivation or joy, change in appe- their grades. usual. He seems to be hav- know where to go to get help. tite or sleeping patterns, low self- ingT a normal day, but on the inside “The most important thing is to esteem and anxiety, isolationism WKLVVWXGHQWLV¿JKWLQJDEDWWOHWKDW ¿QG VRPHRQH WR WDON WR 7DONLQJ from family and friends, and char- How to build a nobody else can see. to someone and seeing that every- acteristics of aggression, sensitivity heart? In today’s society, teen depres- one has problems might make you impulsiveness, and/or perfection- sion is a growing concern. The think that your problems aren’t as ism. One of number of teen suicides is rapidly big, and it’s really important just to To help a friend with depression, WKH¿UVW rising, and it’s a problem not many talk,” says Wardle. HOPE reports one should initiate people know how to deal with. Ac- Wes Johnson, WHS counselor, a conversation with the friend, be models cording to NAMI (National Alli- agrees and adds, “You’re not the persistent and allow the person to of the ance on Mental Illness), “Each year only one going through this. People speak freely. One should also en- DUWL¿FLDO in the U.S., approximately 2 million have overcome similar situations. courage, not rush judgment, and heart U.S. adolescents attempt suicide. The key thing is that you have to be listen to the problem with full at- was in- It is also estimated approximately willing to talk to someone.” tention. Ask the friend if they’ll 2,000 youth aged 10-19 complete Parents are encouraged to get in- get some help, and refer them to a vented in the early 1950’s suicide each year.” volved with their kids and to recog- counselor, parent, etc. One should at Yale University School Most people think their commu- nize depressed and suicidal behav- also call 911 if they feel the person of Medicine. Parts and nity is excluded from this tragedy, ior. “It might seem invasive, but I is in immediate danger. motor for the heart were but the truth is, Weber High isn’t think you should watch your kid’s ³'RQ¶W NHHS LW WR \RXUVHOI ¿QG tunities for students feeling hope- bad. Don’t lecture on the value of created from an Erector left out. Due to depression and sui- social media. Social media is evil, someone you can talk to about the less that need to talk. We’re plan- life. cide, Weber too has also suffered and it’s just a way to drag people situation. Do something instead of ning some evening seminars for the -Get involved. Become available. some terrible losses . down,” says Johnson. feeling hopeless,” says Wardle. community for guidance on where Show interest and support. The opinions on what could be “You shouldn’t be afraid to com- Wardle also offers words of en- WR ¿QG KHOS ORZ FRVW FRXQVHOLQJ -Don’t be sworn to secrecy. Seek causing this problem vary. “Teens municate,” adds Wardle. “On top couragement to those struggling. and things like that,” says Wardle. support. Inside have so many more issues today of that, I think it’s honestly okay “Life always gets better. Talk to According to National Suicide -Offer hope that alternatives are then I had when I was that age,” to invade your kid’s privacy. I hear someone. Any problem you have is Prevention Lifeline, they also stress available but do not offer glib reas- This Issue says Mr. Wardle, WHS principal. some parents say, I’ll never look temporary. There’s always a light at open communication and listening surance. “There are just so many more av- through my kid’s phone or look the end of the tunnel. If your par- to the feelings of those suffering -Take action. Remove means such enues for things like bullying. through their rooms, that’s their ents are bugging you, wait a couple from depression. as guns or stockpiled pills. News...... Pages 1-4 When I was a kid, the only way you private property. I don’t agree with years and move out. Boyfriend, -Be direct. Talk openly and matter- -Get help from persons or agencies Editorial ...Page 5 could be bullied was face to face that. I think that if you’re truly girlfriend troubles, problems in of-factly about suicide. specializing in crisis intervention Feature...... Pages 6-8 or through a letter. Now you have worried about your kid, their pri- school, any problem is temporary.” -Be willing to listen. Allow expres- and suicide prevention. internet, texts and all the original vacy doesn’t really matter. You “Stay strong,” adds Johnson. “It sions of feelings. Accept the feel- For those suffering from depres- Sports...... Pages 9-11 ways you had before.” shouldn’t let the privacy issue stop will pass. Every day is a new day, ings. sion or suicidal thoughts, they can Homecoming memories In addition to bullying, NAMI you if you’re concerned or think- and even if it doesn’t seem like it, -Be non-judgmental. Don’t debate DOVR ¿QG KHOS ZLWK WKH 1DWLRQDO Pages 13-16 reports psychiatric disorders, fam- ing that your kid may have suicidal it’ll pass.” whether suicide is right or wrong, Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK ily history of suicides, history of thoughts or text messages on their “We do want to provide oppor- or whether feelings are good or (8255). 2 Warrior News NEWS Oct./Nov. 2014 Friendships Setting future goals helps prepare for life-long plans developed ______with this class,” she says. “Who through By Meg Henley doesn’t want to learn about their Staff Reporter body?” ______Students also have inspiration as Best they set their goals. Some are from (DFK \HDU :DUULRUV VHW JRDOV WR icons and family members, and help them reach their long term sometimes it can even be them- Buddies dreams and ambitions. From the selves. Williams says, “My inspira- ______youngest sophom*ore to the oldest tion is Kanye West. He is just awe- senior, they make plans to succeed. some and a partier. He’s my icon, By Sidney Lee Sophom*ore Jasmyn Nye says, he is the greatest!” Giebel says, Staff Reporter “This year I want to get a 4.0 each “My inspiration was myself. I just ______quarter and letter in math. I also felt like I could do better this year.” don’t want to lose any attendance For those who have not set per- Certain teens at Weber High credit.” Many students have similar sonal goals, Warriors encourage enjoy spending time with special goals, other goals are quite differ- them to do so. Holst says, “Goals needs students. They have the op- ent. help you to reach things success- portunity to interact with them ev- Jack Williams, senior, laughs fully.” Giebel says, “When you ery day, and consequently, these when telling his plans. “My goals set goals and reach them, you feel unique students change teens, lives are as follows: go to as little classes like you have achieved something for the better. They are Warrior as possible, party hard and leave great.” Nye adds, “I think goals peer tutors. Stewart Irvine assists the lunchroom by cleaning lunch tables with the assistance of peer this school in my dust.” He contin- help you stay focused and help you The purpose of the peer tutoring tutor Taylor Buehler. ues, “Life is short, and high school decide what you’re going to do be- Photos by Dominic Emerson class is for students of all abilities is almost over.” Senior Ashley fore it happens. They make it easier to work together, learn from each she loves. recycle items from teachers and and interacting with students in the Holst adds, “My goal is to gradu- to work towards something.” other and develop friendships. “Part of the reason why I joined clean tables, but they also receive class. “Right now we are teaching ate.” Bill Copeland, American poet Warriors become peer tutors be- peer tutoring was because I have a many opportunities to boost school them how to play soccer or help- Warriors also have plans on how and author said, “The trouble cause they like to help people and cousin with a disability, and he is spirit at games and every other day ing them get better and it is pretty to reach their goals. For each of with not having a goal is that you assist others in the community. Of- in this program,” Nicole Overdiek, experiences. cool to see them have so much fun them to reach their long term goals, can spend your entire life running ten the tutors may have a family sophom*ore said. “The other rea- Some peer tutors help the stu- with it. My favorite part was while they have to take baby steps, using XS DQG GRZQ WKH ¿HOG DQG QHYHU member with a disability and the son why was as a freshman I got to dents focus and excel in their edu- we were playing soccer and Kyle short term goals. Junior KC Giebel score.” class helps them learn techniques help Hunter and Stewart [two class cational classes. They also assist scored a goal; he did his wiggle says, “I need to work on keeping has an to assist them. Others join because members] in one of my classes.” Mr. Hales and Mrs. Murphy, class dance and it was really funny,” my grades up and studying and do- article outlining six reasons why they are interested in a people ori- “I became a peer tutor, so I could advisors, when needed. Coleman adds. ing all of the homework.” people need to set goals. “First, it ented career. get a perspective,” said Whitney “I love interacting with the stu- “People have seen me with these 6HQLRU(PPD7DQQHUDGGV³0\ gives you clarity on your end vi- “I grew up with a brother with Weaver, junior and president of the dents. I take Stewart to choir, and kids and they tell me I’m so nice goal was to make peoples’ day bet- sion, and you live more conscious- special needs, so I have been Best Buddies Club that also works it is so cute and fun to see him with to help them out. I don’t do this to ter by being kind to them and get- ly. Second, goals drive you for- around people with special needs with special needs students. “We the other boys,” Monica Casey, se- be nice; I help them because they WLQJWRNQRZWKHP(YHQLILW¶VMXVW ward, and give you motivation to all of my life,” Mrs. Murphy, advi- think our lives are so hard, but nior, said. are some of my greatest friends,” one person, I can make their day move forward in the tough patches. sor over the peer tutors, said. She these students are just like us. They Besides walking students to their Weaver adds. better.” Third, they give you laser focus. went into this as a career, so she are so smart and fun to be around.” classes and helping them achieve Weber High has a chapter of the Along with students, teachers When you don’t have goals, you came back to the school to do what The class members help gather success, peer tutors research cur- Best Buddies Club that is an in- have also made goals. Mrs. Radle, ÀRDWDURXQGHYHU\GD\:KHQJRDOV rent events in the news involving ternational club and a way for the Medical Anatomy and Physiology are set, it propels you forwards. people with all kinds of disabilities student body to make friends with teacher, says, “My number one goal Fourth, they make you account- or attend events about disabilities. all of the peer students. The club is to get to know my students and able. This accountability is to your- “Peer tutors can be examples to is available for Warriors who can- help them and support them with self, not anybody else. You stay the student body with how they QRW¿WDSHHUWXWRULQJFODVVLQWKHLU anything they are doing.” She con- accountable to your goals. Fifth, treat the students with physical, schedule. The club also contributes tinues, “A few years ago there was they inspire you to be the best you mental and social respect,” Mur- to the school as well as the commu- DQ(QJOLVKWHDFKHUKHUHZKRPDGH can be. They help you achieve your phy said. “We want the rest of the nity. it a priority to go to at least one of highest potential. And sixth, goals students at Weber High to know “The Best Buddies Club is so each sporting events and competi- will help you live your very best the special needs students aren’t much fun and anybody can join,” tions to support the school and any life, each one leading to another, strange or different. They are just Weaver said. “We have club meet- of her students who might have pushing you towards success.” normal kids.” ings once a month.” To join Best been participating in the sports or ³(DFK\HDUFDQEHWKHEHVW\HDU´ “I like hanging out with and talk- %XGGLHV VLJQ XS RQ WKH RI¿FLDO club.” says Tanner. “It all depends on your ing to some of the special needs website and contact the Weber Radle also adds this year she attitude.” She also adds, “This year, kids, because they are just like FKDSWHU RI¿FHUV (PPD 7DQQHU plans on exciting the students about I am never going to say ‘no’ to a us,” adds Laticha Coleman, senior. Jessie Shaw, and McKenna Reyna, the curriculum. “I mean it’s easy new adventure.” “They need to feel like everyone advisor) for any questions. For else.” those interested in peer tutoring, The peer tutors enjoy teaching they can contact their counselor. Bella Me Boutique ̰̯͘ΎȽˎΎȯΎȾɃɀȱȶȯɁȳΎȽȴΎ̴̯͘ΎȽɀΎȻȽɀȳ Isaac Payne contributes to Weber by helping the lunch- room clean the lunch tables after second lunch. ƝɆȾȷɀȳɁΎ̰̰˹̴̰˹̰̳

