Testimonials – Patriot Guard Riders (2024)

Shirley A. Bell

My Mother, My Friend. Although she only served 3 years, she supported her husband of almost 60 years while he served 20 years in the Navy. Thank You Patriot Guard Riders for your escort to Barrancas National Cemetery. It meant a lot to her family and especially to her husband, our father.

Thank you for being there

Thank you for being at Dallas Fort Worth National Cemetery honoring service members today. It was a difficult day for our family as we laid to rest a great husband, father, brother, uncle and friend. We were grateful to have you there and lead the processional.

I’m not a hero but

I thank you for the great service you do for our heroes that are gone. Keep up the good work. From one vet to another????????????????????

LeRoy Junior Hernandez his dad Leroy Sr

On August the 26 I lost both my son and his dad same room holding hands to Covid. I wanted to say thank you for giving my son his Military Burial. May God keep blessing you so much

PFC Nelson Crosby

The family of PFC Nelson Crosby wants to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to you for your help in bringing home our loved one. Your actions allowed us to properly say goodbye to him while giving him the honor he deserved for giving the ultimate sacrifice with his life. The telling of his story was his final chapter and we thank you for making sure it was heard. Bringing him home and finally burying him in his hometown brought some
Much needed closure for his only living brother as well as for the rest of the family.

I am 84 years old

I am 84 years old and diagnosed with bladder cancer. PGR helped with transportation and hotel expense and funds for incidentals for me and my helper. This group is truly altruistic and I am very fortunate to have had their help when I was up against it. Thank you PGR. You have made my life easier.

Thomas P. Connolly

A very sincere thank you for escorting and honoring my brother Tom Connolly, a USAF veteran, from St Helen’s church in Glendale, AZ to Holy Cross cemetery on 10/28/2021.
To be honest, I hadn’t heard of your organization before, but since returning home to PA, I haven’t stopped telling people about you! My husband was a Vietnam Vet who died in 2001, and I wish you had been formed then.
From the very beginning at the church, helping us with parking, the ceremony afterward with a prayer, Tom’s service history, and the singing of God Bless the USA, through the entire trip to the cemetery, before handing us over to the Air Force representatives, everyone was helpful, kind, and respectful.
Thank you so very much for all that you do, you are greatly appreciated.
Helen Ciglar

Doyle whitten

I want to send a big thank you. To all who participated in the visitation and escorting of my father to Jefferson barracks on October 26.you guys are outstanding.a special thank you to Denny wise,he is a longtime friend of my father.,it was truly a special day

Jack Anthony Huggins; Cape Canaveral National cemetery 10/25/21 @ 11 am ET

Dear Patriot Guard,
My family and I want to send a sincere thank you to the participating hero riders that supported our family on 10/25/21 at Cape Canaveral National Cemetery. My husband Jack Anthony Huggins was a 100% disabled veteran. He served in Vietnam with Boots on the Ground, 1962-1964. He would’ve been deeply touched by their show of support and tribute in his honor. With special gratitude to Gary Snider and company for such a wonderful outpouring of patriotism and solidarity.

Rosalind H. Huggins

1SG Burke Taylor

Words cannot express my gratitude to the NC Patriot Guard Riders for their dignified and comforting presence at my grandfather’s funeral on 21 October 2021 at Sandhills State Veterans Cemetery. It was truly an honor to have the riders lead my grandfather’s procession. My family and I will cherish the feeling of respect and care the riders showed my grandfather and us.

Thank you all so much for the service you provide to veterans and their families. God bless each and everyone of you.

Christina Terwilliger
Nancy Comer

Burton E Stigen

To those who took part in the Home Going Memorial Services for our Founder, Director of City of Refuge Veterans Homeless Shelter, minister, friend, father and husband, we sincerely thank you for the compassion expressed during this difficult time.
May God Bless you all.
Burton Stigen Family

Durwood R. Souther

Thank you so much for honoring and showing respect to my Dad, Durwood Souther on 16 Oct 21. It meant so much to our family to have your riders support at the chapel and escort and participation at the cemetary. You are truly compassionate and represent the true meaning of soldiers. Thank you. Marsha

Ormand Kelly “OK” Strickland

I big Thank You to the Patriot Guard Riders for honoring my Daddy at his funeral Please let Captain Charles Bullock know. My Dad would have been pleased with the services at his funeral your organization provided. It was awesome to see all the flags lining the church sidewalk and along the road at the cemetery as you honored him. Thank you for the US Army bracelets provided to me. I wear it every day. My Dad was very humble, but proud of his service in WWII. He use to not say much about his WWII experience, but fortunately he opened up to me in his last few years and I treasure all stories he shared with me. My Dad was my best friend, role model, Hero, confidante, and everything to me. God Bless all the Veterans and may His Loving Arms be with each Veteran that continues in service to our great country they all fought for. My Dad was a true WWII Hero and I will continue his legacy of what he taught me. Captain Bullock is welcomed to call me. I would happily like to talk with him.


Tony Strickland

Darrol Holland

I would like to thank the Patriot Guard Riders and Mr. Wayne Taylor for showing up for our family as we grieved the loss of my father. Mr. Taylor was so patient while we tried to figure out arrangements. Having the Patriot Guard Riders participate in my father’s funeral service was such an honor. It was a visual representation and reminder of my father’s service to this country. Words cannot express my sincere gratitude to the Patriot Guard Riders.

Mason Woodrow Peterson

On behalf of our family, we thank you for making my dad’s Celebration of Life complete. My sister was in the Navy and it meant the world to her!
You guys provided a strength and support we never dreamed would be so powerful to us all.
Thank you for your service and for your service to others. What a blessing this ministry is.

Maurice Allen Robinson

Thank you so much for honoring my husband, Maurice Robinson, at his memorial service at Fort Jackson National Cemetery on Oct. 8, 2021. It was wonderful to have such a patriotic tribute to him and the presence of the Patriot Guards and the flags really made the service special. He was a proud Vietnam Veteran and an avid motorcycle rider and am sure he was smiling at the presence of all of you! My family and I thank you so much for your dedicated service and the wonderful support you give to all veterans. It was an honor to have you participate and we are so grateful for your wonderful organization.

With sincere thanks,
The Maurice Robinson Family
Joyce, Sonya, Wayne, Brent, and Zen

SGT Donald Grady Davis, Sr.

Dear Patriot Team,

I would like to thank you each one for attending my love one’s services. The respect that each one shown was very overwhelming. You set the pace for the whole services. Thank you for honoring one of your own in such a way as you did. Your time, your efforts, and yourself are very appreciated. I have spoken highly about you and what you stand together for. Thanks for making my family feel honored and loved during our dark day you help remind us to be proud!!

Thank you!
Donald Grady Davis Sr. Family,
Bolivia, NC

Larry M. “Mike” Harr, Sr.

On behalf of the family and friends of Mike Harr, Sr., many thanks for funeral honors by the Patriot Guard in Central Illinois.

Dale R Webster

Thank you so much for escorting him to Vernon, that meant alot to me & my boys.
Thank you for the 2 plack’s, they are already up on his life wall in his gun room.
Thank you with love ????
The Dale R. Webster Family

Stephen Thomas Stark

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for honoring our hero. He wasn’t a career military man, but it was an important part of his life. He wrote a book about it a couple of years ago and many of his brothers in arms came to say goodbye to him from all over the country. He loved them all so much. He told us that he really wanted your organization to be present as he appreciated what you stand for. I wish I could express our gratitude as I feel it, but there are no words.

The Family of Stephen Thomas Stark
First Brigade, 4th Infantry Division, 6th Battalion, 29th Artillery

MSG Tony J Trapp

This message is way overdue as my brother MSG Tony J Trapp passed away many years ago. I recently came across the pictures taken at his funeral and saw the Patriot Guard standing to honor him the way you all do and was moved to tears again at the sight of it. What you do means so much to the family members left behind and there are no words to describe my gratitude. Somehow “thank you” simply does not seem sufficient. My brother Tony served 20 years in the Air Force. It was the only job he ever wanted in his whole life. He would have served many more had he not had to be medically retired due to health problems. He passed away unexpectedly a year after his retirement. Seeing you all there honoring him with such dignity when you never even met him is amazing. He would have loved it and I know he was looking down from heaven with a huge smile and maybe a tear in his eye. The Patriot Guard is a blessing and I love you all.
Michelle Begley,
Proud military wife & sister

Daniel Scott Hoffman

Thank you for honoring my Boy, Danny.

It was brutally cold back in February, and I was grateful for your actions, although I was too crushed to say much.

What you are doing is greatly appreciated.

Scott Hoffman

Thomas J Stanton

I am writing to thank Ride Captain Lt. Dan Doerer and all the Patroit Guard Riders who participated in the the Flag Line and escort of my father, Thomas J Stanton, a World War II Veteran.
My words will not be able to express the gratitude my family has for your extraordinary efforts in the coordination of The Patroit Guard Riders escorting my father to his final resting place. Although we will miss my father dearly, our memories of his funeral service will forever be changed because of the presence of The Patriot Guard. I am assured my father will be resting in peace.

Lance Cpl Kareem Nikoui

This was an amazing outpouring of respect and love that it inspired me to join. I am a carreer Marine daughter and my a gold Statr sister to a brother that was killed in Vietnam…This is what I love, God, Country and our Military and First Responders. God Bless and Thank You for all you do.
Caprice LePante

Lawrence Antonio Catanese, Sr.

Patriot Guard Riders – I want to thank you from the bottom
of my heart for honoring my father, Lawrence “Larry”
A. Catanese, Sr, on September 16, 2021 in Middleburg,
FL. My family and myself were so proud of him and
what he stood for as well as his life accomplishments
to our family as well as our country as a father, grandfather
and husband. Your presence at his funeral and grave side
helped to heighten even further how proud we were of him.
So thank you again for helping us to lay him to rest and for

Bruce Krueger


I wanted to write a huge thank you to the men with the Patriot Guard Riders who took a significant chunk of time out of their day to attend my Dad’s service on September 2nd. In the chaos after my Dad’s sudden passing, I never even considered organizing an escort from the funeral home to the cemetery. On the way to the cemetery that day while we were following the Riders, I remember thinking “Wow, this is incredible. WHAT would we have done without these guys?!”

I speak on behalf of my entire family when I say that we were blown away at the kindness, organization and precision of all of these men that day. My Dad would have been SO pleased if he could have seen it. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for honoring my Dad this way and thank you for your service to our country.

Megan Davila

James D Ashurst

A great big thank you from my children and I on the passing of James Ashurst our dad and husband.

Jared Schmitz procession, 9/08/2021, St. Louis Mo.

Though a very sad day seeing a young man giving his life for our Freedom coming home, the Guard’s role in the procession was very uplifting and made us all and helped show our pride of this Great Country. There seemed to be at least 1,000 plus riders from various chapters that rode in it – and I know it impressed us and Jared’s family!

Also about a year ago I unfortunately came very close to my end and was coming through an emergency operation when I was visited by a St Louis Mo. Guard member who came to see me, Rick Moceri. He is my wife’s cousin and she was very worried and needed help and comfort, and though Ricky did not really know me he rode a fair distance to visit with us. My Wife had to leave for a work shift and Ricky stayed with me and we talked and prayed together. He helped guide me to a better view and gain strength in my life.

So I can say the Patriate Guard has made a positive impact not only on myself but countless others!

God Bless You All, and Thank You from the bottom of my Heart,

Robert R. Olds

We would like to thank Ride Captians Gus and Gina Gustafson and members of the PGR of Southwest Arkansas for their presence at the memorial service for Robert R. Olds, US Navy, on August 18, 2021at Morris Cemetery, Bloomer Arkansas. Your honoring of our Dad was very special to the family.

SSGT. Edward Michael Burns

My Family’s Sincere thanks to David Gier and The Illinois Patriot Guard Rider’s that gave the day to pay their respects to my father’s service in the Great WWII and escorted his remains to his final resting place!

USMC CPL Silas T. Foster

Navajo Hopi Honor Riders (NHHR) would like to thank all PGR riders for helping escort our beloved veteran to his final resting place in Santa Fe, NM. I am always happy to see all of you and good to ride among my brothers from PGR.
Geri Hongeva, NHHR Board member and honor rider
Flagstaff, AZ – Navajo Nation

Matthew Alexander Homminga

I wanted to express our families gratitude for all you do and did for us on August 26, 2021. Thank you all so much.
Anndra Camp mother-in-law

Charles J Taylor

Please accept my sincere thank you for your attendance at my father’s funeral. The Patriot Guard Riders are one of the most professional group of people that I have ever met. You all make me proud to be able to say that I am a member of Texas Patriot Guard Riders and I urge others to join. My family was most appreciative for your attention the day of the funeral. You are truly wanted and needed by so many families. This was my first time to use our service for my personal loss. It gave me a greater understanding of what it means to those families in their time of grief. Thank you so much, Connie Taylor-Mize and The Family of Charles J. Taylor.

Elvin “Doc” Holliday

Thank you for escorting Doc’s body to his final earthly resting place. The family appreciates what your organization did to honor our husband, father, brother, & friend. He held you all up with the utmost respect. We will miss Doc terribly but we will see him again. May God Bless you all for all you do. Your organization is absolutely amazing and we, the Elvin “Doc” Holliday family want to thank you for your service.
Elisa Holliday
Doc’s Wife

Curtis Huttenmaier

It is always an honor and pleasure to see your riders escort a fallen brother or sister. I was in the Marine Corps League detail saluting you at the start of the precession. I do have a 33 second video of your team start the escort if you’d like.

Thomas Meitler

Dear NCPGR team,
I want to send heartfelt thanks from my family and myself. Your organization recently supported the viewing and funeral of my Brother in Law Thomas Meitler at the Seymour Funeral Home in Goldsboro. Words cannot describe what it meant to us to have you honor the life and service of our beloved Tommy. He was retired Air Force and retired Goldsboro Police officer. Having your with us was incredible. Thank you and God bless each and every one of your members.
Ronald Arnesen
Rochester, MI

Daivid L Ross

Thank you for supporting my brother. He would have loved to meet you guys in person.
He deserved to be honored. He left a piece of himself back in Iraq and Afghanistan. He suffered from PTSD… His pain is no longer.
Thank you.


Thank you Robert LeBon, Galis Touchet, Clif LaPoint, Frank J Guidry, Grant Adams and all the Patriot Guard Riders of Lafayette La and around the world. On behalf of the Mayfeel J Adams Family. We appreciate your patronage and dedication to all hero’s and especially to our hero as we celebrated his passing. God bless you all! Save Riding!

Lt Col James Arnold Clamon

Just wanted to send a huge THANK YOU to the men and women that came out to support our family as we laid our hero to rest. The members of the PGR showed true professionalism and compassion toward our family.
God Bless the PGR and its mission.

The Clamon Family

Roy Anderson of Klamath Falls, Oregon

How can we ever thank you enough for the honor you bestowed on our beloved father, by escorting and standing by us? Your presence was a tribute to him and to his service to our country that none other than you could have gifted as poignantly. We thank you for our family, for our dad and papa, and for veteran families all over the state of Oregon. With respect for your commitment to veterans, and most gratefully, The Family of Roy Anderson

Gatewood “Pott” Folse

Our Family would like to thank The Patriot Guard Riders for helping honor our father Gatewood “Pott” Folse at his funeral in Raceland Louisiana, 70394, St Mary Catholic Church. He was a proud World War II Marine Corp. veteran who believed in God, country and family. He was also very patriotic. So much as he passed away on the fourth of July, 2021. The Folse family would like to thank you ALL for your dedication and service. The plaque and the wording of it is very touching and appreciated. It will be cherished by The Folse family in memory of our father.
Thanks again from Ricky, Ronny, Debbie, Steve, Wendy and Randy Folse.

James William Mason

I just wanted to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. It was like you all were protecting my dad (my hero). You came prepared for rain and and it rolled right around us. The respect you showed to everyone is amazing. The plaque is beautiful brought tears to my eyes. Our father would have been humbled by all of this. Thank you again your organization makes a day so hard feel a lot calmer.
Melissa Colosimo

William don Michael

Thank you so much for attending and honoring my husband. Such an honor and privilege it was to have you there

Master Chief Dennis Ferguson

There will never be enough words or enough gratitude for the service you provide to a bereaved family. We know that you are there even though it doesn’t look like we are paying attention. Our grief is deep, and you provide comfort and recognition that is the quiet hug from our dearly departed. The recognition of the service our loved ones provided is a gift beyond all gifts. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
With love and respect for all that you do.
A Navy Wife Widow,
Ronnie Ferguson

David Lietz to his final resting place

My family and I would like to thank all the members who joined in my dads finale ride we all was so proud and very happy to see you all send him off that way.

C V Bryant

Today in Lenoir NC Patriot Gaurd Riders escorted my fathers remains and our family through town into our family cemetery on Bryant road also known as Bryant Hollar. It warmed my heart. They worked with my eldest brother to arrange everything. His 9 children, many grandchildren, brother, sister, nieces , nephews, and a slew of family are great full. We are warmed, and full of respect and love for what you do . Dad passed July 4th 2020 and with covid plus having a huge family could not do the funeral until now without restrictions. Today I let my first real tears fall for I’m the 7th child but made a promise to her soldier father I would see my siblings through before I grieve. I now feel I can begin my grieving and let go. And his wish for a motorcycle escort came true. So thank you…. Thank you those words will not express enough my gratitude.

David Cary

Thank you for showing up to support and honor my dad. He accompanied many PGR escorts himself and it was truly touching to see them show up for him. My family and I thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.

Rodger Howard

On behalf of the Howard family, I wanted to thank you for your escort provided in June 11, 2020 to honor my father Rodger Howard. As a member of the patriot guard I’ve been on about 30 missions over the last 3 years but it was certainly a different experience witnessing what you guys do from the other side of the fence! My wife was so impressed with your dedication and professionalism. She was brought to tears by your pre ride prayer in the church. My dad was always in awe when I’d tell him about escort missions, even to the point that he joined the PGR himself and I was blessed to attend a mission by his side. As he declined in health he was not about to make missions an longer but he still loved to hear about the missions. We felt so blessed by the turnout that day. If I recall correctly, we had 18 bikes plus FS in 97° heat. You guys are amazing and we are thankful to have been blessed with your escort. Thank you so very much for honoring my father!

Don Howard

Eriberto Bravo

On behalf of the Bravo Family, we wish to thank the Patriot Guard Riders of South Texas for honoring our father, Eriberto Bravo, and participating in his funeral procession (he would have loved it). Thank you for the medal presented to the family, we will cherish it forever. We were so touched by the display of colors and brotherly love bestowed upon our father. We appreciate your service and dedication to our country and its’ veterans. May God continue Blessing the Patriot Guard Riders of South Texas.

