Nothing But Knots by Mackenna | A Tiny Homestead (2024)

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This is Mary Lewis at A Tiny Homestead, the podcast comprised entirely of conversations with homesteaders, cottage food producers, and crafters. If you're enjoying this podcast, please like, subscribe, share it with a friend, or leave a comment.

Today I'm talking with Mackenna at Nothing But Knots. Good morning Mackenna, how are you? I'm doing good, how are you? I'm good, tell me about yourself and what you do. So my name is Mackenna, I run Nothing But Knots by Mackenna. I've been doing it for about three years now as an actual business, but I've kind of been crocheting my entire life actually.

I learned when I was super young, was taught by my great aunts and my grandmother. And I just kind of picked it up when quarantine happened again. And then I decided after about a year that I wanted to make a business out of it. Okay. So did you choose crocheting because no one was knitting or have you tried knitting too? I have tried knitting. It's just mainly that I can't quite get it down.

I'm not super, uh, like-

Like able to do things with two hands at the same time kind of thing and with needles with knitting You have to use two needles and crochet is just one hook So it's a little bit easier for me to multitask when it's just with one Like one hook Yep, I understand I I tried knitting when I was younger and the thing that made me not want to knit is the sound of the needles Clacking I yes

Yes, I totally understand that too. When you're so used to it being a very quiet hobby, hearing the needles touching each other can be kind of overwhelming. Yeah, I just didn't like it. And then I learned about crocheting and learned how to do the chain stitch, you know, just one after another after another. I was like, okay, I can do this. And then went on to the single crochet and actually the turn and then the single

Oh, I can do that. And then I read about the double crochet and tried that and then triple and then the other things. And I was like, oh my God, I love this. It's quiet. I can do it while I'm watching a TV show in January. When it's cold out, it's great. I am a big fan of crocheting. Okay. Especially if you're making a blanket, you could just curl up with that blanket that you're in the process of making. When it's cold outside, it's perfect.

Yeah, it's a great way to stay warm if your house is not, if your house is drafty for sure. Our old house was drafty, so I loved doing that. And a scarf is so fast to make if you're crocheting. I couldn't believe how fast the scarf came together. Oh yeah, I tried to make, that's when I tried knitting for the first time was trying to do a scarf and I was like, man, this is really taking forever. I could knock out a scarf with crochet and like.

Couple hours and here I am three days later still working on this knitted scarf. Yeah, I think the hardest thing with crocheting is keeping the tension correct. Because when I first started, I did a scarf and it had spots that were narrower than they should have been by just a little bit because the tension wasn't right. And I also did the washcloth, the crocheted cotton yarn washcloth.

the one corner was always too tight, so they weren't square, and it drove me crazy. I finally figured it out, but the tension is probably the thing that you need to learn how to get correct, I think. Yes, I am on the same page with you there. I mean, it's the same with crochet and knitting, but crochet is a lot easier to keep your attention, because you have one hand free, essentially, at all times. Yep, exactly.

Okay, so now that we've raved about crocheting, because I love it, you love it, I haven't done it in a long time, but I love doing it when I'm doing it. So what do you make? Because I saw your Facebook page photos and the little bear with like the blanket that comes down for the body, that's very cute. Oh, thank you. Right now, I mainly specialize in making bags and baby blankets.

I get a lot of custom orders from my co-workers for baby blankets. I'm currently working on one for my son and I have a niece coming in September so she'll be getting a blanket as well. Besides that, I've kind of been venturing into wearables so like sweaters, hats, that kind of thing, obviously some scarves.

quite found my niche really for it is like stuffed animals and stuff. Everyone wants a stuffed animal. Everyone wants me to make like those lovies like the bears with the blankets attached to them. I am not a huge fan of sewing things together. So if I can find a no sew pattern where I can just kind of crochet everything together, that's where I what I like to do. But a lot of people want like super complicated.

stuffed animals and I'm trying, I love the look at them. I love like making the pieces, but it's putting them all together that I really struggle with. Yeah, because it's not the thing you've been doing. It's an added in thing to learn how to do. I get it. Mm-hmm. And honestly, you're a new mom. You have a seven week old baby. You've got a lot going on right now.