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FREE HOME MARKET JUSTIN SCOTT ANALYSIS 801-458-UTAH(8824) Call to discover what your home is worth in today’s Real Estate Market www. Oct./Nov. 2014 NEWS Warrior News 3 Some colleges will not accept high school AP class credits Students encouraged to check with universities for credit availability ______hard work in high school. AP Art teacher Darren Wilding is By Jack Powell Universities such as Columbia, against the decision of colleges not Staff Reporter Brown and Dartmouth won’t allow accepting AP credit. ______AP students skip courses and move “I’m opposed, of course. It’s closer to early graduation. unfair to turn down hard working Many high school students are “We want Dartmouth education students who put a lot of time and not only taking Advanced Place- to take place at Dartmouth,” says effort into the AP courses.” He also ment courses, reports the College school spokesperson Justin Ander- added, “But I wouldn’t be aware if Board, but they are also doing bet- son. These universities feel open any university in Utah was doing ter on exams. The average score in- AP classes may have accelerated such a thing.” creased from 2.80 to 2.83, out of a course material, but they don’t pro- Mrs. Reyna, English Department maximum of 5. vide students enough writing and chairperson, agrees with Wilding Yet despite all the students’ hard research skills that colleges empha- that it is sad to turn away AP credit, work, they may not be able to re- size. but she adds, “It depends on the ceive AP credit towards required Trevor Packer, vice president college, so it’s up to the students to at the College Board, says the AP NQRZLIWKH$3FRXUVHVZLOOEHQH¿W college courses or even skip fresh- Graduates Marissa Miller and Coron Garrett pratice their nursing skills during CNA man year if they do well on the AP them.” tests. Some prestigious colleges no “I’m opposed, of Presently, a three (the minimum class. When enrolled in this class students can receive a jump start on their future. longer give academic credits for AP course. It’s unfair to SDVVLQJVFRUH RQWKH$3WHVWZRXOG tests scores. earn students some course credits, The Advanced Placement pro- turn down hard work- ZKLOHDIRXUDQG¿YHRQSDUWLFXODU CNA classes can help students gram, sponsored by College Board, ing students who put exams would award either more RQFHVHHPHGWREHÀDZOHVVLWZDV credit or honors credit. Weber High supposed to be an ideal way to ex- a lot of time and effort FRXQVHORU0U+DOHVVD\V³,W¶V>UH- SUHSDUHHDUO\IRUPHGLFDO¿HOG pose students to upper-level cours- into the AP courses.” FHLYLQJ $3 FUHGLW@ QRW D SUREOHP ______es at the high school level. The Weber High School faces with in- honest with yourself and make sure EH\HDUVROGRQWKH¿UVWGD\RI program was started so students scores were not supposed to be used state universities, but it depends By Kaitlyn Borgschatz you are willing to put in the work. the course. However, to pass the had the opportunity to prepare for as a replacement for college credit. on which AP course you are taking Staff Reporter But overall, I thought it was a great class, students are not required to the rigors of college without paying “The original use in 1956 was a that the college can reward credit or ______experience and I enjoyed it,” adds JHWWKHLUFHUWL¿FDWLRQ³&1$@ LV they’re a CNA. You can apply for QRZ ¿QGLQJ RXW WKDW WKHLU GUHDP ,,KRZHYHUQRWWREHSODFHGRXWRI with Weber’s counselors and with “As a CNA, you would work un- good to help you learn more about MREV ZKLOH \RX¶UH ¿QLVKLQJ \RXU schools might not recognize their a course altogether. the universities. der the supervision of a higher qual- health care,” she says. education, so it’s a really good L¿HG KHDOWK FDUH VSHFLDOLVW´ VD\V Warriors taking CNA classes starting point. Also, this option Mrs. Bird, Weber’s CNA teacher. hope to learn a lot to advance their makes it so you don’t have to take Positive high school and school has helped me boost up “I just joined track in my sopho- She also tells a CNA’s job provides knowledge and skills. “I’m really the college course,” says Bird. continues from page 1 P\FRQ¿GHQFHWRWDONWRPRUHSHR- more year, and I think I will con- basic care to patients and assisting interested in learning more about Vicky Pennington, WHS gradu- ple. I’ve made a lot more friends tinue to do it. I really like it because them with daily life. CNA’s can be medicine and how people are cared ate, tells Warriors to take CNA this year!” says junior Jennus De- ,JHWWRPHHWQHZSHRSOHDQG¿QG employed at most health care cen- for,” says Braden Otto, senior. Lun- classes. They have helped her ad- experience something outside of spain. things that I really love to do,” says ters, hospitals, rehabilitation cen- dgren also looks forward to “how vance with a medical career. their comfort zone, according to se- Despain joined the Warriorettes Mackenzie Bateman, junior. ters and nursing homes. to be a CNA, so I can work as one. I “It’s a lot less money to take it nior Shannon Butler. as a sophom*ore. “I really enjoy it,” “I think for students I would at ³2QH RI WKH EHQH¿WV , JRW IURP also want to learn patience and be- QRZ,W¶VDORWPRUHHI¿FLHQWWRJHW “I’m always too busy with school she says. “My team is like my sec- least recommend something for taking this course was it got me come more caring.” it done, and this way you can get it and work, but I really wanted to ond family.” them to get into. I think it’s im- a job as a CNA,” says Lindsey To be in the class, students must done really fast,” she says. join something this year. I think it Getting involved can also allow portant to get involved, because Gundersen, senior. Senior Leslie would be really fun to do some- students to meet people who share they get to learn more things about Silva also gained valuable instruc- thing different,” says junior Kirsten their interests. themselves and meet other people tions on her future career. “Work- Ficklin. “I’m in Productions, which is to hang out with,” adds Bateman. LQJLQWKHPHGLFDO¿HOGDWD\RXQJ To learn about the clubs and like a drama class/club, and I really Waldrip also advises, “If a stu- age and getting a small taste of groups available, Warriors say to like it. I think the best part is you dent is able to engage in extracur- ZKDW QXUVLQJ FDQ EH OLNH EHQH¿WV check with teachers, counselors or have friends who are interested in ricular activities such as drama or me,” she says. Taking CNA classes and getting WKHRI¿FH the same things as you,” says junior VSRUWV WKH\ VKRXOG GH¿QLWHO\ JHW FHUWL¿HGFDQDOVRRSHQXSPRUHRS- “Being more involved in dance Andrew Waldrip. into it because it would be fun!” portunities for Warriors. “It allows me to take nursing school,” says Kaly Thompson, senior. “Taking classes like medical and physiology would help you a lot,” adds Mrs. Bird. “CNA is a medical class, so we do use medical terms. It’s a little different because we’re in here for two class periods, so in- VWHDGRIKDYLQJD¿UVWDQGVHFRQG you’d just stay here for both.” CNA is a one semester class. Mrs. Bird encourages students con- VLGHULQJWKHPHGLFDO¿HOGWRMXPS start their future with this class. Gunderson also has some advice for those looking into CNA. Also practicing their medical instructions in the CNA class- “This class is hard work, but it’s es are Callie Birch and Matt Allen. totally worth it. You just have to be Photos by Brittany Slater

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1950 Commerce Way (3100 S.) West Haven, Utah Phone: 801-732-0066 Fax: 801-732-1734 4 Warrior News NEWS Oct./Nov. 2014 Bullying Oklahoma returns to WHS stage, epidemic: drama presents classic musical With a cast of 132 She says, “Honestly, my favorite sic Broadway show, probably the part is getting to hear everyone talk one show that is a landmark when it stop the Warriors, directors like they’re from Oklahoma.” FRPHVWRGH¿QLQJZKDW%URDGZD\ Brigham Mckay, senior, who will is today,” says Daniels. Wood adds, Mark Daniels and be playing Curly, takes an entirely “It’s one of the most famous musi- silence Scott Wood predict different direction, divulging that cals ever... If you ever do musicals, his favorite part of the play is, “the you kind of have to do Oklahoma.” ______entertaining show NLVVLQJVFHQHGH¿QLWHO\´ They have both been considering for all audiences When it comes to their charac- this show for a while, not only be- By Emilee Alder ______WHUVWKHOHDGVIHHOWKH\UHDOO\¿WWKH cause of it being a landmark musi- Staff Reporter roles they’ve been given. “I get to cal, but because it uses a lot of kids. ______By Emily Eldredge play a headstrong character, she’s The cast this year is a whopping Staff Reporter the backbone of the society. It’s fun 132 people. Every year the school shows a Seniors Jack Williams, Angela Washburn and Elijah Bark- ______WRSOD\VXFKDVWURQJLQÀXHQFHDQG “We like to use as many kids clip discussing the issues with bul- er enjoy making new friends instead of bullying peers. she gets to be funny at the same as we possibly can,” says Wood. lying. Though some students may Lights... Camera... Action! The WLPH6KHNLQGRI¿WVP\SHUVRQDO- Daniels wants to “give kids the op- roll their eyes at this, Weber’s ad- Photo by Brittany Slater auditorium is a bustle of activity as ity a little bit,” says Lowry. portunity.” He says, “Educational ministration thinks students should son for his/her actions. “Bully- revenge.” Weber High School gets ready to Sandstrom loves Laurie’s “spunk Theater should be about learning. I take it more seriously. ing comes from a combination of Sophom*ore Stormie Barnett adds put on the musical Oklahoma! di- and independence,” and McKay hate depriving the kids to learn and According to the website bullys- things,” Tanner says. She also adds that students don’t want to confess rected by Mr. Daniels, WHS drama VD\V DERXW &XUO\ ³+H SHUVRQL¿HV, 30 percent of students a reason for bullying comes from to being bullied for certain reasons. teacher. ‘rough-and-tough’ cowboy, which “ We’re producing in the U.S. are involved in bullying jealousy. “A lot of teens are inse- “They don’t want to be labeled as a “It’s fun diving into the rehears- I really enjoy.” McKay also adds, a classic Broadway on a regular basis, whether they are cure,” Tanner says. tattle tale,” she says. als and working with the kids,” “I enjoy singing and acting. I’ve the bully or the victim. A popular Robins adds, “A lot of bullies Robins adds if a student is be- says Daniels. “The creation process never had a lead role before, and I show, probably the form of bullying is verbal bullying; were bullied themselves, or they ing bullied, the best thing to do is is exciting... I love seeing the vi- love working with Mr. Daniels.” one show that is a 77 percent of these students are bul- come from a bad home life.” He report it. He says only about two sion come to life.” When it comes to Sandstrom’s lied verbally one way or another. believes these students need to feel students a month talk to him about “I like seeing [the show] come favorite part, she says, “I love the landmark when it The website also reports out of like they have control over some- being bullied. “I know there is a lot from nothing to something special, music. The music of the show is FRPHVWRGH¿QLQJ the 77 percent, 14 percent have thing, so they resort to bullying. of unreported bullying,” he says. seeing the kids improve,” says Mr. beautiful, and I’m excited to put it a severe reaction to the bullying. To help bullying prevention, “More than teachers know of.” Wood, the music director. together as a cast.” what Broadway is They develop disorders like poor Robins says people should be edu- Barnett suggests if being bullied, Oklahoma is a story about a Mr. Wood, describes the prac- today.” self-esteem, depression and anxi- cated and more aware of what is try and stand up to them. “If that young woman named Laurie Wil- tices as “The music never stops.” ety. happening. “People should recog- doesn’t help, then go to an adult. liams and a handsome ranch hand Wood adds they have a live orches- experience it.” Though bullying may not be seen nize bullying and have the courage They’d be happy to help.” QDPHG &XUO\ ZKR FRPH WR ¿QG tra, with students selected from But who is this show really much inside the walls of Weber, to stop it,” he says. The website re- that, although they deny it, they Weber High to play. He says, “We geared toward? What audiences that doesn’t mean it’s not happen- Tanner suggests organizing an ports how important it is for kids have feelings for each other. With a use high school kids to play pro- will enjoy it? According to McKay, ing elsewhere. Counseling secre- anti-bullying club or getting stu- not to blame themselves for being dynamic set of characters, ranging fessional music. It’s always really all audiences. “It reaches back to tary Joann Tanner says social me- dents involved in service. “Getting bullied. Bullying is not the victim’s from playful Ado Annie and head- tough, but we have a lot of fun.” the old, helps the young connect to dia is where students tend to go to teens involved in something boosts fault. strong Aunt Eller to the dark and Lowry adds one of her favorite the old, and it’s a lot of fun for the make fun of someone. “It’s easier their self-esteem,” she explains. The website also reveals that the brooding Jud, the play participants songs in the show is “The Farmer kids, so I’d say all ages,” he says. to bully someone online,” Tanner Tanner also suggests having a student being bullied should make believe this show has something and The Cowman.” “It’s upbeat, Wood agrees, saying, “It has a says. “They don’t have to see them class for people who bully others themselves feel in control, try to for everyone. it’s fun, it’s exciting.” big appeal to all audiences...Kids face to face when they’re online.” would be a good idea. “They need IHHO FRQ¿GHQW ,W H[SODLQV EXOOLHV As the actors get ready for their Mr. Wood adds, “My favorite mo- like the cowboys. Yes, the older Counselor Joel Robins agrees to get help,” she says. “They need target people who are easy to up- show, they talk about how much ment in the show is the beginning, people will know it, but the young most bullying happens online. to learn how to deal with people.” set, and those who don’t stand up they’re looking forward to it. “I’m when Curly comes out and sings ones will enjoy it too.” “It’s hard for teachers and adults to Another thing Tanner believes for themselves. Even if the victim excited for the chemistry onstage, “Oh What a Beautiful Morning...” “I think the senior citizens that know when bullying is happening would help students to stop bully- doesn’t feel strong in the moment, the chemistry between the charac- I love the beginning, I think it’s a come will remember it as a classic, on the internet,” he says. “Students ing others is “help them realize ev- acting like it will help them. ters,” says Nina Jo Sandstrom, se- great beginning.” the younger audience will enjoy it should monitor social media and eryone’s potential.” For those who adds even if nior, who will be playing Laurie. Some may wonder: Why Okla- because it’s funny, and the middle when they see bullying happening, are bullied, she encourages stu- someone is not the bully’s victim, Sophia Lowry, senior, who was cast homa? Well, Mr. Daniels and Mr. audience will enjoy its story.” report it.” dents to get help. “Don’t hide it. It they should stand up for others. Not as Aunt Eller, adds she is excited to Wood know how popular this musi- The show will begin its run Nov. Whether it’s cyber bullying or could make it worse,” Tanner says. saying anything can make it even get to work with the cast, most of cal is, especially with a high school 7, and tickets are available online at not, the bully always has a rea- “Tell someone, and don’t try to get worse. which she has never met before. audience. “We’re producing a clas-