Funeral of thomas capers

I want to say thank you so much for being there at my husbands funeral. It meant so much to me in words I can’t express enough. Y’all are so awesome and I know my husband would have been proud that y’all honored him like you did. Many many thanks from our family to y’all.

William J. Speasmaker

This Thank You is overdue but I hope you will still accept the Speasmaker family’s heartfelt gratitude for your participation at the site when our brothers remains were buried. His death was sudden and unexpected on Valentines Day 2021 and those of us who remain are sincerely thankful for your presence when we were unable to be there for him. We are a long time military family with our father serving 27 years in the Air Force, from the Army air corps through WWII and the other three brothers chose the Navy. We are well aware of the honor you gave Bill and Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Sincerely, Diane L Dunn, sister, Philip A. Speasmaker and Christopher R. Speasmaker, plus John A. Speasmaker, deceased. God Bless you all and what you do for the fallen.

CSM (R) Ralph Beam

On behalf of myself and my family, thank you for riding in honor of my dad, Ralph Beam, on May 22, 2021. It was a humbling and honoring to follow behind him as you led on the motorcycles with the flags flying behind. He loved riding, so it was particularly special to have your Patriot Guard be a part of our formal goodbye. God bless your continued service to the men and women who served and their families.
Michelle Pate, daughter

Escort home

Back in 2006, I came home from Iraq. A ton of your riders escorted me all the way from the airport to my house in Murray. I never got a chance thank everyone involved at the time, but I thank you again, many years later. To this day, I still appreciate everything you do, and what you stand for. It was powerful. Ride on.

James W. Bernthal

For Mike Albers

Dear Mike,

My family and I would like to thank you for your escort to Jefferson Barracks yesterday. And thanks for the gold medallion And also thanks for the Patriot Guard Riders. riding with respect booklet. I have read the booklet and it is great. I especially enjoyed reading “It is the Veteran.” I think my dad would have liked that too.

I was privileged to call Jim Bernthal my dad. He and my mom were married over 70years. And they passed away within a month of each other.

My dad knew all of his children, Carol, Jean Jeff and Nancy and me well. He understood we were all different and yet did his best to treat us all in an equal way. In many ways he was the captain of our ship and he was a great husband and father.

I’ve also visited the website and enjoyed the poems especially one which described the stars and sea at night.

My dad would have loved the military part of his funeral. He was proud to be in the Navy.

Thanks some more, Mike.

Very truly yours,

Mike Bernthal

National Peace Officers Memorial Day Service; Blair, NE

On behalf of the Washington County Sheriff’s Office and the Blair Police Department, thank you for coming to our Memorial Service on May 15. Your presence was very much appreciated; we are humbled and filled with gratitude. The flag line was so very honorable, and brought honor to those whom we were honoring and all of our Law Enforcement Officers.
Amy Krejcarek, Chaplain
Blair Police Department (NE)

Duel Internment Services for Curtis Fred and Byron Neal Cannington (Father & son)

Special Attention to Byron Hall (PGR)
As I travel along the highways of this beautiful country I try to leave a little bit of God’s love behind. We, the Cannington family, felt God’s love shared by you, the Patriot Guard Riders, as you guided us through the interment services of two members of our family in the Georgia National Cemetery in Canton Georgia on April 23, 2021. You were a blessing and we thank you.

God Bless You All
Doris Jean Cannington (Wife of Curtis Fred and Mother of Byron Neal)
For the entire Cannington family.

Rudy Brunetti

Our family would like to thank Charlie Giacomo and his fellow Patriot Guard Riders for the honor and respect they showed our Dad during his services. We are eternally grateful.♥️????????
The Brunetti Family

Gary Gene Clark

From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Having y’all stand for my daddy meant the world to us. My dad never got a heroes welcome but today, on his final journey, he did. Thank you all so much. The respect that was shown to our father touched our hearts so very much.

Jerry Mack Gill

We just want to express our heartfelt gratitude to those that came and honored our Uncle. You did an amazing job and it helped to make a sad day a beautiful memory.

Brandon Falsetti

Thank you for your love and attention to our family as we brought Brandon home. There are not enough words to show how grateful we are for you. God bless you and keep you all the days of your lives

Clifton S Pierce Jr

Thank you so very much for honoring my father on the day we put him to rest.

Archie Chambers Sr.

I want to thank the members who came to my dad’s funeral. He really didn’t want to have a military honors funeral but eventually gave in to my mom’s wishes. She couldn’t attend due to a stroke 6 weeks ago. I wish she could have been there. I was brought up in the military, being born in Ft. Benning,Ga. in 1964. In the last few years, I found out he was in the 1st Calvary in La Drang, Vietnam. He never talked about it but he was always my hero anyways. He taught me about Respect and Honor and Patriotism from the very beginning. Thank you for what you do. I actually am thinking about joining you because I believe in what you do and stand for.

Tom Hall, Sr.

Patriot Guard Riders,
As a funeral director I see the impact your service makes on families. I got to experience this myself as a family member when my grandfather, Tom Hall, Sr., passed away a couple of weeks ago. You all are amazing and professional and we appreciate you patriotism. My family was so pleasantly surprised to see your support.
Briana Mares

Sgt. Edgar D. Hustead

Sgt Edgar D. Hustead
Words can’t express our family’s gratitude and appreciation to have the Patriot Guard Riders involved at Edgar Hustead’s service on March 29th, 2021. Thank You, for the respect, compassion and thoughtfulness of each person involved, I deeply moved not only our family but all who were present that day.It was truly an honor for myself and the other riders to ride alongside the PGR riders that day, a memorable experience for sure, Thank You!!!

James Richard Krueger

Thank you so much John and Patriot Riders for attending my father’s grave side service. Not only did you attend, you assured the Army was in attendance to start the service and fold the flag. My family was surprised and very grateful of your attendance and detail provided for the appreciation of my father’s military service. Your attendance and presentation was heartfelt by all of us. I am also grateful for the detailed information you provided about the VA services available for our family. During one of the most difficult times of our lives, you made the moment special in my father’s honor. Thank you!

Larry Jenkins

Thank you so much for the flags & your presence at my father in law Larry Jenkins funeral at Rosser in Cleburne Tx on Saturday March 13th. I was hoping to get the pictures emailed to me if possible. It is mymrsjenks@yahoo.com
Thank you & God bless!

Peter Peters

Dear Members of the Patriot Gard,
I want to express how truly Thankful that you were at my father’s funeral. It was amazing for me to see you there and so very comforting that you were there. I am truly grateful for your service and all your help at the funeral. Thank you again.
Stephanie Urbanowicz

Michael Dean Reid

I can’t thank you enough for the support I felt, and giving up time with your friends and family to support ours during this difficult time. The plaque and Bible will be cherished by our family. Your service is appreciated more than I can express.

George Collins, Sylvester Posey

Thank you, so very much for your amazing services for our families

Bernard “Benny” Mathis Alva’s Graveside Services

On February 19th, 2021 we laid my father, Bernard “Benny” Mathis Alva to rest with the help of some very special people…It was truly an honorable display of respect for my Dad, a 22 year retired purple heart veteran who also served 3 tours in the Vietnam war.

I wanted to thank all of the special people from the American Legion Riders Chapter 20, American Legion Riders Chapter 26, American Legion Riders Chapter 221, American Legion Post 711, Bob Meyers and the Patriot Guard Riders and the American Legion Post 20, the honor guards and a special thank you to Mike Smith for his leadership and coordination of the event and his playing of Taps.

With Mike Smith’s leadership and coordination, The American Legion Riders took my Dad, Benny, on his last ride through the scenic towns of Strathmore, Lindsay and Rocky Hill Dr. in Exeter California and we ended the ride at the Lindsay-Strathmore Cemetery. This is where the Chaplin, Honor Guards and other American Legion members took over and conducted the service, the flag folding ceremony, the gun salute and the playing of Taps. It was truly a beautiful sight to see and would make anyone who saw the ceremony be proud to be an American, especially a veteran.

I know our Dad appreciated it. Thank you all so very much,


Isaac Hinojos

Patriot Guard Riders:
Words cannot fully express the gratitude and appreciation for your presence at my father’s service, on February 26, 2021 in Lorenzo, Texas.

I think my heart skipped a beat when I caught sight of the flags along the cemetery driveway. As we approached the site, the number of saluting veterans brought tears to my eyes, as did the beautiful rendition of Taps. The three-volley salute was truly heartfelt.

The presentation of the flag, bible and certificate will certainly hold a place of honor in our home.

While we cannot thank every Patriot Guard Rider by name, their presence will not be forgotten. Your commitment to fallen veterans is highly valued and treasured.

May you all continue to ride in peace and harmony.

The Family of Isaac Hinojos

Travis Patriquin

My father’s funeral was over a decade ago, but I was far too young at the time to understand or appreciate what your org did. Thank you for helping us all during that time, and thank you for all the good memories you’ve given me and my brother during Snowball express events as well.

James Mayes

I would like to express my sincerest thank you to the members of The Patriot Guard who rode with, stood by and honored my brother James “Randy” Mayes in Augusta Ga on Feb 13th, 2021. My brother served his country with honor in the USMC and it was so important to us that his funeral recognized his service. The guard members were unbelievably kind, when my niece forgot her coat, one member retrieved a blanket from his truck and covered her with it. The flag folding and presenting to my nephew left us in tears but happy at the same time. I know they will treasure that flag forever. I had no idea that The Patriot Guard did these things and I will now be a life long supporter of their cause. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you did, it will not be forgotten. Monique Salamacha and the family of James Mayes.

Donald Glenn Stokes

Thank you very much for everything that you guys did even with the weather being so bad you still showed up for Donnie love the flags for Donnie too, Thank you all for everything The Stokes and Hubbard Family

Arthur W Collier service

The family of Arthur Collier would like to let you know how grateful we were that your organization was in attendance at Arthur’s service on February 4th and how much we appreciated your presence. It was such an honor for him and for us! Is it possible to make a donation to your group? If not, is there an organization you would like us to donate to in his name and yours? Thank you so much! Marj Stice

Lee Brown

We want to thank you so very much for all you did Thursday at my dad’s funeral it was absolutely amazing to see your support and all of the flags there. We had a lot of comments and we will be spreading the word and make a donation when we can to y’all

Thank you again for all you did,
Love in Christ,
The Brown Family.

James Burnell Cashman

My husband and I would like to thank your organization for standing in honor for the service of his father to our nation. James’s parents were divorced in 1971. He had three other siblings that are deceased. When he was remarried to Darlene (Garret) Cashman, deceased, she did not welcome her husband’s children by his first marriage. This caused us to eventually loose contact with his father. Mr. Cashman had a son, Kristian Cashman, by his second marriage. We have no contact with Kristian. We often wondered what had happened to him and if he was still living. We were saddened when we found that he had passed away, but glad that your organization were there to inter him with full honors. My husband James, his oldest son, is a Vietnam Veteran. We hope to visit Indiantown Gap National Cemetery.

Harold Gene Jones WWII U>S Navy

I want to send a big thank you out to the West Virginia Patriot Guards who came to the funeral of my father-in-law, Harold Gene Jones. The service took place at Lambert -Tatman Funeral Home today (February 4, 2021) in South Parkersburg, WV.
The Patriot Guard performed in a stellar manner with great kindness and respect. Our family was very appreciative of all that the Patriot Guard did to make this solemn occasion a precious memory for our family. Keep on doing what you do.

Alan and Andrea Sinnett

Ronald V Clark SR

Thank you to the Patriot Guard Riders that honored my husband on Jan 16th 2021. It was truly amazing. I do not have the words to express my gratitude. Thank you for all you do!

Edward Kincaid

Our family can’t express enough the time you took out from Twiford’s Funeral Home to the Suffolk VA cemetery to honor him. Our family is so appreciative to all of you, and our family would like to thank you for Dads last gift, and also for your service. The Kincaid Family

William H. “Bill” Dishner

I can not thank you all enough for the respect and honor you brought to my Father’s service today. The respect that all veterans deserve was so magnificently displayed by the fellow veterans and patriots that attended today. Your voluntary service for such a great cause is so much appreciated. On behalf of my Dad, Mom and my family I offer a huge thank you.
God Bless you all and God bless the USA.
Thank you,
William Chad Dishner (Son)

James Prew Funeral

Thank you for attending my uncle’s funeral. It meant a lot to us, his family. My uncle would have shaken each one of your hands and thanked you individually. Thank you for all you do and know your kindness and service does not go unappreciated.

– Staci Prew Williams

Jerry W Bell

Thank you for escorting my husband PFC Jerry W Bell, Army, to his final resting place in June 2020.
I was so touched by your thoughts and service it led me to become a member for the Guard also.

Steven Skidmore

The Skidmore family would like to say thank you for providing service in honor of my father. He would have been honored to see it if he could have. Continue to be amazing Guards for our Patriots..The respect you guys have shown in my fathers honor with always be remembered and appreciated you guys are wonderful THANK YOU AGAIN FROM THE SKIDMORE FAMILY.

Donald W. Amato Sr.

I would like to thank Mr. L. E. Harrison and all the riders who came and stood the flag line for my father, Donald W. Amato Sr. in Columbia SC on November 21, 2020. My father was an Army Paratrooper who served during the Korean Conflict. His most proud moments were serving his country so it was a fitting tribute to his service to have the PGR there. As a motorcycle rider myself, I understand what this means to families and also the bikers who give their time selflessly to honor these heroes. My family and I are so grateful to these men and women who give of themselves and their time to participate. Words are not enough to tell you how proud my Dad would be to know they were there for him and we are as well. My father, even in his illness and his last days, would have fought to defend this country all over again if given a chance. God Bless all of the Patriot Guard Riders.

John (Jack) Oscar Yunghans

The Patriot Guard Riders are very special people. They attended my father’s funeral and where so respectful and thoughtful!!! It just made the celebration of life Better! We appreciated everything they did to honor him! Thank you so much! We will never forget you!
The family of John Yunghans

Staff Sgt. Albert Michael Hinton

My family and I cannot begin to express our heartfelt gratitude for the honor you bestowed on my cousin Staff Sgt. Albert Michael Hinton on November 24, 2020 in Cedartown, Georgia. When the members of the mission rode up on their motorcycles, flag flying escorted by our local police force it was beyond impressive. I began to imagine that if Albert had been alive to witness it he would have been overjoyed. The Final Salute Ceremony with Patriot Guard Riders was the very first time something of this magnitude has ever happened in Cedartown. The dignity and the patriotism was so welcomed and so warm that immediate friendships were established. Again thank you for honoring Albert Hinton with respect, dignity representative of his duty to our country.

Thomas A Riegel funeral July 29th 2020

On behalf of the Riegel family, I would like to extend our deepest thanks for allowing my father to receive military honors. This whole year has been a cluster and not being able to give my father his military due was so devastating. Once COVID hit, I refused to allow him to go to the hospital anymore as it was always pneumonia and he wanted to pass at home. I was honored and proud to have accomplished that mission.

Thank you for allowing him to be honored through your organization. It would have embarrassed him but made him proud all the same.

Manuel Perez,Jr. park

Thank you so much to all the Patriot Guard riders from Oklahoma who honored us with your attendance at the dedication of Manuel Perez, Jr. park and honoring of the .35 Medal of Honor awardees from Oklahoma. Once again Thank you and thank you for what you do!

Joel Lee Crawford

Thank you so much honoring our friend Sgt. Joel Lee Crawford. His final request was taken care of due to your devotion to our veterans. We considered him our family and our friend so it was very much appreciated.

Andrew H. Busch

Our family would like to sincerely thank the Springfield, Missouri Patriot Guard Riders for participating in our Dad’s service. The absolute reverence shown and the potentially dangerous escort was such an honor to our Father’s well-lived life.

Town of Galena Annual Veterans’ Day Ceremony

Thank you for being part of the Town of Galena’s annual Veterans Day ceremony. We greatly appreciate your time, support, and commitment to helping us honor our American Heroes, specifically Corpsman Harry J. Pisapia who was remembered this year.

Town of Galena Mayor and Council & Administrative Staff

Clarke Meade-Funeral Service

Thank you to all who lead the way to honor my father and the journey through town to his final resting site on October 26, 2020.

Michael C. McKinnis

Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the PGR Honor Ride for Michael C. McKinnis. As an Air Force brat, it felt good to pay respect to someone who served. Barry Brownlee, Magnolia Brothers Keepers MC5

Jeffrey Bradley

Thank you so much for your presence at my brother’s funeral and burial. It was a very difficult time but your being there would have meant so much to Jeff . He was proud of his service to our country. Thank you

Wallace H Owens

Thank you so much for honoring my dad and riding in his last ride. It was an honor to meet the ones that rode. Thank you for your service and what you do for the familys

Frederic Dumire – Cheyenne, WY

We appreciate the Guard Rider’s honoring, Fred. It was very touching. Fred would have enjoyed it.

stephen davidson

This wonderful group escorted us to my fathers memorial servuce in Oct 13, to Barancus National Cemetary, he passed in April 23 so we could not have his service then. I could not be more grateful for what they did. It was exactly what my father wanted. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU

David Jaramillo

I just wanted to let the group know that it was an honor to see y’all be there for my Dad, David Jaramillo. Some were already waiting at the funeral home and I was able to speak to a few of them and they gave me so much comfort knowing they were bringing my Father home to God. As sad as my mother and I were,I will never forget seeing people on the street pull over and watch as my fathers casket draped in his American flag ?? and his brothers riding beside him made me feel…it was his last ride. Even as we pulled into the church, the grassy knoll had big flags along the sides going toward the church and then they were all there-waiting for him to go inside the church- saluting him. I was already proud of him but giving him this proper send off will be ingrained in my memory forever. Thank y’all from the bottom of my heart. And God Bless y’all.
Elizabeth Jaramillo-Aguirre and Mercedita S. Jaramillo

Charles Richard Pope

On behalf of myself, my son Justin and my daughter Kristen we would like to express our heartfelt thanks for your presence at the services for my beloved husband on August 21, 2020. After dozens of phone calls I couldn’t find anyone to stand and honor him and his service in Vietnam. Someone suggested I email you so I did and you just showed up! I was so surprised and touched and grateful to the bottom of my heart I THANK YOU!! God Bless you for what you do. My husband would have been very proud. Thank you, thank you, thank you…

Anthony Lambertino

Hello, Anthony was my Pop. I wanted to write you all a little note to tell you how amazing that was to see. Not being able to have a procession and follow my pop to his final resting place was really bothering me and my kids. On the way down to the cemetery my son lost it- He saw all of you and found his pop! As carefully as I could I got behind you guys and we were granted our last ride with our pop. So from the bottom of our hearts thank you for showing my amazing Pop the honor and respect that he deserved.
-Brittany Lambertino

Robert Waite

Thank you so much for serving as Bearers and escorting us to the Cemetery. I truly appreciate all the services you do for our community. My step father would have been very pleased with his service and the Patriot Guards! Thank you again for an excellent job

Oct 1st 2020

Thank you so much for the honor you paid my dad and family! It was a beautiful action to see and brought back many wonderful memories. Once again, Thank you!!