Oh yeah, I haven't really had quite a lot of time lately, obviously, to crochet, but I try to sneak it in during his naps or once I put him down for bed I try to crochet for a little bit before I go to bed myself. Yeah, and as we all know, I mean I've had three babies, I know that sleep is a commodity when you have a brand new baby. So if you're tired and you're trying to learn a new thing it makes it even more frustrating.

Especially when you're trying to count stitches. It's like a project where you have to have a specific number It's definitely pretty hard Yeah, if you're if you're sleep-deprived it just it will drive you bonkers trying to keep it all straight Okay, so So you said you started crocheting when you were little um Who taught you so I have

some wonderful women in my family and my great aunts are the ones who mainly taught me how to crochet so they're my mom's aunts and then my dad's mom my grandmother also crocheted at the same time so she kind of taught me like the actual stitches my aunts mainly just taught me like chains we called them dog leashes at the time because that's pretty much all i could do was just chain

And then I started doing like the simple like single crochet and a half double crochet. Like I said, I lost it for a while. You get busy as you get older. Started my first job, all this kind of stuff. Life happened. And then everyone was off work for quarantine when COVID happened and I needed something to do instead of just sitting here doing nothing.

So I kind of just retaught myself how to do everything, watched a couple YouTube videos, and now I'm to the point where I can kind of just make up a pattern off the top of my head and it somehow by magic turns out. So I got lucky in that aspect. Yeah, I've done that too. I think it's wonderful that you had amazing women in your family to teach

I learned from YouTube videos. And yeah, that is very common nowadays. And I have to get I have to give it to the people that can make videos because I don't have the patience to make a video and try to teach someone how to do it through a video. I'd rather be right next to someone. Yeah, because watching it, you have to reverse it in your head. Mm hmm. The hand placement, you know, because you're looking at it.

their right hand is where your left hand is, you know, what I mean? Yeah, yeah, no, I totally understand. And so it's, it's, if you can't do that in your head, you can't learn that way. The other thing that that's interesting with crocheting is that reading written instructions, it's, it's really hard to learn how to crochet reading it. Seeing someone do it is the trick, I think.

Yeah, you definitely, if I had any like suggestions, I would definitely say start with videos first and then go to patterns and like reading patterns because like you said, if you don't know the terminology like very well and you're still learning, reading a pattern is going to be so difficult for a beginner if you don't know the stitches like abbreviations. Yep. Yep. I was, I was

learning the next thing after the chain stitch and I was reading what I thought was a simple pattern. I got like two sentences into this thing. I was like, I have no idea what they're talking about. I need to go find videos. I can't understand this. It's a different language and I don't know it yet. Okay. So how is the business going? Is it like a hobby that turned into a business? Is it a real business?

And by real, I mean, do you have to pay quarterly taxes on the money you make? That kind of thing. Oh, no. Okay. So it really is a hobby that started out and like, it started out as a hobby. And I was like, I got a couple people saying, oh, you could like sell this stuff. Or when they like, I'd be willing to just like give people something and they were like, oh no, I'm going to pay you for it.

You put in a lot of hard work to this. And then once I had a couple people saying, oh, I'd rather just pay for it for you to do it that way. You're getting something out of it. I was like, oh, well, maybe more people would be interested in this and be willing to buy things from me. It's not an actual business at the moment. I would love for it to be an actual business maybe later down the road. Right now, it's just a side hustle kind of thing.

making like a little bit of extra money here and there. But I mainly do like markets or like craft shows. So that's like my main source of income when it comes to crochet and my business. But it's not like a legal, like pay taxes business. It's more so like a.

I just wanted to give it a name. I just felt weird just going to these markets and it just being me. I felt like I needed a name to go with it, so it felt a little more official to me. Yeah, and you came up with a really great logo. I love that. Thank you. Yeah, anyone who wants to see it, I'm going to put the link to the Facebook page so people can see your logo. It's adorable. So I haven't really crocheted in years because we've been...