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Come visit us at our new location! 539 North Harrisville Road 801-737-3104 Oct./Nov. 2014 EDITORIAL Warrior News 5 µ,W¶VDOODERXWWKDWEDVV¶ Teens stand up for individuality In our society, it has become ide- like that? No one! That’s why we $QQ6KRNHWVDLG³2XUJRDODWSev- al for people to look perfect. We’re shouldn’t be comparing our imper- enteen is to make girls feel good H[SHFWHG WR KDYH ÀDVK\ ZKLWH fections to airbrushed models in about themselves, empower them smiles, great hair and to keep up magazines. and help them mature into smart, with the latest fashions and trends. A 14-year-old in Maine became accomplished young women.” This The list of things we need to do upset when looking at the photo- campaign has brought many girls goes on and on. As teenagers, we together and has helped many com- ______RIWHQIHHOWKHSUHVVXUHWR¿WWKLVLP- munities in states all around the physical activity helps with school A friend of mine was in the DJHWKHZRUOGFDOOV³SHUIHFW´0DQ\ country to understand that the mod- By Elizabeth Josephson performance, test scores and men- school play, West Side Story. He of us look in the mirror and don’t els we see in magazines are nothing Staff Reporter tal health. Overall, physical educa- told me he didn’t realize how hard like what we see. We’re so caught but fake. ______tion in schools is good; it just needs dancing was until he had to do it up in how we appear to others, and In a world where teenage girls a few changes. in rehearsals. A wider range of ac- that is truly a tragedy. DUH H[SHFWHG WR ORRN OLNH %DUELH People often have strong feelings First, if someone is on a sports tivities like golf, dance and even Society tells us that in order to dolls or they feel insecure, and guys about their physical education (PE) WHDP RU SDUWLFLSDWHV LQ H[WUDFXU- performing should be included in be beautiful, we have to look a DUHH[SHFWHGWRORRNOLNH+ROOLVWHU classes – they might love them or ricular physical activity outside of all basic school physical educa- certain way and whatever we look models or they feel inadequate, we hate them. P.E. class, they should not be re- tion classes. This can help make PE like will never pass as perfect, and need to take a step back. We all There are pros and cons in re- quired to work out for another pe- classes more enjoyable for people many of us believe it. We’re either need to be happy with the way we quiring PE credit for graduation riod everyday in school. The gen- who participate in unique sports too short or too tall, too skinny or look, and we need to help others from high school. The good thing erally accepted guideline is at least like dance and golf, and who have too heavy…you name it; the voices feel good about themselves no mat- is that it gets everyone involved. one hour of physical activity daily, OHVV H[SHULHQFH DQG FRQ¿GHQFH of the world scream that it’s not ter what they look like. The judg- People can learn new games and and if students are getting that out- with throwing and catching balls. enough. We have started to become ing among teenagers needs to stop. skills, make friends, learn how to side of class, they should get credit As an added bonus, by having more blind to the beautiful things about Who cares if the girl across the hall work as a team and become more for that physical activity. activities, it can introduce people XVDQGZHRQO\IRFXVRQRXUÀDZV from you doesn’t have perfect hair? SK\VLFDOO\¿W7KHUHDUHDOVRKHDOWK Perhaps students could have an to non-traditional sports and ac- There are lots of problems that :KRFDUHVLIWKHER\ZKRVLWVQH[W EHQH¿WV WR H[HUFLVLQJ GDLO\ DQG LW H[WUD³th” period where they do not tivities. It could even help someone UHVXOWIURPWHHQVZDQWLQJWR¿WWKH to you in math class is a little bit LVDGYDQWDJHRXVWRVWDUWWKRVHH[HU- have to spend any class time; they ¿QGDQHZSDVVLRQ mold of society. Those of us who heavier than most? If we look at cise habits early. would only be required to provide 7KHUHDUHPDQ\EHQH¿WVWRKDYLQJ aren’t stick-thin can develop eating their hearts, those people are beau- However, it seems silly to make DQH[HUFLVHORJHYHU\ZHHNWRJHWD physical education classes required disorders. Some people are bullied tiful. If popular magazines can stop people work out in school every- grade. This way they could still get for graduation and available for fun EHFDXVHWKHLUVW\OHLVQ¶WH[DFWO\XS the stereotypes, we can too. day if they have an active lifestyle the school credit while not having in schools. Moving your body can to-date. There are even teens who So, to all those who look in the outside of class. P.E. is needed in to do unneeded additional work- help improve your physical, mental IHHOWKH\DUHPXFKWRRÀDZHGDQG mirror and don’t like what they see, VFKRROVEXWLWQHHGVVRPHPRGL¿- outs at school. and emotional health. It can start they end up taking their own lives. listen up. Everyone is worth more cation. A recent school production, Tar- healthy living habits that are able These kinds of things should never, than you know. Don’t let society According to the American Heart zan, included a display of aerial to last a lifetime. It can also teach ever happen. We shouldn’t have to Madi Thomas GH¿QHDSHUVRQIRU\RXDQGGRQ¶W Association, there is a low percent- silks and acrobatics which requir- valuable lessons about teamwork look a certain way in order to feel let anyone tell you what you should age of schools that provide their HVVWUHQJWKFRRUGLQDWLRQDQGFRQ¿- and good sportsmanship. happy in our own skin. shopped models in Seventeen. She look like. People don’t have to be students with daily physical educa- dence. With hours of training and However, the requirements should The media has a huge impact on started a petition against digitally DQ\WKLQJPRUHWKDQH[DFWO\WKHSHU- tion for the whole school year. Only practice, all of that work should be adapted to accommodate those teenagers and the way we want to retouched models, and that peti- son they are. Everyone deserves 3.8 percent of elementary schools, count for something. Why not give who are getting their hour of activ- look. The models in advertisem*nts tion has gained over 72,000 sig- to feel comfortable in his/her own 7.9 percent of middle schools and P.E. credit? ity daily outside of school hours. In DUH ÀDZOHVV EXW ZDQW WR NQRZ natures. Due to her petition, Vogue skin. Today is the day to start feel- 2.1 percent of high schools have Additionally, why do most class- addition, class curriculum needs to something. They’re not real. The promised not to use models who ing better about the person you P.E classes. Twenty two percent of es consist of only traditional sports EH H[SDQGHG DQG LPSURYHG 3( LV technology we have allows us to looked like they have an eating are…don’t change. schools do not have PE credit re- like basketball and soccer? What important, but it could be so much edit normal faces and bodies and disorder, and Seventeen is going quired for graduation. LVZURQJZLWKH[SDQGLQJWKHOLVWRI better for students and might even turn them into perfect-looking peo- to stop airbrushing their models. By Abby Wight There is evidence, given by the activities performed in PE and add- convince some to like it a little bit ple. Honestly…who really looks The editor-in-chief of Seventeen, WHS Senior American Heart Association, that ing a few unconventional sports? more. &RQFHUQLQJÀDZVZLWKV\VWHP Attitude of Gratitude VFKRROIDLOVWRSUHSDUHVWXGHQWV