Friedrich J.C. Fisher

I went to put flowers on my son’s grave in Bountiful, UT and noticed the Patriot Guard Riders had left a laminated copy of his obituary at his grave. Thank You so much! The anniversary of his death is 2 October.

William Larry Mathews

On behalf of my family and my deceased husband, I want to thank the Patriots Guard riders for such a special escort and honor guard ceremony at the gravesite of my husband at the Georgia Veteran’s Cemetery. The respect and honor shown to him was beyond description and your service of a motorcycle escort from the funeral home to the gravesite was so touching. He would have been so thankful for what you did for him
out of respect for his service to our country. Your men and women stood guard at the door of the funeral home while the service took place and then they escorted us to the veteran’s cemetery. The whole process took the better part of their day and their services were so appreciated. Thank you and may your organization forever carry on this service for future servicemen and women.
Lynda Mathews and family

Jacob Brantley Griffin, Jr.

May God richly bless your ministry of consolation and pageantry which added so much to the funeral of my dear husband on July 30 of this year. It was impressive to see the professional performance and respect which caught the attention of spectators as you led this sacred event to National Cemetery. It is especially important in a day of carelessness and often abandon of things more important, to arrest the public attention that show that you care. Thank you so much. May you be blessed with safety and accord among your riders, as you lead, as one Man, for Jesus’ sake..

Reginald Perrotte

You stood at the funeral of Reginald Perrotte on June 20, 2020 at White’s Funeral Home in Scotia. The weather than day was hot and sunny. But the Patriot Guard was there. I have been a friend of the family for years and I can attest to how grateful they were to have you there. Thank you for standing guard and giving Reggie the appropriate send off.

Bobby Lee Fowler

Thank you So much for escorting my father to final rest today sept.28,2020 at veterans cemetery at Spanish fort. In his entire life he was most proud of his Navy service 51’-55’ Korean War and continued helping others as American Legion post 88 commander then 33district commander, like you fellow veterans he wanted to help his brothers at arms. As you did for him today, you guys have all our love from the Fowler family !!! Thank you !!!!

James Raymond Brown

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart! My uncle meant the world to me, I so wish he could have seen all the bikes. my uncle and my daddy, a Marine, both wish they were back on a Harley. I know my uncle was complete when I saw the PGR at Martin’s that day. Y’all made my heart smile. Thank you!!!

Roger Moore

On behalf of our family, we’d like to Thank You, for the compassionate, respectful, and caring presence of each person involved
in the service for our beloved, Roger Moore. Saturday, Sept 12, 2020. To give of yourselves so unselfishly, and humbly, was so touching.. inspiring.

May God bless all of your endeavors, and may the beautiful service that you so freely give.. “Motivate one another to acts of love and good works.” Hebrews 10:24

Franklin Ferdinand Sigl

The entire Sigl family wants to thank you for the strong showing on Friday 18 September for ceremony. It touched all of us and we wanted to say thank you.

Best Regards,

Donald John Sadler Sr

Thank you so much for your participation in my Husband’s ceremony at Willamette National Ceremony in Portland OR on September 16, 2020.. Many of my family had never attended a Military funeral with the Patriot Guard in attendance. The family was amazed that such an organization even existed. One mentioned she wish she had known of you for her father-in-law’ s funeral. The coin that was given to me is very precious to me and I will carry it with me as I attempt to continue to go on without Don in my life, but I still have my family

Again, THANK YOU for being there for my family

Norma Ford-Sadler

John Kaiser

Thank you for your support for my father, John Kaiser, for his last ride to Jefferson Barracks on August 13, 2020. Your Team was wonderful and helped our family make this difficult day special. God bless you.

Chris Carroll

There are bad dreams, there are strange dreams and then there are nightmares. I found myself in my own worst nightmare and I could barely breathe. Everything was wrong. My mind wouldn’t work right. My world was in agony and roaring flames. Nothing made sense. The very thing I was most afraid of was happening and I could do nothing to stop it. Time wasn’t moving in a linear way for me and if you tell me I wasn’t just standing there screaming my lungs out -I’d be surprised. I could not handle that nightmare- but then there you were. Like a rock. Your presence at my brothers funeral will forever be the strength and dignity that kept me human that day. I will always be in your debt. I will never, ever forget what you did for my brother. And for me. Thank you! You have my loyalty. if you ever need it. It’s yours.

Thoms E Hall Sr

I just wanted to let every member of the Patriot Guard to know how deeply touched my whole family was to have them pay tribute to my father. My dad was a Vietnam veteran whom loved his country and his service deeply. My mother kept saying over and over on the ride to the cemetery that dad would have loved seeing y’all. Again thank you for everything you did.

Luke Barnhart

Thank you so much for coming to Luke Barnhart’s memorial at the Idaho State cemetery in Boise. My wife and I thank you for honoring our son.

Lt.Col.Charles R. Mordan

On August 27th you lead the procession from the funeral home to the cemetery. I thank you for honoring my husband and the twenty six years of his Air Force career. He was a proud veteran and your tribute to his service gave our family great comfort knowing his Air Force years were appreciated. Our family is grateful to your organization that provides such dignified service.

Grover Clayton Harris

Thank you so much for honoring my Dad’s memory at the celebration of his life on August 22nd in Fayetteville. For most of his later life, he felt like no one remembered the sacrifices made by those, like him, who served in Korea. He was a combat medic and did not talk much about his experiences but his wish was to have military honors at his funeral. With the COVID-19 crisis, we were concerned that we would not be able to honor his last wish. We were not aware that you offered this service for older veterans and it was only at the suggestion of John Lancaster, that we put in our request. That your members took the time to come and stand out in the heat and humidity to honor him and his service, meant more to us than we could ever put into words. Thank you so much for all you do to honor our country’s veterans.

John E. Marko

We would like to thank Dan Edwards and his team of Patriot Guard Riders who stood for my dad at his funeral service on August 24th 2020 we appreciate your dedication to Veterans and will continue to support you in the future.

Welcome Home – Kyle Huxtable

Last night was a night that will NEVER be forgotten. What a joyous and heartwarming occasion it was to see that so many fellow Americans would give up their Saturday night to hold an American flag at an airport terminal, while cheering, simply to honor and welcome back home an American soldier from the combat zone (whom they had never met and did not personally know). What a tremendous American tribute and honor. It was one of the most touching moments I have experienced in my 75 short years living on God’s created earth.
I cannot express in words, my gratitude to Kansas City, Mo. area Ride Captain Jim Williams for tirelessly putting this Welcome Home Mission together, with such short notice and jumping through all the hoops required for a group to gather together these days. As the grandfather of the honored soldier (who is so very thankful to have him safely back home) I am incredibly humbled, proud and appreciative to be associated with such an outstanding, patriotic group of like minded people who will go to any lengths to show respect and honor to our American veterans and first responders. THANK YOU PGR.

Funeral Service for Randall K. Zbiciak

The Patriot Guard attended my twin brother’s funeral service at Great Lakes National Cemetery in Holly, MI on August 18, 2020.
It was impressive to see them arrive on their bikes. It was a proud moment for Randy as we laid him to rest.
Thank you Patriot Guard. We will never forget you.

PO3 Franklin A. Neeley

Thank you so much for your attendance at my fathers funeral. The flags were absolutely flying beautifully that day!! We are thankful for your recognition of his service. The plague and invocation are something we will always treasure. I especially loved the tribute to him in your page.
Thanks again for all you do and…Anchors Away!!!

John J Iwaniec

I want to thank all of you once again from the bottom of my heart, on the honor that you showed to my Brother John today and for presenting me with the Flag, plaque and token that I will cherish. I’m very proud to have met you today, and gratefully appreciate what you do for our service men, women and the others, who you treat with such honor and respect. You are also heroes in my life and others.
With all our respect and gratitude. Denise Iwaniec and Family

Joseph Paglia, Michael White, Joseph Edmund Lazo

On behalf of Thin Blue Line Foundation and Thin Blue Line Law Enforcement MC, we send our deepest gratitude to your guards that served at each funeral. It was a beautiful sight to see our brothers and sisters in honor of these three men that lost their lives so tragically! Again thank you for what you do and appreciate the Patriot Guard Riders.

Dennis Gill

Thank you to those who were at my son’s funeral on Tues. Aug. 11, 2020. Your compassion and support has given me hope in this crazy time that we will get through this. Our law enforcement brothers and sisters deserve our respect. My son and granddaughter were killed in a car crash and my son had given 20 years of his life to keeping others safe. I wish you all love and thank you from my family. Take care and stay safe.

Tom A Peckham 8/7/2020

Words cannot express our family’s deep appreciation and gratitude for PGRs participation in Tom’s ride to the cemetery and the memorial services. Tom was a humble guy who served his country in Vietnam, did his best for his family and friends. He was a hero in our eyes and it was so wonderful to see recognition of his service to our country….finally. (Oops sorry that just slipped out and people who lived through the Vietnam era will understand. I feel like a wrong from 50 years ago has been righted tho and the PGR did it.) I enjoyed meeting and talking with the riders and sharing stories about Tom. On behalf of a grateful family, we say THANK YOU!

Kenneth D Ripley Jr

I would like to express my most sincere “THANK YOU” to the members that came out and rode for my father. I watched from behind with such pride to see him escorted to the cemetary with the honor and respect he deserved. Your riders are the most special people I know. Once again “THANK YOU!!!” for everything!!!!

Martin L. Scheer Sr.

I want to extend a humongous thanks to all of you. You were there to honor my grandfather on his 94th birthday on June 21st and one month later you escorted him to his final resting place. My grandfather meant the world to my entire family. He was a true hero in my eyes and is missed terribly. When he saw you ride by on his birthday, his entire face brightened up. My grandfather lived a good and long life and what you all did for him will always be remembered. You all are true heroes yourselves. Thank you all for your service and thank you for honoring my grandfather.

Allen K. Beck

The family and friends of Allen K. Beck wish to convey their heartfelt gratitude to all the Patriot Guard Riders participating in his tribute on July 9 and July 10 in Jefferson City, MO. So impressive! What a wonderful service for Veterans and their families! Wish we could have thanked each of you personally. The special presentation by Cheryl Wallace meant so much to me! God Bless you all! Kay, Stephanie, and Kent Beck

Randy Pennington

On July 16 2020 our city hosted what I was told would be a first responder parade to thank first responders. There was a huge escort of The Patriot Guard Riders…this was a ploy, unknown to me until I was presented an award. July 16 2020 was proclaimed by the city as Randy Pennington Day to honor my service of 3 plus decades as a Police Officer. The Patriot Guard presented me with a beautiful plaque and a very special wooden wall hanging of the blue line flag..I would love to send a thank you card but don’t know where to send it..From the bottom of my heart to all Patriot Guard Riders, thank you.May God always ride with you and keep you safe.
Randy Pennington
Sgt, Toledo Police Dept
Toledo, Washington
Viet Nam Combat Veteran
“Screaming Eagle”
101st Airborne Division

Jeremiah Johnson

I have been informed that the Patriot Guard will be escorting my fiance, Jeremiah Johnson, from the airport to the funeral home on 15 July, 2020, and possibly at the funeral as well. I am also military stationed overseas, same base as Jeremiah was. I cannot thank you enough for doing this for his family, myself, and my daughter (whom he considered his own). I will be PCS’ing to northern California, Beale AFB at the end of this year, and I hope during my time on leave, visiting his grave and his parents, I get the chance to shake one of your members hands. As much as I wish I could be there in person, be able to protect the love of my life as he goes to his burial, I am amazed at the support from so many people. Thank you. Thank you for protecting his family and his body. I will forever be grateful.

-Ashley Danley-Johnson

William “Bill” Frank Sikes

I want to thank each & everyone of all for what you did at the service for my husband, Bill, at his service July 8th. All of all were so kind & sweet to
take the time to come & honor my husband for his service in the Army. I will always treasure what you did for me & for the sweet card all signed & what all gave me & the kind & encouraging words. Thank all again for everything & May God always Bless all & keep all in his care.

George Taylor

I just want to take this opportunity to tell you thank you so much for your wonderful services that you provided for my husband’s services. George Taylor was definitely a hero. He will be truly missed by all. Again thank you so much you did a wonderful job.

Paul Gowdy Andes

Dear Gentlemen,
Thank you SO much for enhancing my father-in-law’s funeral with such solemnity, and yet, well, fun! How can a bunch of guys in jeans and tee shirts, vests, braids, tattoo’s – all KINDS of personality – (and flags! The flags add a lot!!) add so so much?!? I got choked up before I even got into the funeral home. Thank you for adding such abundant honor to the event. My FIL would have love, love, loved it, and so did we. Maybe one day when our kids are out of college, we can join you. We can dream!

w much respect and delight,
Victoria Andes

Angelo Filippone – Funeral

Thank you for your service escorting my loving husband to his final resting place on 5/27/20 from funeral home to a
brief outdoor church blessing to the cemetery. It was comforting to me as I watched these incredible riders honoring
my Angelo. May God Bless You and keep you safe.
God Bless America.

Doyce L Gilmer

I would personally like to thank Rusty McNab, Donna Cranston and the other guard members for a mission well done. The upmost respect was shown to my father and the whole Gilmer family through out this tough task of laying my father to rest. Our donation to you is given in Honor of Doyce and he would have been so proud of all of you Patriot Guard men and women. Great job. Thank you again each and every one of you,

Doyce A Gilmer and family

Aaron Lavon Lowe

We thank you from the bottom of our heart. Your kind words and compassion will never be forgotten. This mission went perfect, my dad would have been very pleased and you made it happen.
We love you!

I respect and appreciate what

I respect and appreciate what you guys are doing and as the grandson of a Vietnam veteran and first responder myself I have much love for you guys. If ever in mississippi or if you have a chapter here I’d love to shake your hands and hug your necks .
Thank you

Andrew A Anderson

Heartfelt thanks for your presence at the funeral of our uncle/ great uncle Keep up the good work
Gene Kittrell. USN
Traci Fontenot USN
Ashley Sponheim USN

Memorial Day Drive-Through at Courtyard at Mt Tabor Retirement Community

We cannot begin to say THANK YOU enough for all the riders who participated in the Drive-through event on Memorial Day! Your presence made our hearts swell with pride and emotion for our Country and for the men and women who died fighting for our freedom. I had residents tell me that this was the best Memorial Day they can ever remember and others who said it was so inspiring and exciting. They all had perma-grins for hours afterwards. Thank you again for everything! You are ALL amazing and we appreciate your service!
Much Love to All!
Laurie Mix and Courtyard at Mt Tabor Residents

Alvan T. Fuller

My brother Gordon and I would like to thank the Patriot Guard Riders who attended my father’s funeral today in New Bedford, MA. Dad was very active in the American Legion, serving as Department Commander in 1982 and headed their national Emblem Sales committee. There would have been a huge contingent there today from all over, but with the gathering restrictions in place it made that impossible. Thanks to the many riders who showed and the Legionnaires who could stand at a distance, the day was still special. It was a gorgeous day and with the breeze blowing the flags looked great flapping in the wind. Thank you again.

Rufus I. Winstead

We would like to say Thank You to the Delaware Patriot Guard for honoring our father, Rufus I. Winstead, during his funeral and his memorial car processional.
A special thanks to Jon Andrews for honoring our mother with the flag presentation at our father’s funeral. It helped to personalize the service knowing you flew with our father in the Air Force.
Delaware Patriot Guard, your support made the event one that our father would have loved. We can’t thank you enough for your generous support.

– The Family of Rufus I. Winstead

Joseph Lane

I am so humbled and grateful for the riders that came out today to help us lay Joe to rest. There are no words to express our thanks to strangers in life but comrades in arms that stood to honor our family.

Frank harens

Wish to thank the guard who honored frank my uncle. While still here and suffering stg 4 cancer he got the thrill of being recognized and honored this ride took place in upstate new york in Ontario. This took place during the lockdown. Much appreciated. As a Vietnam vet myself it is nice to know we are not all forgotten. Thank you.

Birthday ride on May 6th

Thank you for your time spent celebrating the young lady on her birthday yesterday and for honoring the memory of her father. My husband and I heard the PGRs go by and it was wonderful! Your group attended our son’s funeral and you hold a special place in our hearts. Thank you so much!!

Lt. Hutto

You guys are the best! Thank you for all you do. Mr. Sanchez God bless you! God bless you all!

Joseph “Buddy” O. Watrous

The family of Joseph “Buddy” O. Watrous Jr. extend our sincere gratefulness for the Honor Mission Patriot Guard escort provided for our father’s funeral procession on November 13, 2019, from Gautier to the Biloxi National Cemetery. We thank you for honoring him in this generous, patriotic way.
With Heartfelt Appreciation, The Watrous Family

Tags Nicholas vogler

Thank you all for what you do. I was totally taken back when I pulled into the cemetery today and saw you all braving the 60mph winds to pay respect to my brother. Due to the pandemic his full honors ceremony is being pushed back to September. It made my heart so full to see you there honoring him and his service today.

James W. Weston

Thank you so much for all you did at my husbands burial on February 21, 2020 in Ridgecrest, CA. It was wonderful and my husband would have been so honored to have seen this. And I’m sure he was watching from heaven. You were a blessing to all that were there. The Lord bless you, Donna Weston

Robert J. McDonald

Thank the Patriot Guard for honoring my father Robert
J. McDonald. He was proud of his service in WW2 and I felt the same pride with your respectful tribute. Again thank you.

Dr Claude H McConnell

Dear Patriot Guard,

I want to thank all of you for your service to America and to our Veterans.
My 95 year old proud American father was buried on January 21, 2020 at Bethel Presbyterian Church in Cornelius, NC. It was a cold and sunny day. ( a great day for a bird hunt!)

The evening before you set large American flags around the parking lot. A stunning sight for everyone who passed the church.

Early, before most folks arrived for the service, your men and women were in position at the church entrance. It was a glorious morning for a goodbye to a brave Air Force Vet who flew 32 missions over Germany in a B-24 and flew fuel to Patton in Africa.

After the service, the Patriot Guard followed the bagpiper … and led us all to the visitation at the back of the church. Anyone who was there will never forget.

Our family thanks you for your support.

Coco McConnell Killian

Funeral LTGen Charles Pitman, March 8/9, 2020

I’d like to send the Patriot Riders’ Patriot Guard our heartfelt thank you for your homage to our father, LTGen Charles Pitman USMC on March 8 & 9, 2020. Your volunteers really topped off a stellar Marine Corps send off for a true American patriot.
The Pitman family

Donato Vito Turchiano

It was a true pleasure and very comforting that you were there. My Dad was one of the few remaining WWll vets still alive. Your professionalism and love for our Veterans is truly appreciated. God Bless each and every member of this fine organization.