I'm mildly busy with starting a brand new home almost four years ago and growing things and getting a puppy and getting chickens and barn cats and stuff like that. But in talking to you, that little niggling thing in the back of my head is telling me that this winter when it's cold, I would be really smart to pick up some cotton yarn and make some washcloths to sell at next year's farmers markets because we sell at the farmers

and I hadn't even thought about it. So I might be doing some crocheting this winter. Thank you. I appreciate the inspiration because it's not that hard. I know how to do it. I just haven't done it. Do you have a favorite brand for your yarn or are you just good with whatever yarn you pick up? I kind of like all yarn. I go mainly based off of like how it feels, but

The brand I like the most for when I do like larger, larger like products or projects like the blankets or a wearable like a sweater is the Karen one pound yarn because it comes in a one pound ball of yarn and even though a lot of like this like these bigger skeins of yarn are

It's like $11.99. You can get it at Joann's or Michael's or really, I assume you can get it at any craft store. I haven't tried like a Hobby Lobby or anything, but they last and the yarn is sturdy. I don't have to worry about when my ends get weaved in at the end of a project, any of it coming out, because it's just a nice thick but soft worsted, which is like the basic

weight for yarn. That's pretty much what all acrylic is. You can get different weights of yarn, but the most popular is the size four. And it's just, it comes in a big skein, it's soft, and I just like the pricing that it is for the size that it comes in. And if I remember correctly, that brand has some really pretty colors for baby blankets.

Oh yes they do. They have some vibrant colors, they have more natural tones, like they pretty much have, if you can think of the color they probably have it. Mm-hmm. Yep. I really like that and I really like lion heart, is it lion? Lion heart? Lion something? Lion brand? Red lion? I don't remember. Lion is in the name, but I really like that for scarves because it's not as heavy.

But it's thick and it's soft. It's so soft. And my kids, I made scarves for my kids when they were young and they loved them. They would wrap the scarf around their neck and squish their chin into the yarn to feel it. Yeah, it's a great yarn. Yep, and I really like the... I think it's sugar and spice cotton yarn for the... Oh, the sugar and cream, yeah. Something like that, yeah.

for the for the washcloth because yeah that's what I used to make my sorry my coasters yep yeah and do you start your coasters or not I personally don't um I I don't I don't have any experience starting anything like any any of my projects so I don't like to if it if I did I was

afraid it would take away from the absorbency of the cotton, like as a coaster. I've seen other people do it and I get why they do it because it makes it like firm, it makes so it doesn't, it's not like super floppy when you like take like go to use it. But I'm afraid it's going to take away from the absorbency and um.

My coasters are pretty like probably not like top five of my best sellers at markets and I haven't had a complaint yet or someone asked me to start them. So, I mean, if someone asked me, I would, but at the moment I'm not going to knock what's working. Yeah. If it isn't broke, don't fix it. Um, I would never want to use one of your coasters to actually set my coffee cup on.

because I would absolutely slop my coffee on it and I would be sad because the stain would never come out because your coasters are really pretty. Well, thank you. I mean, I've had some people say the same thing, but I tell them all the time, things are washable. I understand not wanting to stain it, but that's kind of the whole point of them. Get them dirty. They're washable.

I've been using the same set of coasters that I made for myself for about two years now and they're still their vibrant color even after washing them. So I say get them dirty. I always tell people they're going to get dirty no matter what, whether it's going to be from condensation or a spill. They're going to get dirty, they're washable and their colors don't fade, especially if you use that Lily Sugar and Cream Cotton Yarn. Okay.

Good to know, because I really like nice things. I like nice things that people make. I like nice things like glasses that are beautiful, vases that are beautiful, but I don't typically buy them because I'm like, invariably, I am going to ruin that thing that was so pretty when I started with it. And I also have a younger sister and shared a room with her until I moved out.

at 18 years old and she had a way of breaking all my nice things. So I got trained to not have nice things. You know the line about this is why we cannot have nice things. Yeah. And so I tend to get things that are utilitarian, that the function is more important than the fashion of it. So that's just me.

But anybody who needs coasters, you should talk to McKenna, because they're very pretty. Thank you so much. Yeah, I love what you're doing. I think it's beautiful. And I know the work that goes into creating the things that you're creating. And it takes time, and it takes patience.