Graduation, it’s an event that’s this concept was important to un- can’t be trusted to use the bathroom 7KDQNIXO:DUULRUVDSSUHFLDWH anticipated and feared by all at the derstand because the math class facilities, unless graced with the same time. Why? Because it marks ZH ZRXOG EH WDNLQJ WKH QH[W \HDU gift of a little yellow plastic card the end of the drudgery that public would use them a couple times. that allows the student to walk the PDQ\VLPSOHEOHVVLQJVIDPLO\ schooling can be, while simultane- $QRWKHU LQVWDQFH ZKHUH , H[SH- few yards from the classroom to the ously spitting out the graduates into rienced wasted time was in a his- restroom without being stopped by WKH³UHDOZRUOG´ tory class; all of the students were the administrator who just happens Most of these graduates will not required to memorize all the United to be wandering the halls ready to be prepared for the post high school States presidents. At the time, this pounce on a student who does not world, but this matters little to any- seemed like a reasonable thing to have the protection of these cards, one else, seeing as the graduates be tested on, but a year after pass- KRZFDQWKH\EHH[SHFWHGWRWUXVW now have a beautiful little slip of ing the test, I can hardly remember themselves enough to make it in the SDSHUWKDWVLJQL¿HVWKHLUDELOLW\WR half the names, let alone the order. ³UHDOZRUOG"´ jump through the hoops of public

Editor-in-Chief Assistants to the Chief Managing Editors Design Editors Photo Editors Katie Montgomery Rachel Dubose Hannah Nelson Cortney Ballif Ashton Bindrup Kierstin Pitcher Kaitlin Lawler Ashley Vongbandith Samantha Barnes Amber Broderick Jordan Johnson Business ~ Reporters ~ Artists ~ Photographers ~ Typesetters ~ Design

