Skyview Temple - The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Guide - IGN (2024)


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Welcome to IGN's Walkthrough for the Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. This page contains information on the Skyview Temple dungeon, including how to get the flying Beetle item, and defeat your first boss.

Video Guide - Skyview Temple

The large door of Skyview Temple is locked, but a shot from your Slingshot will open it. Shoot the blue gem at the top of the door to get a blue rupee (5). Look for a pink diamond above the door. Shoot it and you will gain access to the Skyview Temple.


When you get inside, Fi will inform you that you will not be able to track Zelda with the Dowsing ability anymore. Save at the Bird Statue in front of you and take note that the Go to the Sky option is now replaced with Go Outside.

After you save, run down the spiral path and cut the trees and webs from a distance (don't get caught in the webs or you'll be susceptible to Keese attacks). If you cut through the glowing part of tree stalks you'll get a Rupee reward. You will eventually get to a high ledge with grass on it to climb up it (as well as a locked door to your left).

Cut down the trees in front of the ledge. Before you climb, shoot the Deku Baba up top the ledge with your slingshot in order to stun it. Climb up the ledge, defeat the Deku Baba, and strike the pink diamond to unlock the door.

In the new room, there's an Eye Switch. Lock on to it and point your sword at it. Do large circular motions with the sword in a clockwise manner while aiming right at the TV. The Eye Switch will follow your movements; rolling its eye in the direction you move the sword.

The Eye will eventually turn red and fall off causing the door below it will open.

Enter through the door and you will see several Burs scattered around the area. You will also encounter two Deku Babas that will be hanging from the ceiling. Defeat the enemies and save at the Bird Statue. There are four doors in this room on each side.


Proceed forward on the bridge and you will see a Green Gokoblin. This particular Bokoblin has an axe so you'll need to watch out for its attacks. After you defeat it, shoot the pink switch above the door to the right, but do not enter it yet.

Drop down below and search the ground for some spare Rupees. A pink switch is well-hidden under the bridge on the left side.

You can nail it with a Slingshot pellet or run up the ledge it's on to strike it with your sword. Hitting this switch will open the door on the left side.

Head through the door on the left side and kill the Green Bokoblin in this room. You will see a Skulltula on a web here. You can not defeat it from the side you are on, so shoot the vine curls off to the right to bypass the spiders. Swing across the vines to the far side and you will encounter a Quadro-Baba.

Defeat it and you can now you can stab the Skulltulas on the web. To do so, either stab its belly in the glowing spot by doing a thrust with your sword (jabbing with the Wii Remote) or shoot them with the Slingshot and use Fatal Blows on them.

*Tip*: If you encounter a Skulltula on the ground, an upward slash (a vertical slash from the bottom up) or, even better, an upward spin attack, will knock them on their back and also allow for a Fatal Blow.


After you defeat the Skulltulas on the stone bridge, look around and you will see a pink switch here that can be shot with the Slingshot. Hitting this switch fills the central room up with water.

Run out through the door on the other side of the bridge, opposite from where you entered, and you will be back to the main chamber that is now flooded with water.

From here, climb up the tree branch, on the left, and you will find a chest that contains the Dungeon Map.

The map will show the location of Zelda and all the treasure chests in the dungeon (No more compass!).

It will also show you the locations of all locked doors, save points, and switches (the red X's) in the dungeon.

Now, drop down to the bridge in the main chamber and head through the other door on the right. There is a small tunnel at the bottom of this room to the left. Drop down and crawl through it to find a pink switch above the large statue.


Hit the switch with a shot from your trusty Slingshot and the temple will be filled with more water. When the temple finishes filling up with more water, climb the vines in the room to get out. You will see a Dig Spot here that you will return to later.

Head back to the main chamber and use the floating log on the right side, next to the door you went through a few moments ago, to get onto the vines (make sure to defeat the baby Skulltula on the vine before you climb up it!).

Climb the vines and go through the door up here to get back to the room you were just previously in.

Kill the Skulltula found hanging from the ceiling by slicing it horizontally with your sword to spin it on its web.

When the purple weak point on its back is exposed, thrust your sword forward to damage it. After you kill it, turn and look at the pair of Eye Switches that are keeping a chest behind bars.

Stand in front of both of them on the light patch (make sure that both of the eyes are looking at you).


Pull out your sword and mesmerize the eyes, just like last time, with wide circular motions. The eyes will eventually fall off and the bars confining the chest will go away.