So I think that whatever you are charging for your goods, I think that it's at worth every penny because I know the work that goes into what you're doing. Yeah, that's something people don't realize a lot of the time if they don't work on the craft or they don't have like a hobby that's like crochet.

they don't realize, like you said, the time, the patience, and even sometimes the money that goes into them. And then they're like, wow, that's a really high price for something kind of small or something like that. But it's like the same with people that like do like the soldering of like the glass and making all like the glassware, pottery, anything like that. They think, oh, it's like, it seems so easy. Why is it so expensive? It's just

You guys gotta realize how much time and effort and practice goes into these things. Yes, handmade means time. Handmade requires time. Factories can create a blanket in an eighth of the time it's going to take you, if not a sixteenth of the time it's going to take you. Oh yeah. So.

It's a very fine distinction and it needs to be made. So you mentioned Joanne Fabrics. I freaking love Joanne Fabrics. I haven't been in one in quite a while. But number one, I love the inspiration that smacks you in the face when you walk in the door. And number two, I don't know if they still do this, but they used to have amazing coupons and sales. Do they still do that?

Oh yeah, I have the app for Joann's, so I get like 20% off coupons all the time. Sometimes they run like 60% off on sales, especially in the yarn section. I obviously take advantage of that a lot, a lot. But I also take advantage of all their other sales that they have. But yes, they do have some pretty amazing sales.

compared to Michael's sometimes I used to shop at Michael's all the time for all my yarn and then I rediscovered Joanne fabrics and It has just like boosted my yarn supply like Tenfold almost like they have so many more options for not alone like colors, but also brands at Joanne's It's it's just a whole different ballgame over there

Oh yeah, I don't dare to walk into a yarn aisle at Joanne's right now because I would buy 17,000 colors. One of the things that drew me to crocheting is that there's so many fun colors. Yes, there are. I mean, I love sage green. I love navy blue. I love cornflower blue. I don't know if you know what that is, but it's just a lighter, brighter shade of navy.

And I don't really have a lot of color in my house. My house is cream and coffee colors. And I keep saying to my husband, I'm gonna go to Joanne's and buy a whole bunch of crazy colors and make some things to hang because it's colorful. He's like, you are not, you love the color scheme of our house. And I'm like, yes, but we need some color, my goodness. So I should not have talked to you today. Now I'm gonna make a run to Joanne's this weekend. Yeah.

I'm the same way. I like I'm a big sage green fan as well. I that's probably one of my favorite colors Um, and the problem is is if i'm making stuff for myself, it's all in that same color scheme like greens Browns like a very neutral tone, but I love seeing people's work where it's like vibrant colors And I keep telling myself mckenna Make something for yourself in a vibrant color, but then i'm like, I don't know

it doesn't really match everything else, you know? So I'm in the same boat as you, where I wanna make a little bit more, like add more vibrant colors to my collection. Yeah, I asked my husband a month ago, I said, so, I said, we've been here almost four years. I said, next year, are we gonna paint? Cause the house was remodeled before I moved in and it was perfect. And of course we've lived here, so we've gotten dings in the walls and.

There's just things that need to be touched up and trying to match paint is a pain in the butt. Oh yeah. And he said, do you want to paint your kitchen sage green? And I said, I want to make the cabinets sage green, not the cabinet cabinets. The cabinets are cream, I like them. The only cabinets, the only feature original to the house are these pantry cabinets and they painted them the coffee color that is the other.

color besides cream for the color scheme for the house. And these are the original cabinets. They left the shelves in with the contact paper on them. Oh yeah. And they left the hooks for coffee mugs in them. So I will never change the inside because I love that the nostalgia for this old farmhouse is still there. But I said I would really love to paint the cabinets sage green and that would be fine with cream.

And he was like, yeah, he said, we could do that. He said, do you want to paint the accent wall in the living room sage green? And I was like, no, I want to paint it a coffee color just like it is now. He said, oh, good. So people's preferences for colors are very, very specific. And that's totally fine to each their own. I just.

I love it when Joann's would put their yarn on sale in the clearance section because you could get three skeins of yarn for three bucks. I don't know if that's the case now, but you used to be able to. And I didn't care what colors they were because I was just going to make scarves for the kids and the kids loved all the crazy colors.

Yeah, I recently had a pretty large custom order for some pillows that were shaped like cannabis leaves. And I got super lucky that all the colors that this lady had picked out were all in the clearance section and all the brand that I use anyways for that kind of project for like a pillow. And I got super lucky.