Autumn Aeschlimann Emily Eldredge Nathaniel Porter Zachary Berry Elizabeth Josephson Natalie Andrus Dominic Emerson Joe Potter Kaitlyn Borgschatz Chace King Robert Andrus Aspen Granath Jack Powell Sarah Calvert Dustin Kingsbury Marguerite Bennett Amy Halliday Siera Rose Lily Davis Abigail Leake Tristen Brandley Dawson Helsop Rebecca Ross Amanda Dickemore Jacqueline Olberding Stacia Christensen Stephanie Laubacher Jordyn Storey Chelsie Ford Joseph Pitman Cameron Clark Sidney Lee Shay Taylor Taylor Galusha Angela Washburn Savannah Day Emma Millus Abigal Wight Linzee Hall Samantha Rock Sequoia Dutson Haily Osmond Ryan Aldridge Megan Henley Levi Nye MXQLRU ³,DPJUDWHIXO Shelby Thompson MXQLRU ³, Nala Wilkinson VHQLRU ³, DP The Warrior News School Publication is printed monthly. The publication is a member of Quill and Scroll, Columbia Press Association and Amer- ican Scholastic Press Association. We welcome letters to the editor. Such letters shall be typed with the writer’s name promiently displayed on the for teachers who don’t assign very am grateful for my family, be- grateful for my family, because DUWLFOH7KHZULWHU¶VQDPHPD\EHZLWKKHOGLIVRUHTXHVWHG1DPHVZLOOEHNHSWRQ¿OH9LHZVZULWWHQLQWKHHGLWRULDOVGRQRWUHSUHVHQWWKHRSLQLRQV much homework, because they cause they bring me happiness.” they are always there for me.” of the Warrior News staff. The Warrrior News reserves the right to edit for reasons of space, liability, and reserves the right to deny printing articles that are deemed inappropriate. Those interested in advertising in the Warrior News can contact the school at 801-476- 3700. make my life easier.” Poll compiled by Angela Washburn 6 Warrior News FEATURE Oct./Nov. 2014 October offers fright night fun; It’s time to choose _activities______bring Halloween spirit topsy-turvy fairy tale land at their ing can effect the age limit opinion. By Amy Halliday own risk. The last and highest “If kids are acting stupid, there Staff Reporter rated haunted houses in the park VKRXOGGH¿QLWHO\EHDQDJHOLPLW´ scary, fun ______are Zombie Lock Down and Night says Sidney Stenquist, senior. :DON%RWKRIWKHPDUHUDWHG¿YH However, Coach Susan Hansen This is Halloween! There can be scary spiders, which is the highest says while laughing, “It [trick or costumes so many different things to do when rating in the entire park. treating] should end in junior high. ______the air cools, the leaves change and In Zombie Lock Down, people They [junior high teens] should be the creepy crawlers of the night get the chance to stroll through a out cutting little kids bags, so the By Emma Millus come out to play. SULVRQ WKDW¶V QRW MXVW ¿OOHG ZLWK candy falls out or something like Staff Reporter “Halloween is only the best holi- criminals. It is a prison used as a that.” ______day. You have so freaking much to place to hold all who are infected There can be many different do,” Derek Kenney, junior, says. with the Zombie virus. Enter the kinds of Halloween traditions, and With Halloween right around “Haunted houses are the place to prison and risk getting one’s brains the most popular among Weber the corner the majority of people be on Halloween.” eaten right out of their head. High students is watching scary are faced with the question, “Do I With quite a few haunted house However, Night Walk is not just movies. Ethan Tobias, junior, says dress up or not?” This problem has choices in the Weber County area, a stroll through the dark. Through- hanging with friends and watching plagued everyone from newborn many Weber High students said out the walk, people are accompa- movies are his favorite Halloween babies to 100 year old grandpar- Haunted Hollow was their favor- activities. When it comes to pick- ents. According to Warriors, the ite choice. Visitors must keep their ing which scary movie to watch, answer to this question is, yes. sanity as they journey through 13 Grant Ellison, junior, says, “Just “There is no age to stop dress- acres of haunted woods. They will wing it; any scary movie is a good ing up, but there is an age to stop have ghouls, ghosts and psychos scary movie.” trick or treating; leave it to the little breathing down their neck and lurk- One of Ellison and Derek Kee- kids,” says senior Savannah Ward. ing around every twist and turn. If ney’s favorite scary movy is Dev- The next obstacle that comes that’s not enough for them, they il. Devil, starring Chris Messina, with Halloween is what to wear. can then dare to descend into the Caroline Dhavernas and Bokeem Many Warriors agree a witch, dark of the underground dungeons Woodbine, came out in 2010 and ghost, vampire, hippy or the Reap- English teacher Mrs. Grover shows off last year’s Hallow- and swamp. LVDVWRU\RI¿YHVWUDQJHUVWUDSSHG er are the most common costumes een costume as Princess Leia from the movie, Star Wars. “I am not scared easily, but the in an elevator. They quickly start for kids and adults. Vanessa Wight, Photo by Brittany Slater swamps freaked me out,” says nied by all sorts of monsters and to realize they are not alone as odd sophom*ore, says she also expects Jaren Anthon, sophom*ore. Haunted demons. They may even run into things begin to happen. They are to see a lot of costumes from the some black boots. On the left side, vorite apps on to the shirt. Hollow is open Monday-Saturday a few vampires looking to feast on stuck while security guards and po- SRSXODU 'LVQH\ ¿OP Frozen. Juli- from my elbow down and from my Your favorite food - all you have in October. It is located in West Ha- their unsuspecting neck. lice watch a series of deaths happen anne Lewis, junior, says her favor- knee down, is going to look like my to do is draw the food all over you. ven. Now if haunted houses aren’t in the elevator through the security ite costume is the psychological skin is ripped, and it’ll look like a $¶VÀDSSHUORWVRIVHTXLQV “If I had to choose a haunted really a teen’s type of Halloween cameras. They desperately try to enigma of Phineas Gage. VNHOHWRQ7KHRXW¿WIRUWKHOHIWVLGH and fringe. house to go to, I would say Lagoon activity, they can always dress up get the trapped people out. Talia Casey, sophom*ore, also is going to be the same, just a lot If these sound like entirely too Frightmares because it’s not ter- and take a nice long walk around “We always watch Nightmare says we will probably see an in- more dead looking with a lot of rips much, Warriors suggest being one’s rifying, and you get to ride roller the neighborhood and maybe stop Before Christmas. It’s a classic and FUHDVHLQFRVSOD\RXW¿WVGXHWR6DOW and blood. My eye is even going to RZQUHÀHFWLRQLWUHTXLUHVQRHIIRUW coasters,” Clara Stokes, senior, at a few houses to see what sort of it covers both my favorite holi- Lake City’s most successful Comic be popping out!” at all. For these who aren’t into says. Lagoon Frightmares has not candy is being handed out. When days,” Stokes says. This is a story Con. “They are just so detailed and For those lacking inspiration for GUHVVLQJ XS LQGLYLGXDOO\ 5H¿QHU\ one but four haunted houses open it comes to trick-or-treating, there of Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin you can tell they have a lot of time costumes, teens suggest taking tips 29 says that people can always get for business from Sept. 19 to Oct. seems to be a bit of a debate on King of Halloween Town. Jack is put into them.” McKay Jenson, from the internet. Grumpy Cat is a a group together and be a famous 30. Lagoon has a scare chart so the what age people should stop knock- growing tired of the same old Hal- senior, says his favorite cosplay fun take on the traditional cat cos- band like Daft Punk or The Beatles. weak of heart knows which are the ing on doors. Braden Otto, senior, loween traditions when he stumbles FRVWXPHKHKDVVHHQLVWKH2I¿FLDO tume and face paint can easily com- They can also be something more scariest and which are less so. They VD\V ³:HOO LW GH¿QLWHO\ KDV WR across Christmas Town. Fascinated Dark Knight. Audrey Rueff, sopho- plete the look. Tumblr suggests do- unique, like the food pyramid. use scary spiders to rate the haunt- stop somewhere. Adults can’t give by all the Christmas activities, Jack more, says the best costume she’s ing little things like this can make The best part of Halloween, ed houses, so the less spiders, the DGXOWVFDQG\´-XQLRU&ODVV2I¿FHU decides to try to get the monsters of seen was a cosplay of a steam punk, your boring cat with tail and ears however, can occur when costume less scary. Casey Bond says, “The age limit Halloween Town to put on Christ- with a corset of gears. more fun but still understandable. watching. Kadee Barney, sopho- The lowest scary rating is three should be around 12, 13 or 14.” mas instead of Halloween. How- Riley Day-Hickman, sophom*ore, Halloween can be fun, for those more, says parents who dress their spiders, which is the Fun House However, on the other hand, ever, none of them can quite grasp is also looking forward to Hallow- with a little imagination. Teens kid’s wheelchairs up as cool things of Fear. This one is full of clowns people like Korinna Tallon, se- the Christmas spirit and get it right. een, and she described her Hallow- who want a fun costume but don’t OLNH ¿UH WUXFNV DQG FDUV DUH FXWH waiting to pop out at any second. nior, says, “There should be no age So from hanging with friends een costume in great detail. want to spend much money, here Mccalle Goodliffe, senior, says her “I hate the clowns, they are just limit. As long as you are willing to and watching movies to visiting “It’s a twisted Alice in Wonder- are a few ideas from Pinterest: favorite costume is one she saw of straight up scary,” says Stokes. get dressed up and go door-to-door haunted houses, Warriors believe land: half is going to be the classic Minecraft person -take boxes and DQLQWULFDWHEXWWHUÀ\ Next up on the scary meter is begging for candy, you should be there can be plenty to do on Hal- white rabbit. The right side is going paint them accordingly. So Warriors, this leaves you with Twisted Tales with a four spider able to get candy.” loween night, with friends and fam- to be the classic white, button up Smart phone - take a plain shirt answers to the question, “What are rating. Visitors walk through this Sometimes what the kids are do- ily. red vest, white pants, with maybe and draw or paint some of your fa- you going to be for Halloween?” Oct./Nov. 2014 FEATURE Warrior News 7 Despite crowding issues, Teens seek friendships, &RPLF&RQ¿QGVVXFFHVV ______avoid unhealthy relations there tried to appease the situation ______By Katie Montgomery by throwing free t-shirts, giving Editor in Chief additional vouchers for photo-ops By Stephanie Laubacher ______or autographs and making sure Staff Reporter the guests who had Thursday-only ______The Salt Palace hosted the sec- tickets were given tickets for one or ond annual Salt Lake City Comic both of the other days. “A good friend is someone you can trust,” says senior Rachel Levy. Con on Sept. 4-6. The convention “Thursday was not fun,” says During high school, students nurture plenty of relationships with other center saw its fair share of stars as sophom*ore Ryan Enslow. “It was classmates, but some are better than others. well as 140,000 attendees, the third horrible standing in line for hours. “I’ve had many bad friends. They would gossip about me, insult me largest amount of Comic Con at- We didn’t even get in!” behind my back, and betray me,” Levy continues. tendees, behind only San Diego “It was way more crowded this In order to have healthy relationships, Warriors say it’s important to and NYC, and the largest per capi- year,” says senior Keith Cragun. make good friends and “weed out” bad ones. A way to get rid of a bad tal in the nation. “A lot of times it came to a stand- FRPSDQLRQLVWR¿UVWNQRZZKRLVRULVQRWDEDGIULHQG6RSKRPRUH$X- Due to nearly 200 volunteers still. Like I wasn’t even in line for brey Chartier says a bad friend is “someone who lies or puts you down.” electing not to show up, register- VRPHWKLQJMXVWRXWRQWKHÀRRUDQG 6KHDGGVRQFHWKHEDGEXGG\KDVEHHQLGHQWL¿HGLW¶VWLPHWRVWRSDVVRFL- ing those 140,000 ticket holders it came to a complete stop.” ating with them. proved an admirable challenge on Even with the entire Salt Palace “Avoid them as often as possible in a nice or discreet way. I turned 7KXUVGD\WKH¿UVWGD\RIWKHFRQ- available, many had the same sen- GRZQUHTXHVWVWRVSHQGWLPHWRJHWKHUZKHQWKH\ZHUHPDGH´VD\V=DFN vention. Waiting in line anywhere timents. Cragun suggests next year Ferrin, senior. Levy says “Avoiding drama is a good way to get rid of a IURPWZRWRQHDUO\¿YHKRXUVPRVW splitting the convention between bad friend.” attendees were unhappy. A couple two or more venues; for example, Graduate Levi Easly and Senior Colten McCormick co- Chartier advises students to “tell them [bad friends] the problem, then hundred could not even get into have panels and celebrities at the splay as robbers from the game PayDay 2. express your feelings. Tell them why [they are bad friends].” the convention before it closed at Salt Palace and some vendors and 6RPHIULHQGVPD\¿WWKHGHVFULSWLRQRIDJRRGFRPSDQLRQEXWWKHUH 8 p.m. The volunteers who were artists at the Energy Solutions Are- some volunteers were wrangling of their 2014 Shakespeare Festival are ways even a good friend can be bad. Levy claims having good friends na. angry crowds. Nelson was helping plays designed for the tiny Comic is vital “because it affects how you develop in life, and it affects the per- Salt Lake City Comic Con pro- with panels. It was her favorite part Con goers’ short attention spans. son you are.” vided lots of new features as fan- of volunteering. Fear Factory had monsters per- The Cool Spot, a website dealing with peer pressure, says, “Friends IDYRULWHV IURP )DQ; DQG WKH ¿UVW Special events were held at dif- form a brief musical and dance KDYHDELJLQÀXHQFHRQRXUOLYHVEXWVRPHWLPHVWKH\SXVKXVWRGRWKLQJV Comic Con. Over 200 celebrities, ferent venues such as a concert number to entertain the little ones. that we may not want to do.” The website advises teens to “say no and let LQFOXGLQJ ¿OP DQG 79 VWDUV SUR- hosted at Abravanel Hall, and Fear Superheroes, princes, princesses them know you mean it,” if they are being pressured. fessional cosplayers and artists, Factory once again offered the and other characters in costume According to a children’s clinic in Cleveland, the people who a teen were invited to appear at the Salt ghost hunt Saturday night after the were also allowed to be in the cos- spends time with have a major effect on development during teen years, Palace. They signed autographs convention closed its gates. At- tume parade that went around Kid and this can be good or bad. The Cool Spot reports, “Peer pressure isn’t and offered photo-ops for many tendees were invited to be guided Con to show off their cosplays. all bad. You and your friends can pressure each other into some things excited fans, as well as putting on through “one of Utah’s most haunt- The fan-favorite was the superhero that will improve your health and social life and make you feel good panels where they answered ques- ed locations.” Odyssey Dance The- training, which taught young chil- about your decisions.” The Cool Spot adds “it’s important to determine tions from the audience, performed atre also showed a preview of their dren what it really means to be a whether or not a person is using peer pressure to help or to harm. If they or just talked. critically acclaimed show Thriller. superhero. are using it to harm, they may be a bad friend.” This year there were over 300 There was also a fantasy wres- Of course, there were many artist Making good friends can be helpful for teens. Ferrin, Levy and Chart- hours of panels scheduled. These tling match set in the middle of and vendor booths where attendees ier say they met their closest comrades during school; they believe form- featured celebrities like Stephen WKH FRQYHQWLRQ ÀRRU ³7KH ZUHV- could buy anything from corsets to ing healthy relationships is valuable. Levy and Ferrin agree that to make Amell and John Barrowman from tling was so