In the chest is a Small Key for the Northern room in the main chamber. Head back to the main chamber and use the key on the locked northern door.

When you enter the room, you will notice the towering stone structure before you.

Facing you is a locked door which can be opened by shotting the pink switch located just above it. Before entering, make sure you are ready to fight the mini-boss inside!


The Stalfos holds its swords in various angles. To damage it, you need to position your sword's swings so that they strike its body in the space between the swords. (Ex: If it holds it's swords horizontally, swipe horizontally so your sword hits its ribcage in the space between them, as pictured below.) Its rib cage will fall away as you attack. Keep swiping from oppurtunistic angles and you will take it out.


Inside the chest here is the Beetle. The Beetle can be used to retrieve items, cut spider webs, blow up bombs and activate switches. You fire it and then control it remotely while it lasts -- picking up items extends its range.

Shoot the Beetle out through the hole in the wall and smash it straight into the pink jewel that originally opened the door.

Back outside the central room, save at the Bird Statue and use the Beetle to explore the area. Here's all the things you can kill and loot you can get in the room:

  • You can cut down 3 crates hanging from threads of web in the area to get a red rupees. One has a Pink Fairy in it. Catch it with your bottle
  • Cut down the Skulltulas and then use a Finishing Blow to kill them.
  • Fly up into the passages above the locked door to find rupees.
  • Fly up north above the barred door for a some blue rupees.
  • Fly up into a dead end in the south for a Red Rupee.
  • Above the locked door is a Red Rupee.
  • Fly up into the passage above the Bird Statue to hit a switch to open the west door.


Heart Piece

A hole at the very top of the central structure on the north side leads to a switch.

Send the Beetle up to this and hit it. This switch opens the gate on the north side of the central structure with a Heart Piece inside!

After using your Beetle to hit the pink switch in the tunnel above the bird statue, enter the western door. Head straight down the hallway and enter the door at the end. In this room, kill the Skulltula and you'll face a trio of Eye Switches.

Look behind you and send the Beetle up to cut down the box hanging above the second level. Climb up there, by using the grassy wall, and push the box down. Move it to the center of the room, so that all the eyes will look at you, and climb on top.

When you are up top the box and in the right position, all three Eye Switches eyes will watch you. Mesmerize them with your sword in circular motions and the gate will open.

Open the chest, that was behind the gate, and you will receive another Small Key. You can now open the eastern door in the room with the massive bottle. Exit the room and aim the Beetle up at the broken stair case.


Guide the Beetle to the pink switch, past the Skulltula on the web, and it will cause more water to rise up in the temple. You can now reach the broken stairs. Slice the Skulltula out of the web and kill it.

Head out the room, going back to the room with the massive bottle, you go to the Eastern door that is locked.

When you approach the rope to walk across, several Deku Babas will hang down from the ceiling. Use your Beetle, aiming at their stem, to cut them down so that you can safely cross the rope.

In the next passage, there is a three-headed monster called a Staldra which you can only kill by cutting off all three of its heads in one swipe. Line up your swing right when the eyes turn red and slash every head to kill it.

The easiest way to defeat it is to use your Wooden Shield to stun it, if you time your Shield Bash, for right when the Staldra attacks.

When you kill the Staldra a new door will open up for you. Head through the newly opened door and you will be in a new room with a Skulltula hanging from a strand. Use the Beetle to cut the strand causing Skulltula to fall down into the pit.


Dash-jump across the gap and you will see a gate here that has a pink switch above it. Hit the switch with the beetle to make a shortcut back to the room with the massive bottle in it.

Cross the central rope that leads towards the Boss Door. Two Green Gokoblins with come towards you from the front and behind. Jostle the enemies off the rope when they get close to you.

An alternate strategy is to lure the two Gokoblins onto the rope by getting on it yourself, and then get off and hit them with your slingshot.

They will be stunned and fall. When you cross to the other side, make sure to save your game at the Bird Statue.

Turn left at the Boss Door for a red rupee in a Chest in a tiny room. Cross to the other side, of the Boss Door, to another small room and climb the vines.

Cut down a rope here and dash-jump to it. Swing towards the tree platform and climb the vines on it. Carefully walk along the tree and look for two curled vines on the ceiling that you can hit with the Slingshot.

When you hit the curled vines, jump to the first vine. Line yourself up with the other vine by pressing B and turning until you line up perfectly with it. Scoot to the bottom of the vine, swing, and jump to the next vine.