10 skeins of yarn for each skein was like $2 each. So I barely spent like 30 bucks. It was great. I loved their deals there. Yeah, it helps, especially if you're new or you're on a budget. So we have about five minutes left before we get to 30 minutes. I try to keep these to half an hour. If someone was going to get into crocheting, like they have never crocheted in their lives.

What would you suggest for first steps and ways to make it less expensive if they decide they don't like it? I would always say YouTube is gonna be your best friend and don't stick to one person's like channel for videos and like tips and tricks because everybody does something differently. I would definitely say look at multiple different channels or

If you're not into a specific channel, just multiple different videos for sure would help because there's different terms between the US and the UK. So you want to get familiar with both of those because if you're reading a pattern, it might change. They might say, oh, this is in UK terms and a double crochet in UK is the same thing as a single crochet in the US. So definitely.

watch a lot of different videos. Don't skip to the- don't watch like all the same person. I- I mean all- you can always go back to those videos and watch more of that person's videos, but I would definitely say watch more than one. And when it comes to supplies, shop, like we've been talking about, sale yarn, do some like you said washcloths, coasters, anything like that, and then once you kind of got the hang of it, then invest in that more expensive yarn.

It's just all personal preference. And if you're looking for hooks, there's even stuff, you can go to thrift stores and possibly find hooks and yarn and all that kind of stuff to make it a little bit less expensive. Amazon is great. You can buy like a whole kit where it has like 10 different sizes of hooks and maybe some sample sizes of yarn as well as stitch markers.

Tapestry needles for like 20 bucks for a whole kit. So I mean Just shop around the first thing you see is not always gonna be the best thing look at reviews You don't have to have the most expensive hooks to start off. I started off with like dollar store plastic crochet hooks you don't need Furl brand which is like a really really nice brand like almost fifteen dollars per a hook

You don't need that when you begin and even now I don't use those and I've been doing it for A quite a long time. I don't Definitely just just shop around You don't need the most expensive things cheap things Cheap hooks do the same work as expensive hooks. They more expensive ones might be a little more comfortable in your hand But when you're just beginning It it's not it's not that big of a deal and take breaks when you crochet take breaks I don't know how

how much my hand hurt because I don't I didn't think of that when I first started. Take breaks, stretch your hands out. Trust me, it's going to be worth it in the long run. Yeah, mine, my hands hurt when I did it too. I remember that now. Okay, the other things that I would chime in with is join some of the Facebook groups for crocheting or the forums online because people are so willing to help you if you get stuck. Yeah, especially with patterns.

I'm in a group where they take a picture of the row that they're on or the round that they're on and they're like, hey, I don't quite understand this. People are so willing to explain it to you. Yeah. And then the other thing I was going to say is you can find yarn on Craigslist and on Facebook Marketplace that people are just trying to get rid of. I had somebody message me.

And it wasn't because of those, but someone messaged me who knew that I crocheted and said, I have a garbage bag size bag of all different kinds of yarns. Do you want it? Yeah, I've had that happen to me too, where they're just like, I just wanna get rid of it. You can have it. I don't want anything for it. I ended up, the only problem with that is sometimes it's just like kind of older yarn. But still, you're getting it for free.

go through it, see if there's anything you would like, and then maybe pass it on to the next person, that's what I did. Whatever I didn't use, I passed on to the next person and they passed it on and it just kind of was like a big chain of free yarn. Yeah, and yard sales, and Goodwill, and really, there is yarn everywhere in the entire world, sitting there waiting for you to decide you wanna try to make something with it. Exactly. So.

All right, Mackenna, thank you so much for taking the time to talk with me. I really appreciate it. Thank you so much for having me. It's been a great time talking to you. Yeah, I love talking about crafting. I think it's really fun. Don't leave me when I stop recording because I need your file to upload, okay? Okay. All right, thanks. Bye. Bye-bye.

Nothing But Knots by Mackenna | A Tiny Homestead (2024)


How much land do you need for farming? ›

For the average family of four, you can expect to grow a year's worth of food on three to five acres. We really do think that five acres is the sweet spot because it allows you to stack your animals and really utilize permaculture practices. One acre for gardens, perennials and fruit trees.