stupid,” says Cragun, steampunk weapons, to prints and DGHFHQWSDOLW¶VKHOSIXOWREHDIULHQG¿UVW³%HQLFHWR\RXUIULHQGV´ Arrow and Stan Lee, games and “It was a waste of space and if it posters of their favorite characters. Ferrin says, “being a jerk doesn’t work.” contests like the Batman Trivia wasn’t there, it could’ve relieved Cragun operated a vendor booth “There are many ways to be a good friend,” Levy says. “Be a great Contest or the cosplay contest; some of the congestion.” Friday and Saturday. “It’s called listener, support them, don’t judge them, provide good advice and always helpful tips like Convention Sur- Salt Lake City Comic Con Bash The Fanciful Life, it’s a steampunk be there for them when they need a friend the most.” vival or Writing Strong Female was held to raise money for Mil- shop. It was a lot of fun,” he says. Ferrin says his best friend “would spend more time with me than he Characters and other classes for lie’s Princess Foundation, and What really made Comic Con should have, and still enjoyed my presence.” writing, illustrating and what to %DWWOH¿HOG /LYH =RPELH ODVHU WDJ memorable for most was meeting Levy adds her best friend is very supportive, while Chartier’s best Dart Richards, 2009 grad- read or watch. ZDV RIIHUHG WR DOO ZKR IHOW FRQ¿- new people. “I really liked meeting friend is her “other half.” uate, dressed as Chew- Senior Hannah Neilson volun- dent enough to survive the zombie cool people,” says Enslow. “It was According to the University of Minnesota, people ages 13 to 17 spend baca, Han Solo’s tall and teered at Comic Con. Her job en- apocalypse. cool seeing how much work people about 80 to 90 percent of their time with other teens. Ferrin says he en- furry sidekick from the tailed showing people to their pre- There was also Kid Con, which put into their cosplays and booths.” joys chatting, joking, and playing video games. Levy says, “I enjoy going movie Star Wars, during ferred places, informing people to IHDWXUHGHYHQWVVSHFL¿FDOO\IRUWRG- As Salt Lake looks at future to movies, going out on adventures, and going to amusem*nt parks.” what was going on around them, dlers and young children. Another Comic Con events, Enslow advises The Cool Spot says “making connections with people who will help this year’s Comic Con. answering questions, crowd control event at this year’s convention was people to “Just go to Comic Con, PDNHJRRGGHFLVLRQVDQGORRNRXWIRUHDFKRWKHUPD\EHQH¿WKLJKVFKRRO- Photos by Ellie May Kerr and keeping people happy. While Utah Children’s Theatre put on one it’s not just a geek thing.” ers throughout their lives.” 8 Warrior News FEATURE Oct./Nov. 2014 Bringing back fashion trends, teens talk about fall colors ______time, so it works.” and harem pants that are otherwise By Kierstin Pitcher Owen admits to personally liking known as parachute pants.” Editor in Chief them because she can get cold quite With all these different trends, ______easily and she enjoys the comfy it can be important to know which feel of the sweaters. Owen is not trends look good together and Ethan Mills: “I enjoy Weber for Sarah Post: “This year has been carlos Moran: “Weber is a really Along with the start of a new alone in her opinion; it appears as which don’t. Mecham says one its multiple classes and options. good so far. I like the people here, big school. I like the math teachers school year, fall brings a change if comfortableness is the driving combination she enjoys is the 0\¿UVW\HDUKDVQ¶WEHHQWRREDG and it’s way bigger. The classes here; it’s my favorite subject.” in everyday trends and fashions. motivation behind the big sweater matching plaid shirts with boots. it’s been great!” have more work and are different These trends can be started any- trend. However, she also shares one style from junior high.” Poll compiled by Jackie Olberding where, but it seems as if most are “I like wearing the big sweat she is not pleased with. “Since fall started in places far outside the shirts because they’re super comfy, has started, people have started residential community. and now it’s socially acceptable to wearing yoga pants or leggings, First impressions of sophom*ores; Senior Sierra Bruggink believes, do so,” says Mecham. Owen advis- and I really don’t like that when “Celebrities start some, and a lot es, “Wear something you’re com- they don’t wear a shirt or a dress of trends that we see originated fortable wearing because if you’re that covers their butt because then newbies thoughts on high school in Europe a few years ago. I went not comfortable, it’s going to look you can see their underwear line. I ______to Europe three years ago and the weird on you.” just wish they wouldn’t do that.” being done with high school.” nice and help you get stuff done,” fashions that were trending there Another trending fashion is plaid. Priest also shares advice on how By Sierra Rose Sophom*ore year also means she said. are trending here now.” “You should never wear plaid in the to match trends. “Big sweaters and Staff Reporter more responsibility, things to be “I really like the new environ- When it comes to trends, Weber VXPPHU LW¶V GH¿QLWHO\ D IDOO DQG cardigans look best with skinny ______afraid of like seniors and that one ment.” Martinez said, “I love meet- High’s fashion teacher Mrs. Larsen winter fashion,” says Bruggink. On jeans because the loose on top teacher everyone seems to have a ing new people.” Mary* added, “ I says, “I wish girls had more self- teen fashion magazine, Seventeen, WLJKW RQ ERWWRP LV ÀDWWHULQJ HYHQ Sophom*ore year is one of the horror story about. Martinez said, love the positivity in this school!” FRQ¿GHQFHWRZHDUZKDWWKH\ZDQW- website, it advises, “Try it [plaid] if someone isn’t super skinny,” she scariest. Most of the time high “I was most afraid about starting a Now that a quarter is done, ev- ed.” Larsen says to girls experi- LQ SDVWHOV ÀLUW\ VKHHU RU PL[HG says. She also adds this same con- school means a bigger building, new school.” Mary* has also heard erything is feeling like home at menting with the new fall fashions, with other prints for a fresh look.” cept can be applied to parachute new teachers and more kids. The horror stories about high school. “I school. “I didn’t think I would like ³%H\RXUVHOIÀDQQHOSODLG@ RSHQ ZLWK can also work if they “wear some- teachers be nice… are sophom*ores teachers who taught my aunts and Martinez said. Bowman said, “My Allison Petersen, senior, says layers or tied around the waist as WKLQJORRVHRYHUD¿WWHGWRS´ going to be bullied? uncles a few years ago,” she said. classes are easier than expected, some currently trending fall fash- more of an accessory,” says Lars- Larsen adds when wearing para- ³$W ¿UVW , WKRXJKW :HEHU +LJK “I was afraid of having too much and the people here are a lot nicer LRQV LQFOXGH ³ÀDQQHOV VFDUYHV en. Peterson is also a fan of layers. chute pants, it is best to wear a solid was way too big,” says Sayler Mar- homework in my classes,” added than I thought they would be.” oversized sweaters, leather boots “Layers make you look more put top because of the patterned fabrics tinez, sophmore. “I didn’t think Bowman. “It isn’t as hard to get around as and denim.” Junior Jaymee Owen together,” she adds. the pants often come in because , ZRXOG ¿QG P\ ZD\ EXW , GLG´ ³7KH PRVW GLI¿FXOW WKLQJ DW I thought,” added Mary*. None of shares fashions trends at Weber, For overall fall fashion styles, “too many patterns can look con- Whitney Bowman said the school Weber is keeping up with all of her teachers remember her aunts “big, oversized sweaters, boots and Seventeen recommends the “90s fusing.” was nice and she “could tell it was my homework,” Martinez said, and uncles, “So that’s great!” she leggings.” JUXQJHWUHQGZLWKÀRUDOSULQWVDQG Styles aren’t the only trends that going to be a fun year.” “There’s just too much some- said. “Sweatshirts, headbands, ankle ÀLUW\VKDSHV´7KHJUXQJHWUHQGFDQ have changed. The fashion color Cora Budge added, “There’s so times.” Bowman added, “I think It turns out, seniors are the least high boots, loose shirts, leggings EHVXPPHGXSDVORVH¿WWLQJFORWK- pallet does as well. Bruggink ad- many hot boys.” As for Mary*, WKHPRVWGLI¿FXOWWKLQJLVWU\LQJWR of a sophom*ore’s problems. As the and plaid,” Cami Mecham, senior, LQJDQRYHUVL]HG¿W vises one to wear “burnt colors or “The school seemed too big and get to class on time. It’s hard when year continues, students are getting says about her fall fashion. She also Bruggink says some of her favor- jewel tones.” For the fall, Peterson there were a lot of hallways. everyone is going so slow up and more used to Weber High, and many adds these are also just a few of the LWH WUHQGV DUH ³ÀRZHU\ SULQWV DQG says she agrees, preferring browns, There’s many things sophom*ores down the stairs!” RIWKHLU¿UVWLPSUHVVLRQVDQGIHDUV things trending with the “many parachute pants.” She continues reds and oranges. “You want to ORRN IRUZDUG WR GXULQJ WKHLU ¿UVW Finding classes is a common are being put to rest as they under- different style preferences in the when it comes to shopping for fall wear more rich colors in the fall year; Bowman and Martinez said problem with sophom*ores. Mary* stand how things work around the school.” fashions, she would recommend like browns and reds. Purple works they were most excited about meet- adds, “To be honest, the most dif- school. Sophom*ores hope they will One of the most popular of these ERXWLTXHV ³)LQG D VWRUH WKDW ¿WV too,” says Mecham. ing new people. Martinez added ¿FXOW WKLQJ DERXW :HEHU ZDV WKH be able to help next year’s new kids trends seems to be the oversized your style,” she says. When it comes down to deciding football games were a fun aspect map. It just didn’t make any sense walk around with a bit more ease sweaters. Owen says sweaters Owner of Bella Me Boutique, which trends and fashions to wear, for her. Budge said, “Boys. I was to me.” DQGFRQ¿GHQFHNQRZLQJMXVWKRZ have become such a popular trend Marrietta Priest, says some things Larsen simply advises, “If it’s most excited about boys.” Mary* As far as what they have enjoyed scary it was to start a new school. because “they’re comfortable and that have been popular this fall are ‘you,’ don’t be afraid to show your added, “I was most excited about about WHS, Bowman says she they keep you warm at the same “big baggy cardigans, aztec prints personality through your clothes.” this year being one step closer to likes the teachers. “They’re really *name changed to protect identity , RIDELI G NORTH S Now Open! Buy any entree and receive any one entree` of We Have... equal or lesser value 50% off OR Specialty Drinks: Treats: Buy any entree and get any combo for free. -Mango Mountain Dew -Homemade Goodies Must have a valid and current student ID and coupon present to -Dirty co*kes -Ice Cream redeem. One per student per day. Monday through Th ursday. 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By Kaitlin Lawler Doughty were all close behind as Girls won their JV competition by Assistant to the Chief WKH\ URXQGHG RXW WKH WRS ¿YH LQ beating Fremont by 11 points. Rich ______the freshman/sophom*ore race. In ZDVWKH¿UVW:DUULRUDFURVVWKHOLQH that race, the boys took 2nd place coming in at 2nd place, with sopho- When people think of track, they RYHUDOOLQD¿HOGRIDERXWWHDPV more Bayleigh Marriot and senior might think fast paced races such boys’ varsity took 8th place. Bekah Mikhail, coming in at 3rd as the 800 and the 400 meter run. The girls JV also beat many per- DQG th place. In girls’ varsity, se- However, there’s another side to sonal records, including McKenna nior Sam Heaton and Butler placed track that might not come to mind 1st and 2nd individually, and seniors as quickly. Weber High’s cross “Our younger ath- Jenny Tidwell, Amber Broderick country team runs miles each week, and freshman, Kaleigh Southwick- all summer long. However, they letes do bring in a ran their season best times. The began their competition season lot of new potential, girls’ varsity took 3rd place overall with great results at the Herriman as a team. Invite meet on Sept. 12. and that’s one of our 1H[W XS ZDV WKH ER\V¶-9 UDFH According to Weber XC (cross strengths.” where senior Enrique Salgado, country) News, the season start- +HGJHVDQG)URHUHUZHUHWKH¿UVW Weber girls join the other runners during a region cross country meet. Even though the ed off at the Herriman Invite on %XWOHU VRSKRPRUH .LOH\$OOPDQ across the line. For Warrior boys’ team has younger athletes than past years, Coach Ortega is impressed with their talents. Sept. 12 with a Freshman/Sopho- MXQLRU0DULVVD5HGGLVKIUHVKPDQ varsity, sophom*ore Talon Hull led more boy’s race. Sophom*ore Nate 1LNNL7DOERWMXQLRU$O\[ -HQVHQ the way taking 3rd place overall. 7KHWHDPKDVPDQ\H[SHFWDWLRQV tential.” He says, “Our younger “One of my favorite things %RHKPH WRRN ¿UVW SODFH RYHUDOO IUHVKPDQDQG-HVVLH6KDZVHQLRU Junior Kyler Hall was the second for the rest of the season. “This sea- athletes do bring in a lot of new about being on cross country is the beating out second place by over 30 -XQLRU+DHOL5LFKWRRNth out of :DUULRU WR ¿QLVK LQ KLV ¿UVW UDFH son, personally, I hope to break 16 potential, and that’s one of our friendly competition on the team,” seconds. Freshman Addison Hedg- DERXW UXQQHUV *LUOV YDUVLW\ of the season. Juniors Paul Hunts- PLQXWHVLQDN$VIRUWKHWHDP, strengths.” adds Hull. es also had a great race beating his WRRNth overall. man, Jacob Lee and Henry Hall got really just hope we can make top 10 The Warriors will face many “To get ready for a meet, I try to old PR (personal record) by about 7KH WHDP KDG WKHLU QH[W FKDO- ahead of Bonneville in the last mile in state this year,” says Hull. Shaw talented teams, but think they eat well, eat plenty of carbs, hy- 30 seconds. Sophom*ores Holden lenge at Roy High School in their and beat them in the end. says she’d like to “get my three are strong enough to conquer op- drate and just pump myself up.” mile time down, and for the to team ponents. “Personally, I think our says Hull. Huntsman says, “To get beat Fremont and try to get by Da- toughest competition will be Syra- ready individually I pray, I thank vis because they’re really fast.” my Heavenly Father for everything Runners aren’t the only ones “One of my favorite I have, I know I couldn’t do it by ZLWKH[SHFWDWLRQV³,MXVWZDQWWKH things about being myself.” runners to be working hard,” says “My favorite part of being on Coach Ortega.“The girls are return- on cross country is the team is running and getting to ing, and we have a really young have fun with my friends at prac- new boys’ team, they’re all doing the friendly competi- tice. I think the most memorable great in my opinion.” tion on the team.” event of the season so far was the “We thought this was going to 24 hour run a thon fundraiser,” says EHDUHEXLOGLQJ\HDUDW¿UVW´DGGV cuse for the boys and Fremont for Shaw. Huntsman adds, “Once I get Huntsman. “A lot of great seniors the girls,” says Ortega. “They were in shape for the season, the running left last year, and we have a lot of both third in State last season.” is actually fun.” young, new members on the team, Huntsman disagrees, saying “I Along with the positive aspects but we’re coming back in full force. think that Davis will be our tough- on cross country, there are also the I think we’re pretty good, as good est competition by far. They have GLI¿FXOWDVSHFWVRIWKHVSRUW as we were last year.” some of the fastest runners.” “The toughest part of being on Shaw agrees and believes the According to some team mem- the team for me is the intervals,” team will become stronger as the bers, competition isn’t limited to says Huntsman. “For me, the Juniors Henry Hall (left) Kyler Hall (right) run the cross country course at Roy for the season progresses. “I think we’re just the meets. “The competition toughest part of the team is that it’s on the team is tough,” says Shaw. City County meet. Photos by Amber Broderick doing pretty well so far. We’re strenuous, and it really pushes your fast and we’ve got really good po- “Everyone is really fast here.” boundaries,” says Hull.