Sgt. Warren “Butch” Pinnick

I want to thank the Dublin, VA Patriot Riders for their participation in my nephew’s interment on the 13th of March. Their honoring him means a lot to this family and I was so proud of him and his service. Thank you so much for all that you do. God bless you all.

Gerald J PohlmanB

What an amazing world it would be if everyone were as nice as the members of your squad. Jerry was a member of the Old Guard in Washington and served at too many grave sites. I know he was very honored to have you all with him and his family as we sent him home. Words are not enough to express our love and thanks to you and the other guys who gave up some of your day to be with us. In graditude. Mrs. Gerald J Pohlman

COL Lloyd R. Cain

I cannot begin to tell you how much it meant to us to have the Patriot Guard Riders presence at my Dad’s, COL Lloyd R. Cain’s, funeral. It was so moving the way you honored my father and our family. Escorting the casket to the church, then accompanying us out to the gravesite and standing guard was truly one of the greatest honors we have ever witnessed. Our father was a veteran of 3 wars and 33 years of service. What a fitting send off to have the Patriot Guard Riders at his funeral. Please pass along our sincere thanks to each and every hero that was out there, honoring my father and our family. God bless you!

Bruce A Earnhardt Jr.

Thank you on behalf of the Earnhardt family for standing in on Friday, February 28th, 2020 at the burial service of Bruce A Earnhardt Jr. Bruce requested that there be no funeral or service, but i think he would be proud of his son for deciding to honor him in this way. We really appreciate you guys standing in, it’s a wonderful thing that you do to honor men who served. Again, thank you

Ulysses Jones “U.J.” Parrott, Jr. – February 9, 2020

Dear Patriot Guard Riders:
Words cannot adequately express our gratitude and appreciation for your services at the funeral of our loved one, Ulysses Jones “U.J.” Parrott, Jr. Daddy proudly served his country and to have the Patriot Guard Riders provide an honor flag line as he was laid to rest is a memory we will treasure forever. We thank all of you for your service to our country. We pray God will continue to bless each of you in all that you do.
In love and appreciation,
Marilyn, Gary and Jordan Smith

Emmett Roy Wegmann

We would like to thank Doug and all of the other Patriot Guards who came on that Saturday in August of 2019 to honor our dad, Emmett R. Wegmann, a US Navy WW II Veteran who was laid to rest in Covington, LA. We felt honored to have you there and we know Emmett was smiling down on each of you. We just wanted to tell you how much it meant to us and our family that he was finally honored for his service to our great country. Thank you all for being a part of the ceremony on that Saturday. You guys are awesome and we salute each of you and thank you for your service to our great country. The Wegmann family

Recil Calvin Troxel

Our family is truly grateful to each of you for escorting our Papa to his final resting place. Thank you for your mission!!

The Troxel Family

Harry Laron Hawk Temple

Thanks is not enough to convey my appreciation for the honor and respect you demonstrated at the services of uncle Laron. As I stated during the services your significance in his life in recent years was clearly realized in most every discussion we had, he was indeed honored to part of the Arkansas Patriot Riders, Thank you for your service to our country and may God bless each of you. Jeff Temple, Pastor.

Albert H Robitaille Jr

Our family would like to thank your group for helping to honor our father Albert Robitaille at his funeral and memorial service. As a member of the Patriot Guard Riders, I know he really believed in the service your group provides to veterans and their families and would have appreciated your presence at his services.

Thanks you once again from our family.
Albert, Russell, Valerie, Bruce and Julie Robitaille

Funeral for James N. Gatch, Sr.

Your presence at the February 1 funeral of our father, James Gatch, Sr., meant the world to all of his family and friends. He strongly believed in God, country and family. Though he rarely talked about his military service and time as a POW in Germany, we all knew how much that time contributed to his life’s values. We just wanted to let the Low Country – Summerville Patriot Guard know how much we appreciated their time and respect. Thank you!

James L. Woodruff

My wife, her family and I want to express our thanks and gratitude for being there in our time of need. Woody was a proud Veteran and we know he would’ve loved to see it. It meant so much to us. Thank you so much!!

Larry Hutchinson

Just wanted to thank you Guy’s and Gal’s for a great ride and service for my Dad , Larry Hutchinson “Hutch” on 2/14/20 …He would have loved it and My family and I really enjoyed it and appreciate what you did for our us…It really meant so much to all of us..Everyone talked about what a great job you did..keep on riding for freedom Guy’s and Gal’s ..You are touching peoples lives more than you may know..

Thank you ,
From the Hutchinson Family

Nelson Owen Pratt

I would like to send my deepest appreciation to you for honoring my father yesterday at his funeral services. It is a wonderful tribute that you provide. Thank you for your dedication and service .
The family of Nelson Pratt


I just wanted to say thank you for what you do. When I go, I hope someone in my family will think to ask you. Again, thank you.
Larry Usoff, US Navy Retired (Korea vet)

Hubert Townsend

You are very much appreciated for your service to our country. We thank you for honoring Hubert Townsend. We were very blessed with your presence. May God bless each of you for being the gift you are to families like ours.

Dennis O‘Keefe

My sincere thank you to the Patriot Guard Riders for the very impressive attendance at my husbands funeral. Myself and my family were totally amazed at how well they preformed. My husband would be very proud as am I. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart. Three cheers to all is well deserved.

Russell W Uphold Shephersville, KY

A heartfelt thank you to the Patriot Guard Riders in attendance at Pop’s (Russell W Uphold) funeral. We really appreciate the show of respect. May God bless you in all your endeavors!

Louis John Camilli

Please accept my sincere gratitude and respect for the PGR personnel that guarded my father on his way to his final resting place at the National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona. It was truly a beautiful thing to see PGR riding with the flags flowing in the wind on our way to the cemetery. It was a sad day for me, but having PGR with us helped make the day less of a sting on my emotions. They took such good care of my dad and never let him out of their sight. My mom was impressed with the service of the PGR and felt overwhelmed with emotion. Thank you for making our day less painful and more joyful. Your organization is truly a blessing for the fallen and their family and friends.

Geraldene Jacobsen

All I can say is, WOW! My mom passed away in December. We buried her on Jan 23rd. The weather was less than desirable. My brother and I were given permission by Joint Base Lewis-McChord to personally drive our mom from Seattle, WA to Warrenton, OR. We had several scheduled stops along the way to “pick-up” friends and family who wanted to join our rolling escort. We picked up the PGR’s along our route. Those riders took wind and rain to the face at 65mph for just about two hours. They gave no grief about their ride. They gave nothing but love and a lot of wet hugs! After our wet ride they stood graveside in our very small graveyard and held flags while military representatives conducted my mothers burial. Then, like that, they were on their chariots of glory and rode off into the sunset before anyone (myself or my brother) had a chance to give one last “Thank You.” Amazing. Amazing. Amazing! Nothing but love and respect from them that I want to reciprocate and emulate! Thank you, Southwest Washington Chapter and to you, Chuck for organizing everything on your end!

Jack R. Reeves

We are very grateful for the services that you rendered to the late Rev. Dr. Jack Reeves. We were overwhelmed by everything that was going on but your professionalism help eliminate a lot of stress and made the process a lot easier.

Thank you very much for your services.
Martha Reeves and Family

Charles R. Fletcher, CW2 retired

Our Family would like to say thank you for honoring my husband, Charles R. Fletcher on January 18,2020. I can not tell you how proud I felt when I saw The Patriot Guard Riders at the Memorial Service, it was so unexpected and comforting.

Thank you all for your service to our Country and to our Veterans. God Bless each and every one of you!

SFC. Robert “Bob” Jarman, US Special Forces, retired

I personally want to Thank Ride Captain Rick Foulon and his 20 plus Patriot Guard Riders who worked the Flag line. It was appreciated by all who attended Bob’s memorial services in Las Vegas to have your PGR members present to Honor Bob’s military and law enforcement service. Bob had served 21 years as an Green Beret and nearly 20 years for the Federal Air Marshal Service at the time of his death.

Thank you

I live in the uk. Just want to say total respect for what you all do. You have respect of bikers from the uk. Do you sell patches or other stuff to support you Desmond Bye

Larry W Brand USAF Ret MSGT

Thank you so much for honoring my late husband. Our entire family appreciated the love and caring you show to those that have served during a very trying time in history. It was nice meeting Mr. Crownover too, a fine gentleman.

Col. Joseph “Mike” Romero (USMC)

December 7th, 2019 was a crazy busy day for the PGR, but they made my husband’s final ride to the church (through his beloved neighborhood, by his favorite places to eat, etc) just perfect for me and for his family–and I know he would have been so humbled by the care and support extended to us for his celebration of life services. Grateful to you all for your service. Thank you and Semper Fi! Ruth

Michael A. Spaccaforno

I can’t thank this organization enough for attending my father’s services and standing guard for him. He really believed in your mission and was an avid supporter, so to be here for him was truly amazing and a blessing. Your professionalism and dedication were outstanding. Knowing that I was a veteran as well, the Ride Captain presented me with a coin, which I will cherish in my father’s memory. Thank you, PGR, for all that you do for our Veterans.

Michael Coulson Funeral

I just want to express the gratitude of our family to your Huntsville, Alabama chapter for the service they performed in honoring our brother, uncle and friend, Michael “Mickey” Coulson. Mickey was a Marine who served three tours in Vietnam. We are grateful for the Patriot Guard to come and honor Mickey at his funeral and graveside services.

Daniel R. Centilli

My 30 year old son died unexpectedly on December 23, 2019. Daniel was 100% disabled Marine. I contacted the Patriot Guard and they showed up and put on such an exhibition of respect for our son I really have no words to thank you. We arrived at the church to find flags and an honor team that would have made our son so proud. He loved his Marine Corp! We had to travel through several counties to arrive at the National Cemetery in Montevallo, Alabama, and when we didn’t have police escort we have the Patriot Guard Riders to show the way and we never had to stop. I am eternally grateful for the last ride that your organization gave our son.

Scott Livingston

Thank you so much for all you did to honor my Uncle at his visitation and funeral. The weather was nasty and wet but you all rode with pride. Thank you for opening the doors countless times as family and friends came in and out of the doors all day. From all of my family, thank you again for making such a special tribute to our Uncle!

Melvin Ray Cook

I would like to sincerely thank the PGR for their service and attendance at my fathers funeral and at graveside. They were wonderful, much appreciated and very helpful.
Many thanks, Melvin Ray Cook II

Robert Don Holt

Dear Patriot Guard Riders of Tallahassee, FL,

It is with respect and gratitude I write you today on behalf of all my family, the family of my daddy – Robert Don Holt.

We had not previously been privileged to attend a funeral at the Tallahassee National Cemetery. What a glorious surprise on Monday 11/18/2019 to arrive to the unexpected flag processional and flanked Committal Shelter by the men and women of the Patriot Guard Riders! My what your color guard added to our last moments all together in memory of “Poppa Holt”, in reverence to God and in honor of this great country – the United States of America ??. THANK YOU.

As Don grew older his body grew frail but his “patriotic bone” only grew stronger. His sentiments for this Nation under God are precious. It’s one of the many gifts I realize God afforded me in the midst of the turmoil of Daddy’s passing that his date of death landed on Veterans Day! I would love for him to have gotten to observe his own funeral. Everything about it would have made him even prouder of our military, government and country!

Thank you for everything. The plaque is a beautiful expression and it makes for a handsome display coupled with the American flag ?? presented to Momma.

May the good Lord reward you for the kindness you have shown our family and so many other U.S. Veterans.

Emily (Holt) Brown

Funerals for William R Simpson

My Father was a WWII Navy Veteran. He passed away October 28, 2019 in Longview, TX. Your Organization honored him in Longview on Sat, Nov 2 and then the following Tues in Midland on Nov 5th. I had never been to a Funeral where your Organization was present and I can’t tell you how impressed I was at both of Dads’. I was so touched that I actually asked the gentlemen who appeared to be the leader in Midland if I could hug him. My Dad was not only shown respect but so was the Family and of course the American Flag. I will pray for your continued work with other Families.

Larry Rogers

The Patriot Riders were at my brothers memorial service in Tyler Texas on Saturday. I live in California and could not go myself. I truly appreciate that they were there. My brother was a Vietnam veteran. My father was a WWII veteran and both truly loved their country. Both were Navy. Thank you so much for your service .

Billy Don Buchalla Naval Firefighter

I would like to express my utmost appreciation for the plaque that was given in honor of my father Billy Don Buchalla. The plaque I will hold dearest to my heart, as I feel it is a little of him that I can still treasure when I think of him. PGR thoughtfulness means more than words can express.

Buchalla/Foley Family

Pellie Richard Burgett, Hot Springs, AR

It has been 10 years since my father’s passing. I still remember the Patriot Guard with the Flags. There’s not too many things I remember. He’s passing was unexpected and I was in a fog of shock. But I do remember you. He would have loved it! Thank you for what you do for our loved ones!

grant strahle

My husband, Grant Strahle, passed on November 19, 2019. It had been eighteen years since he retired from the Savannah Police Department and forty years since his retirement from the U.S. Army. It was difficult to decide on the type of final service for him. The service was small for the same reasons as stated above. The service though small was very impressive, the patriot guard providing the escort and the police department blocking off all street ramps it was truly a sight to see. Also with the patriot guard people were getting out of their cars and saluting or at least standing at attention.The Army provided the twenty one gun salute with the Chaplain officiating at the grave side. I know my husband would have been really touched by the showing of this respect.
I would like to thank the patriot guard for their service during my husband’s funeral and being there for me and our family.

With Respect, Yvonne Strahle

Brantley Mitchell

My grandson was killed in an auto motorcycle accident in Odessa Tx. He was a very patriotic young man and the Patriot Riders were at his funeral this meant a lot to me and my son who served in Iraq. I am sooty it has taken this long to express my appreciation. Thank you again from a very grateful grandmother and if there is anything I can do please let me know. God Bless All of You


A big shoutout to the Patriot guard riders I saw today (about 6 of them) traveling on Rt 195 E towards Wareham, MA and then on Rte towards the Cape around 11-11:30 am. My son had a military funeral but it was held at Otis National Cemetary so no one could come to it like the people that harass military funerals held off the base. Please know how much you are appreciated and loved by so many.

Ernesto Duron

Dear Patriot Guard,

On behalf of my family I would like to thank you for your attention and thoughtful efforts during my father’s funeral service. My father, Corporal Duron served our nation during the Korean conflict with Company B, 759th Military Police Battalion in occupied Germany. A feeling of patriotic pride filled our hearts as you selflessly lifted our hearts during the service in addition to providing service to our great nation. Thank you.

Leo J. Perras

To all of those who came to honor Leo J. Perras,
I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation for honoring my father and ushering him to his final resting place. I would also like to say thank you for honoring and helping all veterans and their families through such difficult times. One final thank you, for your service.
It was truly comforting and special to have you there, not just for my father, but for all of us.

Kind and humble regards,

Marc Perras

Veterans Day Open House Event

I’d like to offer my sincere appreciation for your organization’s participation in our Veterans Day Open House held on Friday, November 8, 2019. The Residents, staff and visitors appreciated the Patriot Guard Riders, who added dignity and respect to the event. Thank you for assisting in making the event such a huge success!

Our staff does a tremendous job providing various events and activities for our Residents, but the Veterans are most grateful for the visits and time spent with them.

We are proud to serve our Residents and greatly appreciate those that recognize their service to our country. As former U.S. Representative Rodney Frelinghuysen once said, “Veterans are a symbol of what makes our nation great, and we must never forget all they have done to ensure our freedom.” Thank you again for your kindness, support, and dedication to our Veterans.

Sgt. Adam C. Blunck

I was able to shake the hands of all the riders that made the flag line at my brother’s funeral and thank them in person but I wanted to contact this organization as well. Thank you for all you do–the mission may have changed but you’re needed now more than ever.

Thank you again for your presence and your care during the flag lines and my brother’s interment in Adel.

God Bless,

Nathan Blunck

A-Troop 1-98th CAV OIF 09-10& previous deployment (1387th Quartermaster OIF 07-08)

I am a combat veteran with 2 tours in Iraq. It is with a proud heart that I say my fellow veterans and I were honored to have Patriot Guard escort us every time!! Without fail you great patriots and vets would always be there for us and ride for hours if necessary to escort us to our plane when we left and to our demob site when we got home!! So on behalf of all my brothers, we love you Patriot Guard!! And we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!! It really touched my heart and meant so much!! THANK YOU!! God bless y’all brothers!!

Dennis Mindermann 11/4/2019

Words cannot Express how thankful I am for your organization and to each and every volunteer that was there on the day of my husband funeral. The outpouring of dignity and respect that was shown will never be forgotten by my children, family, friends and especially me. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart. God Bless All of You! Brenda Mindermann

Ulis C. Steely

It hardly seems that an entire month has passed since we welcomed our fallen hero, Ulis C. Steely home from Pearl Harbor where he was killed in action aboard the Oklahoma in the bombing on that horrific day; December 7, 1941. There are not enough words for myself and my husband, Dean, Ulis’s grandson to express our gratitude to the Patriot Guard Riders.
When Dean and I arrived at Lexington Airport Gate 5 to be led onto the tarmac we could not believe our eyes. The sight of over one hundred bikes and cars lined up waiting for the plane carrying Ulis home was breathtaking. We were both in tears as we rounded the corner and saw the rows of people waiting to welcome Ulis home.
As we got out, we met family members from Corbin for the very first time. There were no strangers in the crowd. Everyone was there for the same reason, and every single soul welcomed us with a handshake or a warm embrace. We were all family.
Riders paid Ulis an unbelievable honor with their escort home from Lexington Airport. Their members posted guard 24/7 watching guard over Ulis overnight while he rested in the Hart Funeral Home awaiting his funeral the following day. The morning of the services, we were led by a full escort with Amazing Grace playing from the rider just behind the hearse as Ulis made his way up the approached to the Church on the Hill. Flags lined the entire length of the long driveway as we made our way along the drive and into the church where his services were held. Again, as we were led to the cemetery, we rounded the corner, and were met with a sea of red, white and blue flags flying in Ulis’s honor. The time and thought that was given into placing each of those flags with care was not over-looked by the grateful family as we pulled up just behind the hearse and watched as the Navy unloaded the titanium hearse out of the rear of the car.
Thank you to the Patriot Guard Riders of Southeast Kentucky, we are forever in your debt. The honor and distinction the men and women displayed as they paid their respects for our grandfather renewed our faith in mankind.
Gary Sweeny out-did himself as the Ride Captain for this mission, and we want to personally thank BT Barnett and his friends who stood watch over Ulis all night long before the funeral, and personally placed all those beautiful flags at the church and the cemetery. We cannot begin to tell each and every one of you who made this such a hero’s welcome home how much the contribution of your time and honor meant to us. We met friends we will cherish the rest of our lives. Thank you to each and every one of you. You all know who you are.