How to start a profitable homestead? ›

Easy strategies for earning income on your homestead
  1. Selling Plant Starts.
  2. Market Gardening.
  3. Specialty Produce.
  4. Host Events.
  5. Rent Out Space.
  6. Educational Workshops.
  7. Farm Fresh Eggs.
  8. Logging, Firewood, and Woodworking.
Jul 11, 2024

How to live on a homestead? ›

How To Start A Homestead – Step By Step
  1. Step 1: Consider What Homesteading Involves. ...
  2. Step 2: Set Goals For Yourself. ...
  3. Step 3: Decide Where You Want To Live. ...
  4. Step 4: Make A Budget. ...
  5. Step 5: Start Small. ...
  6. Step 5: Continually Simplify Your Life. ...
  7. Step 6: Learn To Preserve Food. ...
  8. Step 7: Make Friends With Other Homesteaders.

Is 1 acre enough for a small farm? ›

You don't need a lot of acreage to have a self-sufficient homestead. On a 1-acre farm of good, well-drained land, I would keep a cow and a goat, a few pigs and maybe a dozen hens.

How much does it cost to start a small farm? ›

Farming is also a business, so you need to understand exactly how much it will cost. And it's a complicated question with no set answer. However, you can expect to spend anywhere from $600-$10K to start a small-scale farming operation. Large-scale operations can cost well over $2M to start!

Do small farms make money? ›

Small farms absolutely contribute to feeding communities and sustainable agriculture, and I personally believe they (we) are the future of food. But the question remains, can small farm businesses reliably turn a profit? The short answer is 'yes', of course small farms are profitable.

What state is the best to start a homestead? ›

10 Best States For Homesteading 2023
  1. Tennessee. Rural Tennessee is already a popular location for sustainable living enthusiasts, with a fantastic harvesting season of around 9 months of the year, there are low property taxes and costs.
  2. Idaho. ...
  3. Oregon. ...
  4. Maine. ...
  5. Michigan. ...
  6. Connecticut. ...
  7. Montana. ...
  8. Alaska. ...
Feb 9, 2024

What makes the most money on a homestead? ›

Sell Your Produce and Farm Products

One of the most obvious and traditional ways to make money on a homestead is by selling your produce and farm products. Whether you grow vegetables, fruits, nuts (how long do nuts last?), herbs, or raise livestock and poultry, there's likely a market for your goods.

Is homesteading illegal in the US? ›

End of homesteading

The Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 ended homesteading; by that time, federal government policy had shifted to retaining control of western public lands. The only exception to this new policy was in Alaska, for which the law allowed homesteading until 1986.

Where is the cheapest place to start a homestead? ›

Arizona. One of the biggest drawbacks to starting a homestead is the upfront costs of land and equipment, which is why it makes sense that Arizona is so highly considered. It has some of the cheapest land costs in the country and a general cost of living that align with the U.S. average.

What are the disadvantages of homesteading? ›

Cons of Buying Homestead Property:
  • Limitations on Property Usage: Homestead laws often impose restrictions on the use and development of the property. ...
  • Reduced Mobility: Homestead property typically requires a certain level of commitment, as it may limit your ability to relocate or sell the property easily.

How much land do you need to farm for yourself? ›

Food production: To meet the dietary needs of an average person, you might need at least 1 to 2 acres of land for growing a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, and herbs. This estimate can vary widely based on factors such as climate and growing methods.

Can you make a living farming 5 acres? ›

There are many ways to maximize the profits and make a living off farming 5 acres of land. The key is to find the right plot of land, plan carefully, and put in hard work. You can always start small and then add another type of crop or plant another tree. Give it time and success will follow.

Is 15 acres enough for a farm? ›

This amount of space is more than enough to accommodate a large estate, farm, or ranch. It could also be used for commercial or industrial purposes such as warehouses, factories, or even an amusem*nt park. Therefore, 15 acres of land is equivalent to 653,400 square feet of land.

How many acres do you need to be a successful farmer? ›

A satisfactory setup for a family farm is fifteen to twenty cows and a minimum of 80 to 120 acres of good land for the production of pasture, hay, and other feed for the stock.

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Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.