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Free 12oz drink from our Riverdale location Good only at 4104 Riverdale Road - inside Chevron and Papa John’s 10 Warrior News SPORTS Oct./Nov. 2014 Staff, Volleyball team unites on, off court, students ______players work to balance school, life

By Kaitlin Lawler remember Assistant to the Chief ______

Warren Weber’s girls’ volleyball team is ______halfway through their season, and they have started strong. Their re- By Katie Montgomery cord is 4-4, and they won tough Editor in Chief matchs against Layton, Box Elder, ______%RQQLYLOOHDQG9LHZPRQW$FFRUG- ing to, Weber’s per- “He was a legend,” says Coach centage of total blocks and digs per Corbridge. “I was at Fremont be- set is above the national average fore working with him at Weber, this season. and I knew about him because of According to Coach Corbridge, Coach Warren loved his The team recently played against his legacy.” Syracuse, which was an important Weber’s wrestling coach, Jody wife, his life and Weber. game in determining whether or Warren, passed away unexpect- wrestled at Weber State, during a ZRXOGDOZD\V¿JKWIRUWKHNLGVDQG not the team would make it to state. edly on June 29, 2014, while on a match he actually crushed a guy’s that he knew what was right and Unfortunately, the match resulted FRPPHUFLDO¿VKLQJERDWLQ$ODVND testicl* because of the strength he ZKDWKDGKDSSHQHG+HZRXOG¿JKW in a loss; however, there is still a Warriors remember the lasting leg- had,” says Corbridge. “When I for you, that’s what I got,” remem- FKDQFHLQDGYDQFLQJWRWKH¿QDOV acy he had on Weber, and the in- think of Coach Warren, that’s the bers Peterson. “I expect if everyone pulls their spirational teachings he gave to his strength I’m reminded of.” 6WXGHQWV ZKR ¿UVW ZRUNHG ZLWK weight and tries their hardest, we students. However, Coach Warren was not Coach Warren may have thought of can still make it to state,” says Mil- Warren founded the popular just physically strong. He was also him to be intimidating. “To his stu- lie Jones, junior. “Everyone just Weber Duels wrestling program, a caring coach who pushed kids to dents, they would say they feared has to pull their weight and work Holly Stocker, senior, and Lindsey Edmunds, sophom*ore coached many state champion reach their dreams. Petersen says, him, but they had a deep respect hard.” block a spike from Davis. Photo by Natalie Wilding wrestlers, and he won the NFHS “When the kids came, they knew for him,” says Corbridge. “He was Team supervisor Ms. Nish adds, 2009 Section 7 Coach award for he would work them hard every a very demanding coach, but very “Our goal is to make it to state this To help focus on the season, “for does make it fun.” says Thompson. his contributions as an outstanding single day, but they also knew there respected.” year, so we’ve got to make sure the past few weeks we’ve been Jones agrees, adding, “Being on the wrestling coach. When away from Weber, Coach we’re on track. We have a lot of holding team meetings. I’m hop- team is like being in a family. We He started his coaching career “He was a legend. Warren continued to love every- good energy, and we’re just trying ing and expecting to win more for do tons of things together; we go to after recieving a scholarship to We- I was at Fremont thing he was involved with. “He to keep that up and keep our team the rest of the season,” says sopho- football games together and even ber State for wrestling, and he then was just awesome. He was very ad- together.” more Lilli Thompson. Harris adds, go to breakfast together. I love it.” started teaching high school. War- before working at venturous, and he loved his work. ³$VIDUDVWKHWHDPJRHVWKLVVHD- “I expect us to just keep working $FFRUGLQJ WR VRPH WHDP PHP- ren also taught physical education Weber, and I knew He loved his wife, he loved Weber son, I’d say we have lots of room together and do awesome.” bers, being on the team isn’t always and weight training at Weber High and he loved life,” Corbridge says. to improve,” says senior Holly To get ready for game day, tsome easy. Stocker says, “The hardest for 26 years. He was also head about him because “Coach Warren enjoyed living life Stocker. “I mean, you can always girls have their own ways to pre- thing about being on the team is wrestling coach for 21 years, retir- of his legacy.” to the fullest.” get better.” pare. “I listen to music and think ¿JXULQJRXWWKHVFKHGXOH$ VWXGHQW@ ZDV DW D VWDWH with a laugh. new young girls and considering team.” says Harris, “Everyone re- timidating,” says Harris. director, agrees, saying Coach War- tournament. It was a controversial Coach Warren will be missed by how young we are with how well ally comes together, we’re all really ³,W¶VGLI¿FXOWZKHQ\RXJHWLQWR ren took WHS wrestling to one of match and Coach Warren went to many staff members, students and we’re doing, I’d say we’re a pretty close.” Stocker adds, “Game day is a game situation when people give the powerhouses of the state. EDWWOHIRU>WKHVWXGHQW@DWDELJFRQ- alumni. Petersen says, “He was the skilled team. Even though we get my favorite thing of being on the up and don’t work hard until the $Q\RQHZKRKDG&RDFK:DUUHQ IHUHQFH DQG >WKH VWXGHQW@ ZRQ WKH greatest man I know. He was al- down about losing sometimes, if team. Game days are the best days end,” says Jones. “One person ends or passed him in the halls, knew he match and went on in tournament. ways honest and fair, and he always we’re excited, we do really well to- by far.” up doing everyone else’s job, and it was physically strong. “When he To me that just said Coach Warren expected the same of you.” gether,” says Harris. “We’re all close and it really can be hard at times.” Oct./Nov. 2014 SPORTS Warrior News 11 Girls focus on region, state games, 6SRUWVPDQVKLSGH¿QHGDV Soccer is more than games, respect for game, others teammates become family Players attitude, ethics important during games ______Arave, who has played soccer for being able to brag about how good By Elizabeth Josephson 11 years on club and all-star teams. By Kaitlin Lawler they are.” Staff Reporter 6KHLVDOVRWKH:DUULRUJRDONHHSHU Assitant to the Chief “In cross country, you’re con- ______ $QRWKHU UHDVRQ WKH JLUOV HQMR\ ______sidered a bad sport if you elbow soccer is because of the help they SHRSOHRUÀDWWLUHSHRSOH$QGLW¶V “I’ve played since I was four,” receive from their coaches, Feliep :KHQVRPHRQHEULQJVXSVSRUWV GH¿QLWHO\QRWRND\WRWULSDQ\RQH´ says senior, Skylee Schenck, Diaz and Bill Broad. most think of the thrill of winning adds Allman. forward on the girls’ soccer team. “My favorite thing about the a game or match, the dread of los- Senior Jaxon Porter has also seen She also says playing soccer is coaches is they know everything ing and everything else that comes poor sportsmanship in football. “A a good way to get her mind off about soccer. They make us want to with athletics. However, there’s an- bad sport will be dirtier in competi- troubling things, and she loves it. play our hardest and honestly, they other side to the game that plays a WLRQDQGZLOO¿QGVRPHRQHWREODPH “My favorite thing is all the girls. make the game fun. He teaches us large part for every athlete. Good for a loss.” They are my best friends,” she the game, we learn it and we have sportsmanship is what can make or “If I saw any of my girls having adds. done so much better, which makes break any athlete. poor sportsmanship,” says coach Along with the success this year us love the game more,” says &RDFK +DPPHU :+6 IRRWEDOO Macfarlane, “I’d confront them, RQWKH¿HOGWKHJLUOVDOVRHQMR\WKH Schenck. “They are leaders but also says a good sport doesn’t have to and it depends on their attitude, but bonding time they have with their our friends too. They are amazing “help everyone up that they hit, but I’d most likely take them off the team friends. people.” MXVW SOD\ WKH JDPH WKH ULJKW ZD\ court. They wouldn’t be playing “They are there for me on and off “Our coaches are really funny You can play with personality, you tennis for me, that’s for sure.” WKH¿HOG7KH\DUHOLNHIDPLO\:H and easy to get along with,” adds can play with swag, you can do all :KDW FRXOG EH D SRVVLEOH FDXVH KRQHVWO\ MXVW KDYH IXQ :H IRFXV Arave. Ryan Virgil, junior, battles a Viewmont player head on in those things but you don’t need to of someone acting so poorly during when we need to, but we get so “They never give up on us, be the real nice guy where you beat the game? According to bleacherre- H[FLWHGMXVWWRSOD\WKHJDPH´VD\V and they are always helping us an epic battle of strength. them up, pick them up and then do, losing tends to bring out Schenck about her teammates. to improve and become better we are winning games against In order to prepare for their future it all over again. If you appreciate the worst qualities of a player. Junior Brooke Kendell, who has athletes,” says Kendell. really good teams.” games, they work hard during the game, you’ll have good sports- “It’s easy in sports when people SOD\HG VRFFHU VLQFH VKH ZDV ¿YH The coaches are also impressed 7KH WHDP ZRQ WKHLU ¿UVW WZR practice. “There is always room for manship. If you don’t, then you DUHFRPSHWLWLYH,W¶VQRWMXVWSOD\- years old and is center-mid, agrees. ZLWKWKHWDOHQWRQWKH:DUULRUWHDP JDPHV DJDLQVW :RRGV &URVV improvement, and we have worked won’t.” ers though, it’s also the coaches “:H DOZD\V WU\ WR ZRUN WRJHWKHU “The best thing about the girls is and 4-2 against Morgan. hard and continue to work hard to ³,MXVWDVNWKDWWKH\VXSSRUWWKHLU when they can’t accept the loss,” and stay positive. Friends on and they all have a really good attitude, The girls also had shutout games achieve our goal as a team,” says WHDPPDWHV´ VD\V &RDFK 0DFIDU- says Hammer. “I mean for me, I RIIWKH¿HOG´VKHVD\V and they are hungry for learning,” against Viewmont, Northridge and Kendell. lane, tennis coach. “Passion to care hate to lose more than I like to win. “I love being able to bond with says Diaz. Syracuse. During the Viewmont 6KH DGGV ³:H¿[ RXU PLVWDNHV and patience to work for the fruits That feeling you get when you lose, girls I wouldn’t normally meet at The team has done well this JDPH 6FKHQFN VFRUHG :HEHU¶V from the previous game at practice, of your labor, which is the test.” VRPHSHRSOHMXVWFDQ¶WKDQGOHLWWKH school through the sport; they are so season, according to Diaz. He says, only goal against the Vikings, so we can show up next game Sophom*ore Melissa Harris, vol- ULJKW ZD\ )RU PH LW MXVW PDNHV QLFHDQGIXQQ\´DGGVMXQLRU(OOLH ³(YHU\ JDPH WKH\ DUH LPSURYLQJ and Kendell scored the sole point SUHSDUHGDQGIRFXVHG:KDW,OHDUQ leyball player, describes a good PHZRUNKDUGHU6HO¿VKQHVVFRPHV against Northridge. They both at practice, I focus on what I can do sport as someone with integrity. out, in my opinion, when you are scored a point against Syracuse, to be ready to play.” “Being honest when the refs make being a bad sport.” along with senior Lauren Saunders. “, KRQHVWO\ MXVW IRFXV RQ WKH calls, not being disappointed when Having the wrong ethics dur- Senior Nikki Pittman prevented game; think of things I could do \RX ORVH DQG MXVW EHLQJ JRRG WR ing a match, game or meet also Syracuse from scoring, while Ryan EHWWHU DQG MXVW KDYH IXQ´ DGGV your teammates.” affects players often more than 9LUJLO MXQLRU VFRUHG WKUHH SRLQWV Schenck. “I think it’s really important to the bad sports themselves realize. for a 6-0 win. “A challenging thing on the team UHVSHFWWKHRWKHUDWKOHWHV

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Homecoming Homecoming celebration brings new, old traditions