Juan Cancino GySgt/USMC Ret.

Hi ,
I just want to thank the Patriot Gaurd Riders for attending and making My fathers burial (Juan Cancino USMC/GySgt Ret) a special event. Having you there was a big part of helping my family cope with our loss knowing he was honored correctly. My father would have felt so proud and special knowing that the Patriot Gaurd Riders honored him and the service he dedicated many years of his life to. With love and respect, I express my sincere gratitude.

Marc Cancino USMC/Sgt Ret.

Harry Elmer Gowan

Thank you so much for your presence at the funeral of my husband it was such an honor to see everyone show up and escort us to the funeral home thank you again for all you do!

Peter Anthony Ferachi

Bob, Craft, James,Leonard, Roland, Sam, Mr.Gale,

Words cannot begin to express the range of emotions felt at the sight of the Patriot Guard Riders, first at the funeral home then the cemetery. The kind and sincere words at the service,the beautiful honor these heroes showed our father,grandfather,great-grandfather. In this world today veterans are not always give the respect they deserve so to have these wonderful people give our family their time, respect and dedication is beyond what we ever expected. May God bless and keep you and yours forever in his heart. We are so honored and proud to have you with us at this very difficult time. I know my father was smiling on us all seeing that his service to our country was acknowledged and appreciated. From the bottom of our hearts -THANK YOU

Adam Zani

I would like to thank all of the Cicero, NY, Patriot Guard Riders for honoring my son, HM1 (FMF) Adam Zani on this past Saturday. I thank you all for your service as well as standing out in the rain, presenting me with a plaque to honor Adam and for your thoughtfulness in doing this for Adam. I was very moved by what you did for my son and for my family. My heart is so very broken without my Adam. Thank you again so very much.

Hilarie Zani


Thank you for helping me bury my husband by escorting him to his grave. I think of you and say a prayer for all of you often. Thank you all.

Max E. Smith

Thank you for the honor you bestowed upon Max E. Smith, a NYARNG 9/11 First Responder hero. I was touched as a wife who’s husband served with Max in the 342d FSB at 9/11. The work you do is so important for our families. Thank you again.

Funeral service for Jimmy Dwain Dike

We are so very grateful for honoring Jimmy Dike at his service on October 3rd. You provide a beautiful tribute to our country’s service men and women! God bless each of you for your time and the kindness you offered.

Sgt. Anthony R Maddox Memorial Highway

To Rick Dailey, Jr. And Michael Faulk, Illinois Patriot Guard Riders Section 4 leaders and other PGR motorcycle riders;

On May 18, 2019, a section of Interstate 55 from exit 167( Veterans Pkwy) to Exit 171(City of Towanda) was dedicated and renamed: Sgt. Anthony R Maddox Memorial Highway. Thank you for honoring our son, leading the motorcade of motorcycles and Jeep’s and participating in our ceremony to remember his military service, sacrifice, and legacy. This was a very special day for our family and community, and we are so very grateful you led the procession.

The Maddox Family

Marty Brown

I just wanted to thank you all for honoring my grandfather; Marty Brown, at his visitation Monday 7/16/18. Serving this amazing country and riding motorcycles was his passion and you guys are a fantastic group of individuals to assist in honoring his, and others lives who have served. Thank you for being there with us. You all have earned a forever spot in our family. Thank you again.

Vincent Lexy Politte

My siblings and I wish to thank all the PGR that took part in the funeral of our brother, Vincent Lexy Politte at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas on 7-30-18. We were truly honored by your presence and show of patriotism. Please convey our thanks to all those that took part.
Leo Politte
Dorothy Politte Culp
Phil Politte

Karl Kruger

I want to extend my appreciation to the Patriot Guard members who rode their motorcycles and lead the funeral procession of my husband Karl Kruger on February 4, 2018, to the Veterans Cemetary. Your involvement in his celebration of life was both honorable and special as he considered his years of military service to be the most memorable years of his life. I cannot remember the name of the leader of your group but I especially would like to offer you my personal appreciation. Thanks so much to all of you. Jeanne Kruger

Robert Hollie Jenkins

The Patriot Guard are honorable, caring, devoted, loving and patriotic Americans. Our family would like to thank all of you for helping honor the life of Robert Hollie Jenkins at his visitation, funeral, processional and graveside, a Korean War Army Vet. Y’all are the best! God Bless!

Luis Billingslea

A group escorted the procession for my husband’s funeral. I remember shaking hands with some the morning of but I was in such a fog. I would truly love to meet them again to thank them for what they did for me & my family & mostly how they honored my husband. It has been a long time but this grief has hit me hard & I am just now coming out of it.

Thank you,
Tanya Billingslea

Great Lakes Cemetery May 5

Thank you to the Patriot Guard Riders who were at Great Lakes Cemetery May 5. It was wonderful to see all those men and women there to honor a deceased veteran. I thank them for their service and their continued service to America.
God Bless them.
Mary Ellen USAF Veteran

John Fradette

Dearest Members,

It has been almost 2 years since my beloved husband John Fradette passed away and was buried at the cemetery in Dallas. My family and I convey belated Thanks to your presence and respect. When we saw you I was so humbled and grateful. You made such a memory in our lives. I am eternally grateful for all you do. God bless and ride on Dear ones

Willie Grady Guy

Thank you so much for your support at our fathers funeral-retired TSGT Willie Guy in Biloxi, MS (Korean war vet). Our Dad would have been so proud and honored to have you escorting him to his final resting place. Your professionalism was greatly appreciated and watching those flags fly as Dad was laid to rest brought even more tears to my eyes. He was a true patriot.
Thank you for honoring him.
Angela Culbertson

Colin Doig

I would like to personally thank each and every single one of the Patriot Guard Riders who stood guard honoring my grandfather, Colin Doig. He loved his country and bled red, white, and blue. When he was able, he took much pride in carrying The American Flag during the Parade. I couldn’t be more honored to have a TRUE American Hero as my own grandpa!! Thank you all so much for being there…..it means so much to us all. (Especially my 3 year old son who was running around wearing his Great Papa’s WWII Veteran hat….he is still talking about the motorcycles and shaking all of your hands!)

William P. Ducharme

I wanted to thank you so much for attending my father’s service last weekend. The flag line was beautiful and I’m humbled at how many of you were there. I am so grateful for your support and kind words. Thank you for all that you do and honoring those who have served.

Deanna DiVincenzo

Colon D. Joiner

I would like to thank the FGR members who escorted our family
to Florida National Cemetery at Bushnell on August 12, 2019.
The names are Roger Shoemaker, David E. Williams (not sure about last name), Jerry Caryanto (not sure about last name), Larry and Nancy Backenoto, and Jim McK…… They could not have been more respectful, and because they were thoughtful, we are very grateful.

Algie Mabone – Somerville, TN

I tried my best to express my sincerest gratitude for to the PGR during their Tennessee Mission to big ole Fayette County, TN as they paid their respects to my Granddaddy Algie Mabone; who served in World War II, in the 92nd Infantry Division also known as the Buffalo Soldiers.

Throughout the course of 2 days everyone was SO kind, not only to the Mabone family but also to ALL of the extended family that came to share in the services for Granddaddy! I heard them sharing stories with each other, inviting the children who were there to hold the flags in honor and not once complaining about the sun that beamed throughout the day.

Thank you for making sure everything went smoothly!

I truly thank EACH OF YOU from the bottom of my humble heart not only for your service to the Mabone family but for your service and sacrifice for for our country!


Terry Ashbaugh

It has only been a few hours since the service but I cannot express enough how much it meant to me to have you guys there at my grandpa’s funeral. Several people commented about how thoughtful and respectful it was to have you guys there and I truly from the bottom of my heart want to thank each and every one of you. I wish I could send a letter to all of those involved. But once again thank you, it meant the world to me. I know my grandpa was smiling down while he was watching ❤️ And thank you to each of you that have fought and served for our country, I am so thankful for our freedom! God bless!

William Randall – My Father

This is Gary Randall. The son of William Randall. We met yesterday at my father’s funeral. I cannot begin to tell you how much you and the Patriot Guard Riders mean to me and my family. Your presence at my Dads funeral was outstanding. The way you honor my Mother as she walked into the funeral home was beyond words. Then escorting us out to the gravesite and standing there in the hot sun with your men, was truly one of the greatest honors I have ever witnessed. When the funeral home told us yesterday morning that they had not heard from the US Air Force Honor Guard, we were crushed. We could not believe that a man who served his county for 27 years and fought in 2 wars was not going to be honored in the way he should have been, my mother and our family were devastated. Then to get a phone call from the funeral home telling us that you and the Patriot Guard Riders were going to do my dad’s honors, our burden was lifted. I can’t tell you how relieved our family was. Mike, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you and your team. My family and I will be forever grateful for what you did. My Dad was honored and we say THANK YOU and May GOD Bless the Patriot Guard Riders.

Mike, please pass this on to each and every hero that was out there yesterday honoring my Father and our family.

Again, thank you so much

Gary Randall

Harvey H. Klee

Thank Y’all so much for doing the SERVICE for my Husband yesterday, August 17th in Llano. Y;all made it such a perfect Memorial Service.
Very Sincerely, Suzanne Klee

William Meditz

As requested we wanted to share the film in memoriam of William Meditz WWII vet. https://vimeo.com/352632556

Jeffery Lee Spencer

I just watched the escort go through the back of the winchester plaza. As a veteran that was both chilling and awe inspiring to see. Keep up the good work helping to honor Kentucky veterans.

Memorial Day at the Chapel in the Hills

Dear Patriot Guard Riders:

On behalf of the Chapel in the Hills, we wish to thank you once again for your participation in this year’s Memorial Day service at the Chapel in the Hills. Your avenue of flags and color guard added so much to the service—and your flexibility to move indoors because of the persistent rain was admirable. We appreciate it very much.

Should we hold this service again next Memorial Day, we certainly hope that you will consider participating as usual.

Sincerely yours,

Brian Kringen, Managing Director
Chapel in the Hills

Send off of Illinois Army from Chicago

I would like to thank you for the wonderful escort that you had given to the 400 soldiers that left out of Chicago headed to Peoria in which you gave them an escort all the way. My son in law was on that bus. He sent videos to his pregnant wife which is a veteran herself knowing that you all made sure he had a safe journey and a great escort to Peoria eased our minds. It is so hard writing this knowing that he will soon be traveling overseas to a war zone. But knowing there is people like all of you out there who gave him the best day by the wonderful escort is all we need to know this will be ok and he will come home safely. So from the bottom of my heart, my daughters and my grand daughters thank you so much. You all have done great work. Not only with this escort but back in 2006 my son lost a very close friend in Iraq and you all were there.

Julius E. Haeckel, Jr, 13 July 2019, St Peters MO

To all of those in the St Peters MO Patriot Guard Riders that honored Julius Haeckel on 13 July 2019 at Laurel Hills Cemetery.

Thank you so much for your participation in Jules Haeckel’s burial. He was a WWII Navy veteran and patriotic American. He was also our Dad, Grandpa and Great-Grandpa. The honors you bestowed upon him that day will live with us for the rest of our lives. What a great contribution. Thanks again from our entire family!

Joel McCarroll Newsum Rome, GA

Fantastic Support.

The Newsum family was overwhelmed.
Details of Joel’s truck story here:

Joel McCarroll Newsum

SSG (Ret) Nathaniel Truesdale

The family thank you for your quick response to honor our love one at his funeral and procession to the Fort Jackson National Cemetery. Your representative made the request process a breeze. Your presence added the special humbling touch. God bless your organization and staff for what you do.

Honor Flight Maine at Granite Hill Estates in Hallowell Maine.

On behalf of our 7 Honor Flight Maine Veteran’s, we want to thank those who participated in escorting our Veteran’s for the ride from Granite Hill Estates to the Red Barn in style with help from the Augusta Police and Fire/Rescue! It truly was something that they will never forget!!

Quentin G Oleson

Thanks so much for all you did to make Dad’s funeral services so special. As we talked, Dad was one of those “I just . . .”, non-combat veterans who for a long time wasn’t as proud of his service as he should have been. He would have been so proud and thankful for the tribute you gave him. Also, special thanks and appreciation to the riders who unfortunately had to deal with the unexpected gravel detours down to Scotland.

John Gardner

Thank you so much for helping us to from West Walmart to pick up the family and then honoring John at Newcomers and then to the church. You all are great people to help us at the last minutes. Keep doing what you all do because it was great.

Peter Joseph Orlando Service on 7/1/19

Just wanted to thank you so much for attending my husbands funeral on July 1st at the DFW National Cemetery. This meant more that words can express. You guys made it very special. I also want to thank the lady who took pictures (which we did not expect) and posted them through SmugMug. They were absolutely stunning pictures which I will cherish for the rest of my life. Can not thank you enough. Judy Orlando

John r Smith jr

Thank you for for all that you’ve done for our family. We appreciate the send off the patriot guard has given to our loved one. John lived for riding and we wanted to make sure he got everything he deserved and we are grateful you all gave him that final ride he deserved. Thank you for all that you do. -the smith family

Russell Mandziara Funeral

We want to say thank you so much for attending my husband’s funeral. My husband would have been so happy and honored to know that you all where there. You were so very respectful to my husband and family. We appreciate all you do, truly amazing group of men.

Captain Maurice Smith

My family and I would like to thank the patriot guards for honoring our father, husband and grandfather. He would have been pleased.

Dan Harrison

The family of Dan A. Harrison, sincerely thanks the Patriot Guard for your kind escort of us for Dan’s funeral.
Helen G. Harrison

Roland J. Frodigh

My Family and I would like to thank our neighbor and friend, Patrick J. Segui, his Wife Kalja, and the many PGR for their support at our Father, Roland J. Frodigh (WWII decorated Navy Veteran) and his wife/our Mother’s memorial and celebration of life service. The PGR flag line was a site to behold and we all felt humbled by the line of American flags and the beautiful Men and Women who stood by them. Thank you Patrick and Kalja for standing for those who stood for US! God Bless you all, The Frodigh Family

James Barrett Jr (Greenville, NC)

Thank you for your service to our veterans and to our family. May God Bless the Patriot Guard Riders!

Brandyn Paonessa

On behalf our entire staff here, family and friends we would like to thank each and every patriot guard rider that came out for the services for Sergeant Brandyn Paonessa. The number of patriot guard riders that attended was truly amazing. Thank you for everything you do and your support of America’s hero’s and their families.

Wayne G Baker

The Baker family wishes to extend our deepest gratitude to the Patriot Guard Riders for their support during the Memorial Service to honor and remember PFC Wayne Glen Baker’s sacrifice. My family was overwhelmed by the support and kindness exhibited by all members of the PGR. The flag display was especially touching and it reminded my family that Wayne’s sacrifice counted for something very dear… Freedom!! Thank you Boise riders and special thanks to Coeur d’ Alene riders Mary Matthews and Pam Moist for all you did. We were truly blessed.

Roger D. Baker
MSgt USAF, Ret

John Spencer Willamette Natl Cem

Thank you. Your service meant all the world to us. Most Excellent.

My daddy Clyde Morgan

My father is in the hospital on hospice. And I had someone bring me one of yalls stars. It made my day. Sitting here watching him die everyday has not been easy. And trying to find the easiest way to bring him home (cremate) has been hard. This little star made me happy to know someone cared about about him thank you.

Ronald Charchenko

My family, along with myself would like to express our gratitude for your presence at my father’s funeral. It was such a wonderful sight and tribute to him. We received many compliments on your attendance. Once again, thank you for your time and service.

Nicole Appelwick and the family of Ronald Charchenko

Louis Daniel Miller

Thank you for honoring my father with respect at his funeral, it was beautiful. He was in WWII.
Thank you for your service

Willie Hayes Jr

The Hayes Family would like to send our upmost thanks and praise to the Patriot Guard, for escorting our beloved Father and Husband Willie Hayes Jr. to his final resting place. I have received many comments from family and friends about the Patriot Guard, they were very nice, professional and showed great respect. I know my father was proud and was smiling down on us. It was an amazing way to take him to his final resting place and it gave us such comfort. We thank you again, appreicate your efforts and hold you in the highest regards.

Thank you and God Bless

The Hayes Family

Michael Visek

My husband’s service was held on March 16th in Fayetteville, NC. I just wanted to say thank you to every rider who stood in honor of him. The PGR is truly an amazing organization!

Matthew Rittner

The Milwaukee Police Department deeply appreciates and gratefully acknowledges your kind expression of sympathy following the death of Officer Matthew J. Rittner. It will always be remembered.

Edgar David Gross KIA Pearl Harbor, Veteran

The words “Thank you” are not enough for the honor and respect you all showed for our Uncle Ed!! What you did for us was beyond measure! The most beautiful sight was seeing your Patriot Guard carrying the large flags, walking up the road ahead of the caisson caring Uncle Ed’s casket. One in the guard was in a wheel chair, which showed his true dedication! That was indeed the most honorable and respectful burial service that I have ever seen! Memorial Day 2019 will be remembered and retold forever by all who attended. Thank you again from myself and all of the Edgar David Gross Family!

Margaret Gross New

David Shaughnessy

I would like to thank all the patriot guard riders for giving my stepdad a great send off and ride to Saratoga national cemetery THANK YOU!!!!!!

Winthop Bernard Miller, Retired MSG

You did an awesome job in memory of my spouse. He retired from the US Army in 1998 and he passed away in Feb 2015. You did an awesome job. You did exactly as you said you would. People are still talking about how wonderful it was to see. I would like to thank you and make a contribution to your organization. Thank you so much for a memorable occasion. How can I recommend you to other soldiers?