Swing back and forth on this vine until you have huge momentum and you can make the jump into the small room.

Open the chest and you will receive the Golden Carving (the 'Boss Key'). Climb up the vines and jump out the small room. Cross back over the rope and save at the Bird Statue by the boss door in the north. If you do not have two recovery items, and a shield, do not attempt this boss fight! Return to Skyloft to prepare if need be.

Go to the boss door and arrange the Golden Carving to look like a lower-case 'h.'

You can use two hands to do this. Insert the Golden Carving when you have it lined up.

Boss: Ghirahim

Video Guide - Ghirahim Boss Battle

If you attack Ghirahim in a straightforward manner, he will snatch your sword. You must struggle to break it free of his grasp; if you fail, then Ghirahim will take your sword and use it against you. Use a Shield Bash to knock it out of his hand, and then grab it before he does. When Ghirahim approaches you with his hand raised, he is monitoring your actions and moving his hand in the same direction as your sword.


To make sure he doesn't grab it, wait for him to hold his hand up and come very close, and lure it to any direction of your choice. Then slowly (but not too slowly) move your sword to the OTHER direction and then slash at him a bunch, starting with the direction opposite his hand.

If you move your sword to the other side too quickly, the Wii Remote will interpret it as a slash, so be careful!

Tip: If you're really having trouble, a strategy to quickly finish the first half of the battle is to Skyward Strike him as he tries to take your sword from you, then slash away at him before he can react. If you try to Skyward Strike him when he's far away, he'll move away, almost like he's teleporting. You have to make sure not to Skyward Strike until he's mimicking your movements and trying to take your sword.

Another tip is to shield bash (jab forward your nunchuk when shield is out) when he is next to you, then slash at him quickly - I had a 90% success rate of this coming off when doing it and beat the first part of the battle very quickly.

Don't panic for the first part of the battle; he gives you lots of time and you can just keep swinging at him (in hope that some slashes will damage him), as long as you remember to shake your remote relentlessly when he grabs your sword. That way, he can't ever really get an attack on you, but it's a patient battle.

After hitting him a bit, he will change tactics and fire some small projectiles at you. These can be smacked back at him with a perfect slice in the pattern of the projectiles. For instance, if they are in a vertical line, slash in a vertical line.

You'll want to back away from him while he lines up this attack. It is easier to repel the projectiles using a Skyward Strike than a regular slash, but it still has to be in the correct angle.


He will also do a dash attack. Hold your shield out and use the nunchuk jab to repulse Ghirahim when he runs into you. Then, swipe at him a bit. If you lose your shield, however, you'll have to use a Spin Attack or regular swipes to hit him.

If using regular swipes, you will have to make sure to aim to either your right or left, whichever side he is attacking, or you'll miss.

Occasionally Ghirahim will warp in close to you with his sword raised. When he does this, horizontally slash at him.

Skyview Spring

After he takes several dozen slashes, Ghirahim will retreat. You will get a Heart Container that extends your life permanently. Enter the open door to access the Skyview Spring.


Goddess Cube

Behind the spring by the waterfalls you can stock up on a Pink Fairy or two.

Also, be sure to activate the Goddess Cube (this opens a chest with a Gold Rupee on Pumpkin Landing) behind the shrine with a Skyward Strike.

Now, use the Skyward Strike to hit the blue wing symbol on the shrine itself.

Fiwill translate a message from the Gods for you and inform you that Zelda has purified herself at Skyview Spring. She will also tell you that she has more than likely gone to Eldin Spring in order to fulfill her prophecy. You'll then get the Ruby Tablet, which fits in the base of the large statue in Skyloft.Fi will tell you to return to a Bird Statue and take it to Skyloft.

After you are finished talking to Fi, a cutscene will commence showing Machi meeting you in front of the temple, thanking you for finding all of his friends, and wishing you luck on finding Zelda. After the cutscene is done, save at the Bird Statue and go to the Sky.

The Goddess Cubes you've found now appear on your map, located on various islands in the Sky. Fi will tell you all about this. Now is as good a time as any to grab the contents of these chests. For the three you've found in Faron Woods thus far you'll get a Heart Piece, Adventure Pouch Upgrade and Gold Rupee.

Up Next: Eldin Volcano

PreviousDeep WoodsNextEldin Volcano

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Skyview Temple - The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Guide - IGN (1)

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword


ESRB: Everyone 10+

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