By Kiersten Pitcher Editor in Chief ______

It came and went in a blur of frenzied activity, but Homecoming Week left behind memories that will not soon fade. Weber High has recently experienced a week that may be more memorable than most due to the ¿UVW+RPHFRPLQJZLQLQVHYHQ\HDUVDQGWKHLQLWLDWLRQRIWKH¿UVW¿YH members into the Weber High Hall of Fame. These individuals include Blair Buswell, Rulon Jones, Jerry Moyes, Olene Smith Walker and Rich- ard “Dick” Connolly. “It [the Weber High Hall of Fame] is a way to recognize alumni who KDYHPDGHVRPHVLJQL¿FDQWFRQWULEXWLRQWRWKHLUFRPPXQLW\DIWHUJUDGXD- tion. It’s also for current students to see the possibilities that exist for We- ber High graduates,” says Weber’s principal, Mr. Wardle. Weber’s Hall of Fame display will be set up in the corridor close to the weight room and the big gym. Wardle says this location was chosen because “this area UHFHLYHVWKHPRVWWUDI¿FIURPWKHFRPPXQLW\´ Blair Buswell graduated from Weber High in 1975 and became a na- tionally recognized artist and sculptor. He has sculpted roughly 70 busts 7KH¿UVWWROLFNWKHLUSODWHFOHDQRISHDQXWEXWWHUZHUHVH- IRUWKH1)/+DOORI)DPHDVZHOODVWKH0HUOLQ2OVHQ¿JXUHDW8WDK6WDWH niors Logan Parke and Sadie Thompson. 8QLYHUVLW\%XVZHOODOVRFUHDWHGD:DUULRUVFXOSWXUHORFDWHGLQ:HEHU¶V Commons. Many LDS prophet sculptures were also created by Buswell and are located in the Conference Center. For his accomplishments Bus- well was named the Sports Artist of the Year. Buswell says his favorite memories of Weber High include “all my friends and teachers. I had a great time with all my buddies and certain teachers I really liked.” He also offers advice to the Warriors now attending Weber High, “Get as involved as you can. There are so many things out there, so much to get involved with. Do things that interest you to meet people you like. Don’t just stick to one group of friends; extend yourself outside that and do as many activities as possible.” Rulon Jones graduated with the class of 1976 as a multisport athlete. +HWKHQDWWHQGHG8WDK6WDWHZKHUHKHFRQWLQXHGWRH[FHOLQ)RRWEDOOHDUQ- Ty Decker, junior, samples some of the whipped cream that LQJ3DFL¿F&RDVW$WKOHWH$VVRFLDWLRQRIWKH\HDU+HLVDIRUPHU1)/ was smeared across his face. player and All-Star. He played nine years with the Denver Bronco’s, was a two-time Pro Bowl selection, and he was selected as the AFC Defensive Player of the year in 1986. Another unforgettable Warrior is Richard Connolly, who taught at We- ber High from 1963-93. He was a head coach in football, basketball, track and cross country. He led teams to many region and state championships LQFURVVFRXQWU\WUDFNDQGEDVNHWEDOODQGWKRVHWURSKLHVVWLOO¿OOWKH:H- ber glass cases. Jerry Moyes, the founder, chairman, and CEO of Swift Transportation, graduated from Weber High in 1962. His is one of the largest truckload ÀHHWVLQWKH86+HLVDOVRDOLPLWHGSDUWQHUZLWK$UL]RQD'LDPRQGEDFN Moyes says high school prepared him for his future by providing him with the opportunity to experience “teamwork from being on sports teams. What you learn in sports carries into business.” Moyes adds his favorite memories of Weber High included “playing sports and the comradery. We always had a good time. We worked hard, played hard.” Olene Smith Walker, possibly the most accomplished of this year’s in- augurations, graduated from Weber High with the class of 1948. Walker served eight years in the state legislature and 10 years as the fourth lieu- WHQDQWJRYHUQRURI8WDKEHIRUHEHFRPLQJ8WDK¶Vth Governor. When she

Warrior Homecoming continues on page 14

Alex Bedwell, sophom*ore, devours a melon while trying to Using only their chins to pass an orange are seniors Aus- win the canteloupe eating contest. tin Gaudette and Savannah Rheese.


Students chase each other with foam noodles while trying to crack eggs located in the cut-off stocking ends that have 3KRWRVE\$VKWRQ%LQGUXS-DFNLH2OEHUGLQJ$PEHU%URGHULFN EHHQSXOOHGRYHUWKHLUKHDGV /LQ]HH+DOODQG$QJHOD:DVKEXUQ 14 Warrior News HOMECOMING Oct./Nov. 2014

Warrior Homecoming continues from page 13

ZDVVZRUQLQDVJRYHUQRULQVKHEHFDPHWKH¿UVWZRPDQWRVHUYH as Utah’s governor. Outside of her political accomplishments, Walker has also founded and directed the Salt Lake Education Foundation which is a QRQSUR¿WRUJDQL]DWLRQGHGLFDWHGWRLPSURYLQJWKHHGXFDWLRQDORSSRUWXQL- ties of students in the Salt Lake area. :KLOHSDVW:DUULRUVUHÀHFWHGRQWKHLUKLJKVFKRROPHPRULHVFXUUHQW ones created their own. Senior Baily Wilkins says she enjoys Homecom- ing Week because “we [the students] get a lot of opportunities to get to- gether as groups and make new friends.” The Homecoming festivities began on Monday, Sept. 22 as students FDPHWRVFKRROWR¿QGWKHEXLOGLQJHODERUDWHO\GHFRUDWHGZLWKVWUHDPHUV paper and posters all in Weber High’s school colors. “It’s exciting to see how the school is all decorated; it’s just fun. I also liked the painted drive- way up to the school, and how each sport gets to paint a section. I got to help the cross country team paint theirs,” says senior Samantha Heaton. Hannah Stuckey, senior, adds she liked the decorations because “I love $OXPQL%ODLU%XVZHOODFFRPSDQLHGE\0U6KRUWSDUWLFL- seeing how much school spirit we have here at Weber.” Tuesday was the Spirit Bowl assembly where different students from SDWHLQ+RPHFRPLQJDFWLYLWLHV all the grades participated in a variety of competitions to see which class would come out on top. This year’s Spirit Bowl had everything from stick pulls and a cantaloupe eating contest to dance offs and balloon tag. 1DWKDQ 6WHHG VRSKRPRUH HQMR\HG ZDWFKLQJ KLV ¿UVW 6SLULW %RZO ³, think the Spirit Bowl has been my favorite thing so far. It was really neat and I thought it was fun how it was a big competition against all the grades Juniors Aurora Quinn and Tiffanie Ingram ride horseback and it was super exciting.” DQGOHDGWKHSDUDGHFDUU\LQJWKH$PHULFDQÀDJ “I thought the Spirit Bowl was really fun and the events are super funny to watch. I think it’s the best assembly of the year. Go seniors! Spirit Bowl champs!” adds Senior Megan McIntosh. On Wednesday there were lunch activities with the Homecoming roy- alty. “I liked all the lunch activities. I played a hacky sack game during lunch, and it was awesome!” says Heaton, also a member of the Home- coming Royalty. Thursday was the parade and night pep-rally. “I was really excited to lead the band in the Homecoming parade because the band is doing really well,” says senior Steven Enslow. Heaton says her favorite event from the week was the “Torch run! The cross country team took a bus down to Northridge, and we had four torch- HV7KHQZHOLWWKHPDOORQ¿UHDQGZHUDQDOOWKHZD\IURPWKHLUIRRWEDOO ¿HOGWRRXUIRRWEDOO¿HOGDQGWKDW¶VKRZZHJRWWKHÀDPHWRFDWFKWKHµ1¶ RQ¿UHDWWKHSHSUDOO\´ &URZGVFKHHURQWKHIRRWEDOOWHDPDVWKH\ULGHWKHLU )ULGD\ZDVWKHFKDON¿JKWDQGWKH+RPHFRPLQJJDPH:LONLQVVD\VRQH RIWKHPDQ\UHDVRQVKHORYHGWKHFKDON¿JKWZDV³LI\RXKDWHVRPHRQH ZKHHOHUVDORQJWKHURXWH \RXFDQEHOLNHµ(K+DYHVRPHFKDON¶´6HQLRU6KDQQRQ&ULWFKORZDGGV ³,WZDVVRIXQ,¶YHQHYHUGRQHDFKDON¿JKWEHIRUHVRWKDWZDVDZHVRPH (YHU\ERG\ZDVJRLQJFUD]\DQGKDYLQJDJRRGWLPH´ $IWHUWKHFKDON¿JKWWKHUHDOEDWWOHWRRNSODFHRQWKH¿HOGZLWKDJDPH that kept spectators on the edge of their seats until the very end with an DPD]LQJYLFWRU\RILQGRXEOHRYHUWLPH-XQLRU6KDQH-ROLQVD\V³, loved watching the game and cheering with all my friends and just having 6WXGHQW%RG\2I¿FHUVVKRZWKHLUVFKRROSULGHGXULQJWKH a good time.” +RPHFRPLQJSDUDGH The Homecoming queen and her attendants were also crowed at half WLPHZLWK&KORHH'HODLUDVTXHHQ6DP+HDWRQDV¿UVWDWWHQGDQWDQG1LFNL Pittman as second attendant. 7KRXJKWKHHQWLUHZHHNZDVIXOORIDPD]LQJHYHQWVWKHPRVWPHPR- rable day for students may have been Saturday when the Homecoming dance took place. Enslow says his favorite part of the whole week was the dance because it was awesome, and he had a beautiful date. %HQMDPLQ0D[ZHOOMXQLRUDGGV³7KH+RPHFRPLQJGDQFHZDVGH¿- nitely my favorite because I had the most beautifulest date in the whole wide world, and we danced our socks off.” While another Homecoming celebration is part of Weber’s history, War- riors feel it will be remembered as one of the school’s best.

Levi Putnam, junior, rollerblades in parade behind driver Nick Austin, senior, and passenger Brevon Dean, sopho- PRUH

Cheerleaders join in on the festivities by pumping up school VSLULW


-XQLRUV$YDQOHH-HVVRSDQG7UHYRU+H\ZRRGULGHGHFRUDWHGELNHVGXULQJWKH+RPHFRP- Oklahoma cast members take a break from practice to join the parade and also advertise LQJSDUDGH WKHXSFRPLQJPXVLFDO Photos by Natalie Wilding, Amber Broderick and Marguerite Bennett Oct./Nov. 2014 HOMECOMING Warrior News 15

Homecoming contestants and their stylists participate in the lunch activities. (Photos from left to right) Kolby Nye and Chloee Delair; Skylee Schenk and Nick Austin, Nikki Pitman and Wyatt Watts; Chase Doughty and Austin Gaudette ; Sam Heaton and Ellis Alexander.

Seniors dominate the game against the powerless juniors. During the powder puff game, seniors Lauren Murray and .D\OD*UHHQUXQWKHIRRWEDOOGRZQWKH¿HOGIRUDWRXFK- Abbie Bolos, junior, attempts to outrun senior Lauren down. Murray and Swayzie Stroud.


Football coach Matt Hammer, talks to the students and gets everyone excited for the Homecoming game against Northridge.


Cheerleader Ashton Fullmer, junior, joined the WHS cheerleaders during the evening pep rally. Tyler Robinson, senior, attempts to rip off a car door at the Junior Ashely Marsh and senior Garrett Hoyt become car smash during the pep rally. true Warriors at Homecoming pep rally. Photos by Amanda Dickemore, Amber Broderick, Angela Wilding and Margaureite Bennett. 16 Warrior News HOMECOMING Oct./Nov. 2014






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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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