Donald McCormick

My family and I were so humbled by the honor and respect the men of the PGR showed our family and my father at his funeral at the church and his interment at Biloxi National Cemetery. The men stood with respect at the entrance of the church and the escort to the interment was extremely impressive. What an honor to meet these wonderful men who volunteer their time to show support to the families and honor the men and women who served their country as they are laid to rest. Thank you is not enough but we thank you with all our hearts! The McCormick Family

Tommy McBrides Service

Saturday May 4th we said farewell to my uncle, Staff Sgt Tommy McBride 97, Army Air Corp, WWII. We were greatly blessed to have the PGR stand for Tommy. These kind members were also his pall bearers as I thought it more appropriate to have those who really understand. I do this instead of funeral home staff. The turnout of PGR members that day was amazing. The Guards presence from his arrival at church, escort to cemetery, pall bearers and how on each side they stood in solemn respect. Uncle Tommy would’ve hated the fuss – he always thought someone else was more deserving than he – he would’ve absolutely loved the PGR being with us that day. As a PGR member, I’d never been on the family side. It’s always a privilege to stand for those who gave so much for so many. Thank you all for helping to give Thomas J McBride a very appropriate Send off. Roger & Out “MAC”

Richard Weidmann

I was moved to see the efforts of those who rode with me for the escort to Riverside this past Friday, 10 May. As I may have mentioned, I’ve been honored to ride more than a few missions with the PGR since I joined in 2007, but this one was special as the Hero being escorted was my mentor as a young man.
Ray (T-Bone), Greywolf, and all who showed up (we rode with 7 and a trailing cage) were considerate and thoughtful in word and deed. The family and I feel truly blessed to have had such professionalism shine in what looked to be a very wet and cloudy ride!
Yes, it did sprinkle a bit on the ride from Hemet, but I’d refer you to GreyWolf for the blessing he shared at the staging before we left to escort the family of our Hero…
All in all, it was was a memorable day, made even better with Old Glory leading the way.

Again, many thanks for your part!

James W Ferguson

It has been about 4 or 5 years that my dad has been gone and we was never able to find an address to send a thank you letter to the ones who showed up for his memorial we want them to know that we appreciated them for showing up for him I know he would have been so pleased and honored to have them

Kenneth R. Morton

On May 3rd you rode for my husbands funeral. You were fantastic. Your service inspires others to remember and honor our service men and women. The procession you led traveling from the church to the grave side inspired people to get out of their cars in the poring rain and salute as we passed. Ken would have been so proud. You made me feel like he was finally honored for his service in Vietnam. I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart.
Janice Morton
and family

Margarito Hernandez

Thank you all riders who participated last Friday in my fathers burial. If he could see from heaven he was surely smiling and honored. May God Bless you ALL.

Charles Theodore Whitlock

Our family would like to thank the Virginia Patriot Guard District 4 team headed by Jim McGinley for their extremely professional and memorial honor services provided to my father, Charles T. Whitlock, of Henrico, Virginia, on 19 & 20 April 2019. My father had observed the Patriot Guard Riders during a local news feature in the Richmond area just a couple months before his passing. He had mentioned how he’d kind of like to have them be part of his funeral when that time came. I made a note of that and checked out the website for future reference. Jim McGinley and his crew made us feel very, very special and even our relatives visiting from out of state mentioned how impressive they were. Thanks again for standing with us to honor my father and his service to our nation. God Bless You All!

Randy DeBerry

It was an honor to see you at the services for Randy DeBerry. Randy is my aunt’s nephew and he and my husband served in the 201st in WV. They weren’t there at the same time, but shared their battles in many conversations.

There isn’t enough thank you’s out there for doing what you do.

CW3 Merrell “Tony” Smith

Thank you for honoring CW3 Merrell “Tony” Smith, my husband, with your presence at his memorial service in Leavenworth, KS on 2 May 2019. I appreciate the time and sacrifice that all of your riders gave in escorting him to his final resting place.

Pete Martinez

I would like to say thank you all so very much for volunteering your time and standing up for my husband, Pete Martinez. It was an honor and a privilege to have you join us on the day of my husband’s funeral. I know he was looking down with pride, as you rode your bikes and led our procession, to the veteran’s cemetery. I can’t thank you enough for being there for us. Sincerely, Rebecca Martinez and Family

As I walked out of

As I walked out of Kutis funeral home in Affton this morning for my best friends mothers funeral the Patriot Guard Riders were staging to honor a fallen hero. We had a very small group to honor his mother and as we all looked up the Guard was standing shoulder to shoulder paying their respect for someone they didn’t even know or that was even a member of any service.
You guys are amazing at what you do not only for our heroes but for any individual!!!

Thank You!!!!

Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans & War Dog Remembrance Event

On behalf of VVA Chapter 787, we thank you for supporting the Welcome Home Vietnam Veteran & War Dog Remembrance event held on March 23rd, 2019.

Constantine Chagares
Membership Chairman

Hugo Lemus mass,burial,service

Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts, you were all so kind and brought great comfort to his wife, children family and parents. Your kindness, strength, and honor guarding him to his final resting place is a moment that is embedded in our hearts. Thank you so much for your service to our country and keeping us safe.

Calvin Perrotti

Thank you fellow patriot riders for attending my Uncle’s funeral at the National Cemetery the other day. He would of been proud to see fellow veterans and community members showing their respect. GOD BLESS EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!

Allen Donald Vicznesky

As a new Patriot Guard Rider and Army Veteran, it has been an honor to ride for our Fallen heroes. Last month brought a greater meaning and respect as I was able to ride with my fellow patriots. Amanda Hasselbach was the ride captain for my Hero and Father “Allen Donald Vicznesky”. This was here first mission as Ride Captain.
Many friends and family were very impressed on the way the Guard Riders conducted themselves both during the escort and flag line. Eternal thanks to all who were able to ride that day. I will stand with the PGR until the PGR stands for me. “Papa Bear”

Willie J. Lattimore

On behalf of the entire Lattimore family, I would like to express our most sincere gratitude for services you provided for my WWII Veteran father, Willie J. Lattimore on 4/12/19. As a retired Navy Master Chief, I was particularly impressed with the reverence and honor extended to my family during this solemn occasion.
The Patriot Guard Rider attendants, both veteran and non veteran alike, were respectful and dignified in the honors rendered. Additionally, I would like to express my personal thanks for the challenge coin presented to me at the Northeast Louisiana Veterans Cemetery in Rayville, La.
It was an honor to have the Patriot Guard Riders in attendance at my father’s funeral. Thank you for a job exceptionally well done.

With respect,

Reginald Lattimore

Chris Kyle, Chad Littlefield

I am currently reading American Wife, it is the book by Taya Kyle.
I had not heard of your organization until she mentioned your presence at the services for Mr. Chad Littlefield, and her husband, Mr. Chris Kyle.
I just want to say a simple Thank You.
I know it isn’t much from me to say that, but what you do for these families is truly amazing.
God Bless you all.

Robert L Lewis

The family of Robert L Lewis would like to say thank you for the Honor and Respect shown our loved one. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. God Bless you all and God Bless the U S A

David R. Dillard

Thank you to all the Patriot Riders from the bottom of my heart for providing your services to honor my husband, Dave Dillard on April 5, 2019. I know he would have been honored and appreciative for your services. Your presence at this Ceremony was truly an honor for myself and my family. May God be with you as you continue to spread love and compassion to all Veterans.
Gail Dillard

Roy Douglas “Doug” Rikard

I want to thank the Patriot Guard Riders in Las Vegas, Nevada for escorting our loved one, Marine and Vietnam Veteran, Roy D Rikard, with honors to his final resting place. A big thank you to Rick who told me not to worry, they’d be there to honor Doug and a big thank you to Tim who never left my side and made sure that I had all the help I needed. What a loving and respectful thing you do for our veterans, police officers, first responders, and all those that are there for us every day. You are there for them on their last journey home. Thank you and God bless you Patriot Guard Riders.. YOU ROCK!!

PFC Beverly A. Goodman

I want to thank the Patriot Guards that rode with me to take my wife’s Urn to The Veteran’s Memorial Cemetery in Glennville, Georgia from my home in Hinesville. Georgia. It was on 07 December 2018. We had more motorcycles than cars thanks to the Guard and the sport riders of my son’s. The Guard took us through the back roads to Glennville, Beverly always loved the country. We grew up in the country, not the city. The Guard where professionals and did everything correctly. I wanted to thank them but they had left before I was able to. If you could send them my deep-hearted thanks for a job well done. I salute you all. SSG(r) Harold W. Goodman

Rick PGR staff

I would like to do a shout out for all your work, everything appears to be working now, Nice job

James Berlin Hoover

James Berlin Hoover
Thank you, thank you, thank you for the service you provided for my father-in-law. You gave a decorated war hero, veteran, father and friend an opportunity take his last motorcycle ride alongside fellow veterans. When the Patriot Guard arrived with Mr. Hoover’s cremains I could picture him smiling from ear-to-ear. We could not have imagined a better service and the Patriot Guard was a big part of what made it so amazing. Thank you again.

Matt Kern

Cindy Livingston

I just wanted to Thank the St Louis Metro PGR for their support of our mission to bring our Sister Cindy back to Springfield MO. It was an honor.

Charles Raymond Hall

A great big hug and thank you, for escorting , carrying and presentation. Chuck(Charles) would have been so excited and humbled to have motor cycles riding with him on his final ride. I can never say thank you all enough for this gester and kindness.

Louis J VanderPlaats

I wish to thank-you so much for attending my husbands funeral and honoring him with the flags, 21 gun salute and the respect they showed.
You will never know how much it meant to me and my family.

Air Force Colonel Victor D. Rossi

To Ride Captain Dan Parnell,

The family of Air Force Colonel Victor D. Rossi wishes to thank you and the entire Patriot Guard Riders for honoring him and escorting his procession to his final resting place at Jefferson Barracks on 04MAR19. The pride we felt to witness all of you pay respect to him was overwhelming. I know Colonel Rossi felt the same pride and honor as did his family and friends.

Please know the certificate and written condolences booklet that you presented to me will be kept with pride and handed down to his family, thank you.

With eternal gratitude,

Mrs. Victor D. Rossi

Nannie “Nan” Maddox

To ALL PGRs that attended visitation and funeral service for 2nd Lt Nannie “Nan” Maddox … THANK YOU for ALL the services, prayers and fellowship you’ve provided yesterday and today.
Words can’t express what your being there for Nan’s final journey has meant to Nancy, myself and all Nan’s friends.
May God bless and keep each of you forever close to HIS heart. ❤️?

SGT Donal W. Bunn

I just wanted to express my appreciation and greatest respects for the Ohio State Patriot Guard Riders that were present for Donnie’s Memorial Service. The patriotism and dedication of the men who were present during Donnie’s service were incredibly professional and devoted to ensuring that Donnie was honored and given the respect that he ultimately deserves! I cannot express in words how appreciative everyone was of these consummate professionals. From family, friends, Veterans and current service members who knew Donnie and were able to attend, everyone was virtually speechless and honored that they could be there! This Veteran highly commends all the men from the Ohio Chapter that were present!

Thank You.

With much love and respect.

Andrew Weist
US. Army

CDR Beth E. Patridge, USN, Ret

I cannot thank everyone enough for their service in this mission honoring a long time friend and shipmate. When I contacted PGR I wasn’t sure if there was time enough to make this happen. THEN, on a cold and snowy day, the dedicated group showed up, honored Beth and those who attended her funeral by standing guard both at the funeral home, during the ride to Arlington, and then at Arlington itself. Everyone who attended was both touched and impressed by the care and professionalism of the PGR. I have a picture which I’d like to send…but not sure how to do that. I’m thinking via email to the Captain of the PGR for Virginia? Please advise.

PGR will ALWAYS have my utmost respect–everyone who attended could not agree more. Her brother was so touched by their service during this mission. Thank you ALL for YOUR service in this vital way for those who have left us. May your path be blessed and protected…forever.

Marshall Elbert Wyrick, Mountain Home, AR

What a moving sight to see you riding in to attend my brother’s funeral on February 27! I deeply appreciate your presence that day. It was comforting, respectful and a wonderful tribute to him and his service to his country.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Andrea Kanuth

Edith R Hart Funeral date 2/14/19

The family of Edith R. Hart would like to thank the Patriot Guard riders for the amazing honor to our mother. Your presence at the funeral home, the escort and at the cemetery was a great comfort to us and reminded us that mom’s family was much bigger than she knew. Thank you for treating our family as your own. With deepest thanks, Ede King, Adrienne Miller and Richard Hart Jr. and families.

James Macpherson

The Holderbaum & Macpherson families want to send a big thank you for your caring,loving, thoughtful & amazing contribution & service you did for our dad. It truly touched our hearts to see the wonderful ways in which you acknowledged our father. It meant so much to all of us!!! Everyone was asking about it afterwards so we spread the word about you guys for the wonderful things you did, GOD bless all of you!!!! Kathy Holderbaum

MG Bill C. Branson

We appreciate the support shown, and kind words of condolences offered, to our family during our time of sorrow.
Bill was fortunate to have two careers he loved, and even more fortunate to meet so many wonderful people through both of them.
Bill was a true patriot and greatly respected your organization and its mission. He was very proud of the Patriot Guard, and it’s participation in numerous burials for our homeless veterans.
Thank you for giving him a “Patriot Guard” send off.
Juanita Branson and Family

Claude Whitford Chavis, Jr. 02/02/2019

My local contact person was Tommy Jones who was of the greatest help in getting everything set up. The location was in an extremely rural area of South Carolina and we weren’t sure how this would turn out. The services that the Patriot Guard provide is not well known in the area so we were not sure how many would show. Everything went great and my nieces were very thankful for the honor they bestowed on their father and my brother. Thank you so much for making a difficult day a blessing.

Theresa Chavis Edwards

Chadwick Lee Buchanan

We thank you so very much for bringing at our sons celebration of life service. It was an honor to have you their. Your presence meant everything to us. Again, thank you so much for your service.
I wanted to mail you a thank you but couldn’t find an address.
Judy Buchanan

Daniel T. Seip, Jr. Funeral Service

On behalf of my family, please accept our sincere thanks to those who stood the flag line and paid respects to our father, Daniel T. Seip, Jr., on Saturday, January 26. We are grateful to those who stood out in the cold to honor our father who was a Naval veteran. Your presence at his service added an additional level of respect and honor to a proud veteran. Thank you for standing the flag line and for your service to our great nation.

I just saw “Last Defence”

I just saw “Last Defence” season 1 episode 1 on NRA TV where your group is highlighted for your service to our fallen troops. I just want to say thank you for all your group has done to honor our troops and their families in their time of need. WELL DONE!!!

Harold P. Schwerdt

It is with deep gratitude to write you. Your presence at Harold Schwerdt’s wake and funeral, your respect and honor – touched my family. The Patriot Guard Riders were a beautiful guide as we prepared to lay Pop to his final resting place. Thank you for standing beside our family, and our Harold, during this difficult time. He was a true patriot, and it was wonderful to see such support.


the Family of Harold P. Schwerdt

James duty funeral

My family would like to thank everyone who showed up and honored my father and my family. We were so proud to have the PGR stand with us at this very difficult time, my dad would have been so proud to know he was shown such respect and honor. Again thank you from the bottom of our hearts

Louis W Reese

On behalf of my family I would like to thank all of the patriot riders who came out today for my grandfather funeral. All of the men and women who attended, it touched our hearts it was the most beautiful funeral I have ever seen. Special thanks to the Ride Captin Mr. Johnson, Thomas for being so kind and patient working with my family and listening to me during this hard time from the passing of my grandfather. The patriot riders truly made his final goodbye absolutely beautiful.
Thank you.


Brigadier General (Ret) Donald Ray Crutcher

The family would like to express our sincere thank you and appreciation to the Patriot Guard volunteers. Thank you to those who attended the visitation, who stood guard at the door with the flags at the visitation as well as those who rode their motorcycles to lead the procession on a very cold afternoon. My father-in-law would have been humbled by the attention as he always told us, “don’t make a fuss over me when I die.” This is a wonderful group of volunteers. Thank you again.

Donald Ray Crutcher funeral

Just wanted to express our appreciation for your support during the services for my husband’s uncle. He would have felt honored for your dedication and presence, very much a mirror of his own personal beliefs.

Don T Harris

Thank you for honoring my father-in-law, Major (ret) Don T Harris, at his visitation and funeral. Major Harris was always a Marine. Your support was a great visualization of the “Band of Brothers” to which we are members. A Band that crosses conflicts and service. Don was “Always Faithful” to his nation, the Marines, and his family. Thank you for being faithful to him.

Michael Brewer

William Facey

I want to thank Cleet and all of the dozen men who participated in my husband’s burial service at Georgia National Cemetery on November 26, 2018. Your presence was such a special part of the ceremony, providing additional honor and dignity for my husband. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I appreciate all of you and everything you did to make that day memorable in every good way. God bless you for your selfless service.

Joseph Peinkofer

The sight of the Patriot Guard at my dad’s funeral October 22nd was the most touching moment. My dad was a proud Veteran and we are very proud of him. My family including my mom wants to thank each and every Veteran that honored my dad and our country. I will never forget it.
It has been my pleasure to be a nurse at our local VA for over 25 years and my gratitude for your generosity of time and respect could never be repaid.
Sincerely. The Peinkofer Family

Donald L Edison

Thank you so much for your presence at our fathers funeral in Sioux Falls SD on December 21, 2018. It made his service so special and would have meant the world to him if he could have seen it! It sure meant a lot to us, his children! Thank you!

David Patrick Comeau

From our family to ours,
A heartfelt thank you for honoring our brother at his memorial service. Thank you all for what you do.
Katie Cobb

Robert S “Rocky” Hicks

The honor you gave my husband on March 9, 2018 as the Patriot Guard Riders of North Texas escorted his casket from Colleyville, Texas to the DFW National Cemetery will be a memory that my boys, my family and I will forever have etched on our hearts.
You all took him on that long ride home to his final resting place with such honor and dignity and when there were no pallbearers present for his casket, all of you became family as you became his pallbearers.
Thank you for giving our Rocky, a heroes farewell, we are eternally grateful for your hard work, kindness and honor.

MSG Robert Hicks Jr

It has been almost 10 months since my husband’s funeral and I am ashamed that I never thanked all of you.
You honored MSG Robert Hicks Jr on March 9, 2018 with a long ride from Bluebonnet Hills in Colleyville to DFW National Cemetery.
That precious memory will be forever etched in our hearts of the Patriot Guard Riders, escorting my husband’s casket for his final ride home.
I thank you with everything I have, for the honor you gave our hero and his family.
May the Lord bless you and keep all of the Patriot Guard Riders safe forever.

Love, The Hicks Family

Luther Max Upchurch

What a beautiful tribute to our 94 year old dad, Air Force, at his funeral in Shreveport, LA. Yesterday. GOD Bless.

MSG Deral B. Casteel

The family of MSG Deral B. Casteel would like to thank you for being there. You honored us and D. B. We would also like to thank you for the beautiful plaque. At the cemetery when I looked up and saw the line of Patriots I was very deeply moved.

Robert Heesch

Our family was very honored and appreciated having the honor guards at my father’s funeral. You guys were wonderful, holding the doors open for us, and putting up the flag display as well as taking them to the cemetery as well. You guys were very very respectful to everybody and again we Thank you.
The Heesch Family

Randall Marriott’s funereal


My husband Randall L. Marriott passed away on May 3rd and we had the serve for him on May 11th. We live in Chandler, Arizona. Your organization had 4 gentlemen came to the service and escorted my husband to National Cemetery in Phoenix. My family will thank them forever for their kindness, care, respect and love they showed to my husband and our family. Thank you for your support! It meant so much to us! We will always support you too!


Kolby Ryan Aud

We want to express our thanks from the bottom of our hearts for your participation, and offering of protection during Kolby’s funeral. We were overwhelmed by the kindness of those who attended, and reminded of the goodwill still present in our world. His funeral was held in Broken Arrow on August 25th. Sorry for the delay in recognizing your deeds!
Cary and Rhonda Aud

Lt. Col. Alfred R. Peters

Our family cannot Thank you All enough—You made our day so Beautiful–so memorable.-Just AWESOME-You are a Blessing from GOD above. May he always give you his Blessings for the wonderful things you are doing to make people’s lives so enjoyable (happy). I feel so Blessed having you at my husband’s Military funeral. Thank you ever so much. Sincerely with love, Mrs. Jeannine M. Peters of Warsaw, Mo.—Our Special Day was Thursday Nov. 29th. 2018-I will never forget the JOY you brought to me that very Special Day. Thank you again, etc. etc. etc.

Charles B. Young

Our a family wants to thank you for this wonderful tribute! It was truly beautiful! They were so kind and thoughtful and respectful. My husband would have been so proud! VETERANS honoring VETERANS. Thank you!

Funeral service for father on Nov. 16, 2018

To Whom It May Concern;

Hello. My name is Jeanelle Cesena and I believe your riders provided service at my father’s funeral at St. Mark’s Catholic parish in Independence, MO on November 16, 2018. My father, Roy J. Mitchell was a Korean vet and my family was very grateful for the service at the burial service. I failed to ask several of the riders for their contact information but it appears your riders may have assisted at my father’s service. And if so, I am very grateful for your service in supporting my mother during a difficult time. Thank you and God bless you all.
Jeanelle Cesena

While at Operation Handshake today

While at Operation Handshake today at the Grand Rapids Airport, a lady came up to me to say thank you so much for the greeting with the flags. She just became an American citizen last week & this was so meaningful to her. Thank you for all you do!!

Sgt Eugene Mc Bride

It is with heartfelt gratitude that the family of Sgt Eugene McBride offers thanks for the Patriot Guard’s presence before and during the funeral of our brother/uncle. After 73 years, this fallen soldier was brought home and buried without incident. The respect, dignity, protection during extreme cold and windy weather was greatly appreciated. There is nothing more moving than a military funeral and in this case, no one from the military knew Gene. Although gone 73 years, his family in arms came out to say goodbye and honor his service. God Bless the Patriot Guards, the military, and our country!

Vincent Schramm Funeral

I want to thank the Men & Women who take the time to say goodbye to a Veteran. It was so very touching for the PGR to attend my Dad’s funeral this week. Our hearts are broken not having him here on earth with us right now but we have been touched by all the kindness in our world during this time. We are grateful to you all who continue to support our MILITARY…God speed & God Bless you!

Scott A. Wainwright

Thank You, Thank You fro the bottom of heart. Your presence at my sons funeral made him proud. The honor and respect these men and women showed my son cannot be put in words.

Katherine V. McCann

Jacqueline Kulp (Patriot Rider ) rode with Patriot Riders at her mother’s funeral. I feel honored to know my sister in law rode in this event to honor her mother, a great lady and veteran, Katherine V. McCann. It will soon be a year since this going home service. November 29, 2017 in Inverness, FLA. The service of the Patriot Guard Riders is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Andrew Akio Hiye

The Riders came to my dad’s services at Fort Bliss National Cemetery and I wanted to thank each and everyone of the riders for attending and honoring him. It was so touching and I know my dad was smiling in heaven. The service you provide cannot be matched by any organization. Our family cannot say thank you enough.

Much love,
Peggy Semko

Demax P. Dewees

My dad, Demax Dewees, age 91 was laid to rest yesterday. We invited the PGR to attend just two days before, and didn’t think they’d be able to attend on such short notice. We were wrong. They started showing up outside the chapel just before the service. When we exited the chapel, a flag line was waiting for my dad outside. My family was overwhelmed by the love we were shown by these men and women, VOLUNTEERS- who had been complete strangers to us. The number of guards actually outnumbered the funeral attendees.The only way I can describe the experience is to say “taken care of”. The moment they arrived, they sort of took over, in the best possible way. From organizing the drive to the cemetery, receiving us there, and the honor and respect they showed for my dad- truly overwhelming. The PGRs mission is to honor our country’s veterans, and they did so, beautifully. But they did so much more than that. Years from now, when I think back to the day we buried my dad, I won’t remember the sadness. I will remember the love shown to my family, and respect they showed for my dad, my hero. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Patriot Guard Riders.

Charles Kibler Funeral

Dear Patriot Guard Riders,

I wanted to send a note to say thank you so much for serving at my father’s, Charles Kibler, funeral. My father was both a proud veteran and a proud rider. I know having you there made him smile down from above and my family and I were very proud to have you there. Thank you for not only serving, but also for presenting my mother with the plaque and the flag.

Elizabeth Spark

Riverside Club Veterans Celebration

We were so honored and blessed to have 3 of your Patriot Guard Riders provide their services for our community Veterans Day Event.
In addition to being part of the program they also lead our golf cart parade. We are so grateful.
Carole & Dieter Zoellner
Riverside Veterans Group

Major Gerald French USAF Ret

Thanks to both the East Texas PGR and DFW PGR for honoring my father-in-law at his services at Gipson’s in Lufkin and the DFW National Cemetery.

On behalf of the family. Thanks for being there and the wonderful honor you gave him and us.

Armando Martinez burial Leander Texas October 27, 2018

I can never “Thank” the 18 riders that attended my husbands burial service at the Bagdad Cemetery on Saturday October 27,2018. May God bless you all ! Your presence was a great honor to my husband and the family. I am so proud of his 20 years service in the United States Air Force. You beautiful people and the team from Lackland AFB made our whole day filled with love and pride a little more bearable. Again “Thanks to you all”
a very proud wife of Armando Martinez
Madonna Martinez


Today in Government class we got into a discussion and learned of the Westboro Baptist Church and their protesting at the funerals of our fallen heroes. I was disgusted, then we learned of the patriot riders. My emotions almost overtook me in the gratefulness and love I have for each and every rider. I appreciate with my full heart what the riders stand for and do to respect the amazing men and women who give their life in service of our country and us as people. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart I thank you so very much.

Edward Sieradzki

There are no true words to express my most sincere thankfulness for Captain Vito and the team of Riders that came to stand guard over my father-in-law and our family on October 29th, 2018. My father-in-law fought in WWII, suffered frostbite in Belgium and after he healed he was assigned to a Bomber squad. While in the service, his mother passed away and he did not get home to attend her funeral. I did not know (really know one knew) what he suffered through, until 4 years ago when he finally shared with me some of his experiences – and made me promise never to tell his wife! It was at that point that I started doing research and learned of all of the medals he had received. I also learned that his records (along with 16-18 MILLION other Veterans) were destroyed during the fire on July 12th, 1973 in Missouri. As I continued my research to try and get everything correct, it was then that Ed told me “I went down to the VA once to see what they could do for me, they turned me away since they had no record of me and I never went back”. This broke my heart. When I learned of the Patriot Guard Riders and what they did to honor our men and women in the services, I immediately contacted them, thinking that they too would turn him away since the only records we had were all Ed’s original documents. I thought that with all this man did for his country and how he lived his life, damn it, this man deserved some recognition for his service. Well God put me in my place that day. Captain Vito called me back almost immediately after I contacted them and explained what the Patriot Guard Riders do and what they are all about. On October 29, 2018 as we pulled into the cemetary to put Ed in his final resting place with his wife of 71 years, there they were…Guarding Ed and Marge’s crypt. Proudly and respectfully holding their flags. I immediately broke down in tears as finally, Ed was being honored like we all knew that he should. Thank you so much to Captain Vito, his team of riders and the entire Patriot Guard Riders Volunteer group. Your presence on our day of sorrow made all of the difference in the world! I know that Ed was saluting you all from heaven and smiling down on you! God Bless You All!!

Medical Lake interment, Sept 2018

I want to thank you for your participation in the interment ceremony on Sept 13, 2018. I participated by reading a poem I wrote for the ceremony and felt deeply honored to be asked to do so. As a Veteran, I thank your organization for what you do for these Forgotten Warriors.

Owen D. Boyce

Upstate New York Patriot Guard stood for my son SSG Derek J. Farley in August 2010. Your group has now stood for my Father Owen D. Boyce. I thank you for your time, honor and patriotism shown to my loved ones. March on.
Carrie A Farley
Proud Mother of SSG Derek J Farley
American Gold Star Mother, Albany New York Chapter #11

LCpl Keanon Brooks 9/7/18

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming to pay tribute to my son Keanon Brooks in Jacksonville North Carolina on September 7, 2018
It meant the world to have your group show up and ride through the streets to New River Air Base for him, I just wished I could have thanked you all in person that day, but the emotions of losing my 21 year son was just too overwhelming. I thank you and appreciate all you do. GOD bless you all and be safe out there

Donald Edward Perkins US Navy Korean war

You were there for my mom 6 years ago, and now my dad. Thank you for showing these men and women the respect they deserve. You did my parents proud. God bring blessings upon you all.

LCpl Keanon Brooks 9/7/18

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming to pay tribute to my son Keanon Brooks in Jacksonville North Carolina on September 7, 2018
It meant the world to have your group show up and ride through the streets to New River Air Base for him, I just wished I could have thanked you all in person that day, but the emotions of losing my 21 year son was just too overwhelming. I thank you and appreciate all you do. GOD bless you all and be safe out there

Paul Brent Thibodeaux

Thank you so much for bringing the Flags to my husband’s funeral. It meant a lot to me. They were Beautiful.

Gregorio Oscar Perez Funeral

I just wanted to give my sincere thanks to the Patriot Guard riders that assisted with my dads funeral on Thursday 10-5-18 in Lubbock & Petersburg Texas. My dad was a retried 82nd Airborne Special Forces vet who served for 22 years! Thank you so very much!

Robert Lundberg funeral 9/22/18

On behalf of my family I would like to thank Lenny for attending my dad’s funeral in Eaton Rapids, Mi on 9/22/18. Pulling into the funeral home and seeing the flags was beyond moving. Having Lenny at the door to greet and watch over us was incredibly comforting. When he made the plaque presentation to my Mom there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. Your organization is amazing and made a painful day a little more tolerable. On behalf of the family of Robert Lundberg, I thank you all.

Warmest Regards,
Raquel Johnson

Kenneth Raymond Howey

Much thanks to the Patriot Guard for showing dignity and respect to my father, Kenneth Howey. Thank you for your continued service to veterans and their families. Our family was impacted by the honor shown at the funeral home, ride to Florida National Cemetery, and at the service on September 24, 2018.

David Fischer Procession

Thank you very much in assisting our team with the events of the Line of Duty Death (LODD) of Assistant Chief David Fischer of Sturgis, S.D. Dave was also a member of the SD National Guard’s Civil Support Team. God Bless

Casey Warren
Coordinator, SD-LAST (Sturgis)

Andrew Gale Thomson

Having the PGR escort our father and stand for him at his final service was the most amazing and touching event in our lives. I can’t begin to thank the members for their quick response on such short notice and their reverent and honorable manner that each one displayed will never be forgotten. Your organization and it’s members can call on this family and know we will be at your aide and on your side for any one of you.
Anytime, Anyplace.

Jackie Bozeman

I want to thank the PGR for honoring Jackie Bozeman. He would have loved all the bikes and friends. I cannot express my gratitude enough for the men and women who took the time to show such honor to a true American and Vietnam Veteran. Our family will always be grateful for your presence on this day. Thanks to each of you for being ther for him.

Sean C Smith

On behalf of the entire family, I would like to extend my most sincere gratitude for your presence at my father’s funeral services. Dario Bell was extremely sensitive and considerate to my situation and worked to make your mission happen in a manner that provided me with the utmost confidence and reassurance. The professionalism displayed by the PGR was beyond impeccable and impressive.

Thank you doesn’t seem like enough..
Much love and respect to you all…
Tracy Cain

Allen Davis

Thank you very much for honoring my father at his services. What you do is very special and I have enjoyed sharing the stories of what you did for him and us. Special call out to Bryan Cook and Mike Green. My girls very much enjoyed talking to you, and I think it eased their sadness. My sister thanks as well, she was also very honored.

Terri Oyler

You guys. Patriots guard.

Thank you guys . your real true Americans . I pray you guys are there when I decease.

Lloyd “Roger” Ruhnke

We would like to thank you for your wonderful tribute to our father and grandfather on July 14th. It was beautiful the morning of his funeral, including seeing the Patriot Guard Riders standing tall and then escorting him to his final resting place. He was a proud veteran and farmer who loved his country dearly. Thank you again for your time and for being there, it meant so much to our family. -The Ruhnke Family

Emmery G. Eastman

I want to thank the men of the Arkansas Patriot Guard Riders for coming to escort my father, MSGT (Retired) Emmery G. Eastman, on August 31,2018 in Clinton, Arkansas.
The ride captain,Richard Gentry, and the other men left their own families on a holiday weekend to escort and honor him.
The respect and kindness shown our family by these gentlemen meant a lot.
The plaque presented from the Patriot Guard Riders brought my sister to tears.

LCpl Chase Smith

I wanted to personally thank each of you on behalf of the Smith Family in Childersburg, AL. You will never know how much you mean to our family. The support you showed on September 10 to our Marine was incredible. We appreciate the dedication you have to our country. LCpl Chase Smith was only 24 years old and will be deeply missed. Each of you helped us celebrate his life in the most amazing way. We cannot make you understand how much we appreciate each of you. We will pray that God blesses you and your family the same way you blessed our family. Thank you again for your support in this tragic event.

I am a proud Sons

I am a proud Sons of Amvets Rider, and I want you all to know that I absolutely LOVE what you do, and stand for!!! If ever any of you guys are in MI, and need assistance, look me up at Post #29, Mt. Clemons MI. I go by, Blue. Be well.

M/Sgt Paul R. Seavy, Sr. USMC

Thank you so much for the guard that you provided for my husband, M/Sgt Paul R. Seavy, Sr. USMC, in Clayton, NJ on August 18, 2018. It was an impressive service and a fitting farewell. My husband would have loved it!

Charles Olsson Sarasota National Cemetery 3/11/18

I wanted to take the time to thank all of you for attending my father’s service. It truly was an honor to have you there and it made the day special. My dad was a very proud Army veteran, he wore his dog tags with honor til the day he passed. It would have made him truly happy to know that he had a service with full military honors. He now stands down and leaves you to take the watch. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
Tracy Toth

Bobby L Fincher

I wanted to thank all those who stood so proudly at my husband’s service yesterday. Papa Milt’s kindness was so appreciated as was the gentleman who presented the Guard’s coin to me.
That was a wonderful surprise.
Thank you all so very much. You made the service extra special.
Janyce L Fincher

Larry D MacTavish

I would just like to thank you guys for taking the time to do what you do not only just for my dad this past Saturday in Red Lion Pa, but for all of the American heroes.

I do have to say i wasn’t involved any any of the efforts of organizing his funeral service and I’m kind of embarrassed that we weren’t able to even provide cold water for you. For that I apologize and I’m truly sorry.
Thanks again for what you great people do.

Doug MacTavish

Curtis James Stewart

We would like to thank you so much for your services today at my Grandfather’s funeral. My Grandfather served in the Navy and it was a huge part of his life. I do not know the names of the riders that led our procession today, but I can’t tell you how much we appreciate what they did. The flags flying from the motorcycles made us feel so proud of the life and service of my Grandfather. I did not know about the PGR service until my uncle told us of it, I am so glad he did. Thank you so much for what you do, it means more than you can ever know. We will be leaving a donation for your organization to show our gratitude.
Thank you so much!
Karen Hollar (Granddaughter)
Katie Bettencourt (Daughter)

Harry Corbin

Thank you for the tribute to my Dad, Harry Corbin, at his funeral on July 19th. My Dad was a 96-year-old World War II veteran. He loved this Country and was so proud that he served in WWII. He was also a motorcycle enthusiast. It was such an honor to have the Patriot Guard Riders escort him on his final ride. It was breathtaking to witness and humbling to see so many men and women give their time to honor my Dad. Many, many thanks from my family.

Alfred L Groom Honor Mission 7-12-18 7-13-18

Hello Patriot Guard Riders *District 6 Massillon, Ohio
Ride Captain* Ralph Olbon
Pat O’Connor OH PG D6 Captain
John Bowman
Jim Meyers
Ohio Assistant State Captain Mike Hamilton
Gary Knight OH PG District 2 Captain
Chaplain2 Ralph W. Olbon RC Dist 6
Edwina Campbell, Secretary Ohio Patriot Guard
I waited a while to pondered what to say to all involved in the Honor Mission for my husband, BTFN Alfred L. Groom, USN – Vietnam Massillon, Ohio 07-12-18 Resting 07-13-18 Rosehill Cemetery, Military Section. It will be 14 days tomorrow that my husband passed; 16 days since I first met each of you in the 6th District Ohio Patriot Guard. I personally showed my gratitude to each of you on both days of real agony for myself and family. I introduced myself, shaking each of your hands, and hugging each of you; very gracious that you showed my Veteran honor. My husband is My Hero. He suffered the whole time that I knew him. We never could figure out what was wrong, until what my husband succumbed to raised it’s head, which was 100% service related, Multiple Myeloma or Agent Orange as most Vietnam Veterans call it. It is an incurable disease, that chemotherapy would be endless with no remission ever. He suffered so; I pray he is the last Veteran to have to fight this horrendous, horrid sentence. He was a wonderful person, that no matter what he felt like, you would have not known he was terminally ill. He never complained. My hero, lost his father at the age of 9. When he applied for all branches of service, was denied, due to a very small leg, by contracting polio when he was 16. He never gave up and was thrilled that he made it through the admission deep water test that he had to pass to get into the USN. The USN was his last hope, and he served proudly. He was 16 years my senior, yet he was, oh just a bright loving good soul, husband, dad and soldier. His hospice nurses came to say goodbye to their soldier patient. He was just that way. A good guy who people grew to love. This is very unlike nurses to get attached that way to their patient, but that is a testimony in itself of what a wonderful person he was. He was very proud of our son, who served in OEF and OIF. Military soldiers are dominant in our family. To see your group of guys, standing to give him honor, I really am at lost for words to express what it meant to each of us, his family. I can only cry, tears of heartfelt gratitude to each of you. I could never have given him the Military Honors send off, he so deserved without your organization. Thank you for honoring him, for the presentation and sending the beautiful engraved plaque dedicated to his memory. Your presence is priceless and forever etched in my families hearts.
In fondest memory of BTFN Alfred L. Groom USN Vietnam Veteran, we say, God Bless each of you.
Patty Groom and Family
Massillon, Oh 44646

Colleen Ritchie

Your organization has given our family great peace and comfort with your presence and participation in honoring our fathers life and service to this great country. Our most heartfelt thanks. We know how proud our dad would be at the most honored farewell he never would have imagined in life.
Sincerely, The Family of Sgt William D Ritchie.

Gerald Sell

Thank you for going above the call of duty in escorting Mr Sell’ s procession on a nearly 5 hour trip from Boonville, Mo to central Illinois. Special thanks to Dave Wallingford for acting as ride captain for organizing the route picking up many more riders at each stop. Truly an amazing honor and tribute to Mr Sell and his family.
In Friendship,
Vernon Yager
Markland Yager Funeral Home
New Franklin, Mo.

James Marshall White

We would like to thank the following riders : Roy Hankinson, Bill Gardner, Dan Johnson, William Bayes, Billy Hurt and Bill Strasburg.
We so appreciate your escort and attendance at our father’s service on Thursday, June 21, 2018. We were all very touched by your presence and our dad would have been so proud. We also received a plaque from the group which we will treasure. Our dad served in WWII and was so very proud to have served his country. You all are part of a wonderful organization and we appreciate what you do so very much.
Family of James Marshall White

Donald Ray Meadows

I wanted to send you a thank you card but I could not find an address. I want to thank the Patriots Guard for coming out to honor my husband, Donald Meadows on 06/02/2018 at White Chapel Funeral Home in Gladstone, MO. It meant a lot to me and my family. Thank you for all that you do. It was so much appreciated!!


Sherri Meadows

Harlan Johnson

Driving west on a Thursday evening could have been slow, so I drove the backroads the entire way from Shakopee to St Michael tonight. It was a beautiful evening for a drive through the country. In the small town of Fletcher, I saw a group of Patriot Guard Riders on their Harleys as they approached the four-way stop sign Testimonials – Patriot Guard Riders (1) from my right. I motioned all of them through as they approached turning left, while giving them waves and thumbs up. Then I heard one fella say loudly, “SHE knows!” Honestly, I recognized a couple of the riders from my husband‘s (Harlan Johnson) funeral!! Then I started to cry! Happy tears! It was a great day! Thanks for making it special by crossing my path today – and for being at my husband’s funeral on 6/7/14. I hope you all feel huge appreciation for being there for the soldier and their family. I know Harlan was very proud of his 33 years of service and your utmost respect for him was so very special. Now I get emotional when I hear about or see the Riders, as I know another soldier, widow and family is going to experience your support and warm presence!! Testimonials – Patriot Guard Riders (2)Testimonials – Patriot Guard Riders (3)Testimonials – Patriot Guard Riders (4)

William C. Lucas, Jr. Cdr USN, USNR Retired

Thank you so much for riding yesterday, honoring my husband, on July 3, 2018 at Georgia National Cemetery, Canton, GA.
He was so proud of serving in the United States Navy, and for our great United States of America.
He had on his Navy uniform blues, in a Navy casket, and then honored by the riders who took the time to make his last appearance on this earth a better day.
I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Richard C Wear

Thank you Patriot Guard for giving my best friend the send-off he deserved. You are truly the heart of America.

Timothy James Wineland

Thank you so much to the PGR who stood for my friend today. To Rich Vernon, Ride Captain, a very special thank you for putting this together on such short notice. It is always so touching to see the PGR especially knowing that this is truly a mission of the heart. Tim was one of the most patriotic Americans that I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing and was so honored/proud to have served his country. He would have had a smile a mile wide to have seen each of you standing there today.
On behalf of his family, our sincere appreciation for being there today and for all that you do.
Ride safe.

Judy Edwards
Former President of FL Blue Star Moms
Chapter 1 (no longer an active chapter)

Arthur Jeffery Noble

I want to thank the PGR Funeral Escort. My Son’s mission: Arthur Jeffery Noble, June 23rd, Grandview, WA. Our Captain was John Harpe, Yakima, WA We are very pleased with the mission for my Son. Everyone was professional yet showed respect simply by there for us. Thanks & We will not forget our VETS, our Heroes.

Nathan Hazelton

My husband passed away on Memorial Day. He was a 20-year veteran of the Navy. Your group attended his funeral in Georgetown, Texas and burial in Pflugerville, Texas, June 1. It was a glorious sight to see all the flags, the riders, and the honor you brought on my loved one. Thank you for this service. It added a lot to his services, and I really appreciate it.

David Robert Bradley

I wanted to give my thanks for coming out to my Husband’s Funeral on 10/27/2017 at Woods Funeral Home and Shelley Cemetery; both located in Idaho. Those who came made such an impression, not only with my family, but also the Funeral Home and friends that were present.
It is hard enough losing a spouse, but losing a spouse that served his country for 20 years. It is an honor to have your organization present.
Again, thanks for what your organization does, especially in a time of sorrow.

Funeral of Sergeant Major A.G. Wright (Ret.)

Dear Patriot Riders,
It is with sincere gratitude that I express my deep appreciation for your presence and motorcycle escort at my father’s funeral (Sergeant Major A.G. Wright, Ret.) on 19 June 2018 in Sarasota, Florida.

The Patriots contributed beautifully to the ceremony at the National Cemetery by individually saluting my father’s casket and forming a flag line for me to escort my mother through upon completion.

I received many compliments from family and friends about how touching their tribute was, and the entire Wright family is collectively grateful.

Please know that you have my personal gratitude in providing the Sergeant Major a proper and fitting tribute to his service to our Corps and Nation.
Semper Fidelis,
J.A. Wright (Son)
Colonel, U.S. Marines

Clare William Morton

Thanking all who were there honoring Clare on Tuesday June 26th at the Great Lakes National Cemetary…
Your attendance was dignified and beautiful and touched all that were gathered for this wonderful man who loved his country … words cannot express how grateful we are that you there for us .

Sincerely, Roberta and family

Therese Ann Henrion

Thank you and all who rode in honor of my wife on Saturday 23, at St Mark Catholic Church, Norman OK. I had many comments on your professionalism and dedication to those hero’s who have taken their final ride. I wish I had taken down the names of all the riders who escorted my wife on that final day so I could personally thank them. I tried to meet as many as I could that morning however, events kind of over took me and I missed that opportunity. My family read aloud the notes left in the back of the framed Patriot Rider Invocation. God Bless you one and all for all that you do for our hero’s.

Frank Henrion
CMSgt Retired

Joe Kelly Reynolds

My husband was a Captain on Berryhill Fire Department. He passed away on March 13th, 2018. The Patriot Guard came to his memorial service and presented me a plaque. I cannot thank them enough for being there that day. It meant the world to me and my sons.

Kenneth Mac Caraway

I want to thank Beth, our mission coordinator, Billy Morgan, our Ride Captain, and the Patriot Guard Riders from Apple Valley, Ridgecrest, and Tehachapi, California for honoring my brother-in-law at his escort and interment in Bakersfield National Cemetery. I have ridden many missions with the PGR and all are accomplished with great respect and love for the families involved. In this instance, the Caraway family simply could not stop talking about the PGR, their love for Country, the respect demonstrated at the interment, their professionalism and the outpouring of love they provided to our entire family. I am confident my brother in law was looking down from Heaven and would want all to know he is most proud of the riders, the sacrifice they made in some very hot weather, the honor provided to him, and the love and compassion demonstrated to my sister and family. May God Bless all of you and watch over you on every mission. You are doing God’s work on every mission. Semper Fi PGR!!!!


I wanted to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for helping me give my father the best service possible. Thank you.
Karen Hall

Earl Fisher Veteran of the month

Thank you for showing your respect for this WWII Veteran as he was honored as Veteran of the month. We would like to donate for gas or other items so you can continue this wonderful act of kindness and pride.

Ronald L. Harper

My heart sends you all a great big Thank you for making my husband’s burial a proud one. I know he would be smiling with a wonderful escort. He was a huge fan of the flag and you made his trip to the cemetery a proud one for our family. If there is anything I can do for you I will be there. Thank you again and a lot of prayers and love is sent to you all from me and my family.

david mcgill sr

Thank you. You guys were there 5 1/2 yrs ago for David. Thank you again, God bless all of you

carol mcgll at davidmcgillsr@cox.neti

SMSgt. Phillip Pienta Ret.

Back in February, I invited the PGR to my father’s funeral in Niceville, Fl. I have ridden many a mission with the PGR prior. I know it is our honor as members to ride. But know that I am grateful and thankful from the bottom of my heart to have the support of my fellow members. Nothing takes away the loss or the pain, but your presence makes it more bearable.

With respect, thanks and admiration,

David Pienta

John Robert Hamner

To the men and women who showed up with flags and honor for my father, THANK YOU.
MRC Dan Mathys and Darl Easton did an excellent job coordinating the event. The entire family from across the US was impressed and thankful that you were there. Bless you! Jennifer M Smith

John S. Dickson

I wanted to say thank you so much for your services. You helped honor my father and I cannot thank you enough. So many men were there and it was, quite frankly, overwhelming. Thank you for what you did for him and what you do for veterans everywhere.

Wallace Monthie

A personal and heartfelt note of “THANKS” for the flag line and escort services provided at my father’s funeral, Wallace Monthie, on December 31st in Columbus, WI. It was our honor to have our father recognized as a veteran to our country and the freedom of the American people.
Thank you,
The Monthie Family: Thaddeus, Roderick, Garnet and Deborah

Ray Stultz

Our family wishes to thank you, “Patriot Guards,” for being at my dads funeral today. It blesses our hearts and reignites our hope for our beloved country.
We love and appreciate all who serve and have served. God bless your hearts for those who serve. We appreciate and salute you as well.

Dad’s service at West Tn Veterans Cemetery will be January 18th at 10am.

God bless you Patriots!

Much love and admiration,

The family of Ray Stultz


John W. McPherson

Volunteer Representatives of your organization participated in my Father In-Laws funeral yesterday in Cushing / Drumwright, OK.
Their presence at John W. McPherson’s (LTC, USAF Ret) service was very professional and somber. I wanted to extend my thanks for their act of support and respect shown to the family and the wonderful Final respect rendered to my Father In-Law and the family.

Again; Thank You for your continued service to American Veterans.
Ken Charters
1SG / E-8 U.S. Army Ret

David Michael Smith

I am David Michael Smith’s daughter, his funeral was yesterday 2/25/17 in Decatur, AR. I want to thank you for coming to the funeral and everyone one who left messages. The ceremony meant the world to me and my family. My father would be very honored. Thank you all for your service and your family members service.

Deepest Appreciation
Heather R Yoder (Smith)

USMC Staff Sergeant Jonathan Turner

After reading of your organization assisting to transport the cremated remains of USMC Staff Sergeant Jonathan Turner to his home I felt compelled to say Thank You. I have read articles about you for years and just want you to know how much you are appreciated. I’m a 24 year (and counting) police officer in Arizona and we all owe you a great debt of gratitude.

Billy Siders

Dear Patriot Riders.

It has been almost 7 years now since I lost my beloved son and Marine. I have never seen this post or site. I was so comforted by the Riders that day. I have seen a few over the years but I must secure with you, in my heart you will always stay. My son was neither better or more than any one faithful warrior that sets out to protect and embrace the “bigger” picture. Billy of course to me was the Mountain. He is missed daily by us. His smile was bigger than life. His hugs were nothing less than filled with great love. All of you that have served or supported one that serve or served, are loved by me more than you will ever understand. As I watch the country divided and disrespectful on almost every level, my mind is able to embrace some very wonderful riders who stood tall in 20 degree weather. Who stood while the wind was stinging in their faces. My stance is if only our country could embrace such respect. God asked us to lead by example. Billy and many like him, whether male or female, military or otherwise have tried to do so. Our country needs to bring back the RESPECT. May you ride someday in the future with those words screaming from your bikes. BRING BACK THE RESPECT. We are the greatest Nation and to be less is only our failure as a people. ALL my love Patriot Riders!

Nan Siders the ole Billster’s big momma!! 🙂

For All That You Do

I just wanted you all to know that I think what you do is a God-send!!! It’s hard for me to believe that people who say they believe in God will protest an event that should be a time when we all come together and support the family of the fallen soldier. God bless you and thank you for all that you do.

Francisco Rivera, Jr.

I want to thank the Patriot Guard Riders in Riverside, CA for honoring my father and escorting him and our family to his final resting place at the National Cemetery in Riverside. They were amazing. They showed the utmost respect and honor to my father who was a veteran of the war in Vietnam and to his family.


Michelle Bishop
Daughter of LCpl Francisco Rivera, Jr.
United States Marine Corps

Tayler Dillon

I just wanted to thank you all for being there for Tayler Dillon and our family on July 12th.

~ Mari
Tayler’s mom

Norman D. Goetz

I don’t know how but the Patriot Guard Riders popped up in my Google search this morning. I am so glad it did. I know this is late in coming, but we just want to say how grateful we were for your contribution to the funeral and interment of our dad, Norman Goetz last October. Your service to our family was amazing and brought more comfort than we could ever express. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! It was one last way to honor our dad, who was a Korean War Veteran. To those of you who volunteer to ride and escort loved ones, you are serving veteran’s families at a time when they need you the most. We felt your compassion and honor that was his due. Your kindness during this time was very much appreciated. We will look back fondly on your service for the remaining days of our lives. We have told many of the honor that you gave our dad and will continue to do so.

We remain forever grateful!

Rick and Kim Goetz
and the family of Norman D. Goetz

Chadwick Wayne Mcilrath

Good morning friends. My name is Wanda Rowell. I googled my son Chadwick “Chad” Wayne Mcilrath. your website came up and I clicked on it. Before I knew it I was reading all the lovely messages, and tears started flowing . The sweet words of condolences and poems, heart felt words of encouragement . Thank you all so much for this tribute to Chad. He would not have felt worthy of such honor, he was such a humble gentleman, but his mama is so proud of him and thankful for such a blessing by finding this site. Thank you again and I pray for all our service men and their families. Love to you all , Proud mama , Wanda Rowell . God Bless You All .

Sean McIntosh

I am the mother of Sgt Sean McIntosh. I wanted to thank each of you for your love, honor and respect for our son. You have no idea what your participation, your coins and the love and kindness that you gave us meant. We will be forever in your debt. One rider held me and offered me his handkerchief as I sobbed, thank you for your comfort. We will always remember the respect you showed our son.

With love, appreciation and respect,
Susan McIntosh

Louis Gene Miller

I want to thank the Patriot Guard for what they do and what they stand for. I also am a VN Vet, I used to ride a little but no more. Your kindness and the respect that you show for the fallen is a symbol this country really needs right now.

I thank you for what you did for Louis Gene Miller and his wife Marsha and all the rest of his family. It finally is time for the fallen in Nam and every war and the returnees from Nam and every war to be honored they way that they deserved to be honored when we came back and were dishonored for serving in Nam.

I wish I could say or give more than gratitude but that is all I have and I stand and salute the Guard for what they stand for and what they do.

On behalf of myself and all Viet Nam Vets and the Miller family God Bless you and may your rides continue to lead to respect and glory for yourselves and your service then and now.

Al Morris.

Glenn Joseph Jaspers

Dear Patriot Guard;

I thank all of you, especially those who kindly took the time and trouble to attend my fathers’ funeral. I know he would have liked to thank you also.
My thanks to the Honor Guard from Patrick AFB.
And my thanks to kind words from the respondents on your website.

Tod Bless and I wish you safe and open roads.

Bob Golden


I am Bob Golden’s Son in law. I wanted to thank you for everything you did at the service and for my Mother In law. Everyone appreciated it so much and it really meant a lot to us. Thank you so much.

Thank you,
Rick Koster

Charles JL Gallegos

On behalf of my father Charles JL Gallegos and the family, a very huge THANK YOU for the honors you have represented on Feb 20th, 2018 at Fort Logan. What you do is truly amazing and well respected. I could not be more happy to send him off without you’re support.

Charles Walker

I want to say Thank you to all the riders that came out to honor my Father Charles Walker on January 16, 2018 at the Veterans Cemetery in Killeen and at the Funeral Home in Georgetown the next day.
It was an extremely cold day as we laid my Father to rest and to have you all there to pay your respects was very beautiful and was very much appreciated.
I thank you very very much.

Lawrence Rumback

Hello. Recently all of you graciously joined our service in laying Mr Rumback to rest. I made a video and thought you’d like to see it.

Jason Lozano

Donald ‘Chip’ Morrison

Good day – I just wanted to drop a note of thanks for the outstanding job done by the Patriot Guard Riders at the Memorial Services for my brother-in-law, Donald ‘Chip’ Morrison on Wednesday, March 7th at Cavin-Cook Funeral Home in Mooresville, NC. It was short notice and the family asked me to see that Chip received full military honors as I am on the Honor Guard Detail for the Iredell County Marine Corps League. Being Chips brother-in-law as well as a fellow Marine, I was most appreciative of the turnout of Patriot Guard Riders. The family has also expressed the thanks and admiration for the role played by the Patriot Guard. I’ve done memorial and funeral details a number of times with the Patriot Guard Riders but this time meant a lot to me and our family and we wanted to say a special thank you for all you do for the families and for our fallen comrades.

Semper Fi
Rick Saltzgiver
Sgt USMC (Ret)
Iredell County
Marine Corps League
Detachment 1097

Kathryn Close

THANK YOU to the PGR who attended Kathryn Close’s funeral service, Saturday, March 10, 2018 in Vinton. Your presence at the church and at Bear Creek Cemetery was a special tribute to Kathryn and her family. You added much to the whole service.

Frank Van Steenhuyse
Funeral Director
Van Steenhuyse-Russell Funeral Home

Gunnery Sergeant Christopher Brookins USMC

I was looking back on Facebook memories and one made me cry all over again. It was on this day in 2014 that a group from your organization stood in silence at the funeral for my brother Gunnery Sergeant Christopher Brookins USMC as he went On his final mission. It overwhelmed me that a group of men that never knew my brother could pay such honor and reverence to a man they never met. They not only were present at Arlington National Cemetery but they also escorted his body from the funeral home in Tampa Florida to the aircraft at TIA then at Dulles International Airport they met the plane and escorted the body all the way to ANC. I can’t thank you enough and may God watch over all of you and guide you on every mission. I have nothing to offer you accept my complete respect
Sincerely Tim Brookins

John Q Kennedy

My father John Q Kennedy, was honored to have the patriot guard for his visitation, funeral and burial. I wanted to send my thanks from the family to Bruce Holmes, State Captain, along with Betty and Dennis Wright, ride captains. I believe these were the main organizers.

Testimonials – Patriot Guard Riders (2024)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.